
A Precious Blood, A Precious Love

[Warning! Mature Content] A thousand years ago, there was a myth of vampires, werewolves, and witches in New Orleans. Rumor has it that there was a kingdom in New Orleans before, ruled by a powerful bloodline of vampires. Dr. Amanda Sullivan was working at a research laboratory. Her field of study is all about evolutionary biology. But her fate would not change until Klyde Marshall came into her life. Klyde Marshall is a vampire prince who lives to be a thousand years old. Until he met the stunning Dr. Sullivan, who seemed to have something special in her blood. He was intrigued because he had finally found his soulmate, someone who could put an end to his bloodlust. And he will do anything to protect her against their enemies. . . . "Whatever" I replied while I rolled my eyes. But I cannot deny that he's so attractive, especially when he stares at you. I was just composing myself not to fall for his charm. I called his name as he was about to leave. Klyde! Wait! He seemed surprised that I stopped him from leaving. What? Oum...I, whatever. That bloody night, I drew him close and began kissing him.

Angelo_Hullana · 奇幻言情
10 Chs

CHAPTER 06: The Attack

Klyde was hugging me on the balcony. Mom suddenly showed up and started asking me questions like she couldn't hold her horses. I felt embarrassed for Klyde at that moment.

" Okay, Amanda, who is this guy?"

" Is he your boyfriend?"

" When did you guys meet?"

" What's your job, dear?"

" Do you go to the gym?"

" Mom! Stop! " I exclaimed while feeling irritated about her questions.

"Hey, don't yell at me like that. I'm your mother! " She replied.

Okay, mom, Klyde had to leave. He'll talk to you soon. Bye! " I replied back while I grabbed Klyde's hand and we went downstairs. I let him leave the house quickly.

After he left, Mom looked at me with dissatisfaction.

" Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked.

"So, I don't have the right to know who your boyfriend is right now!" She asked.

" Mom! There are too many questions and you're making me feel embarrassed in front of Klyde. " I replied.

While having a conversation with my mom, my brother interrupted our conversation.

" Hey sis! But I like that guy. " I'm okay with him.

Oh!Thanks Aaron. " I replied delightedly.

" I don't like that guy. He seemed so odd and weird." She uttered

" Mom! What are you thinking?He saved Aaron and me from those nasty gangsters! " I replied while feeling irritated by her.

As she was about to let out another word from her mouth, suddenly, my phone rang. I picked up my phone from my pockets and it was Kat who was calling me. I rolled my eyes in front of my mom and went outside to answer the call.

"Hello, Kat? Is everything okay? "

"Yes, everything's okay, Amanda. Will you be able to exchange shifts with Pete this evening? He has some important errands to do. That's why he's not here with us today. "

"Of course, I'll be there this evening or maybe earlier." I replied while looking at my mom, feeling uncomfortable.

" Thank you Amanda, you're the best! See you!" She uttered, then we ended the call.

I told Mom and Aaron to just leave the house because I'd be working late. So, I got dressed and headed to the laboratory.

I saw Kat packing her things and getting ready to go home.

" Hey Kat, are you going home already?" I asked.

" Yes, I need to go home early. It's my little brother's birthday today." She replied with excitement.

"Okay, you take care on your way home." I replied back.

I went inside the lab and I saw the other staff who would be working late like me. I was looking for Miguel, but I couldn't seem to find him.

I called him with his number but he's not picking up the call. I went back to the office to fix some paperwork. In that moment of silence, while I was typing on my computer, suddenly, I heard a scream outside at the back of the building. The staff rushed in to check who was that person. As we all gathered, we witnessed the torn, lifeless body of our staff member. Everyone was shocked, and some were panicking. I was near to seeing the dead body when I saw her name tag. It was Doctor O'Neill, one of the best doctors in town. I was about to puke after I saw her body closely. Some of the staff reported the incident that had happened. But before the police came, I found a few strands of hair on the ground. It looked so different, I quickly took it and put it inside my medical gown before the police arrived. There were reporters and police officers who came to investigate the scene of the crime. One of the reporters interviewed me about what happened. I told them that I heard a scream while I was typing on my computer, and it was around nine o'clock. After the interview, I headed home to take a warm shower. I just can't forget about what happened tonight. That body was torn into pieces by an unknown creature. I was thinking about what happened in my neighborhood. Maybe it has something to do with it. Maybe a werewolf did the attack on Dr. O'Neill. I called Kat to tell her what happened at the laboratory. She was so shocked and couldn't believe it happened. She's asking about who attacked Dr. O'Neill, but I have no idea. She won't believe me if I tell her that it was a werewolf who attacked her. So I just said that I have no idea who it was. I remember the hair strands in my gown's pocket. I took them and put them in a kartell sample bottle. I went downstairs to get a bottle of water, but then I saw my door suddenly open. I took the kitchen knife while my heart was pounding so fast as I got closer to closing the front door. As I reached for the doorknob, Klyde suddenly appeared in front of me.

Oh!Will you stop doing that, Klyde?It's not funny! " I exclaimed, as I was freaked out by his appearance.

He laughed at me teasingly, but I pushed him back while feeling pissed off at him.

I'm sorry Amanda, I thought you were used to it. He replied apologetically.

" Used to it!? "Wow, it's not like I'm a hundred-year old vampire like you."

"Wait, you didn't seem to be okay; are you okay, love?"He asked while I was surprised that he knew I was not okay.

We got inside the house and we sat down on the couch. I explained everything that had happened at the laboratory. I explained that one of our colleagues was attacked by a werewolf, but I'm not sure if it was really a werewolf who killed her. Klyde wondered why there were several werewolf attacks this year. I showed him the sample that I found from Dr. O'Neill's torn body. Klyde smelt the sample while his eyes turned red. I gulped my saliva as his white ivory fangs were showing. He had noticed that I felt intimidated, so he went back to his normal look.

Oh!I'm sorry, Amanda. I was distracted by the scent of these hair strands. It's probably a werewolf, but it's so different. " He explained gently.

"What do you mean it's different?" I asked curiously.

"He's some kind of Alpha of the pack."

" What!? Oh my God! Now I'm more scared. " I exclaimed.

" Please, don't be. I'm here to protect you, Amanda." He replied, then he winked at me seductively.

"Klyde! Stop! We need to get serious about this. I don't want anything to happen like what happened tonight.

He said that the alpha is some kind of hybrid werewolf. Vampires call them a hybrid. They're not the usual werewolf that a human may encounter. They were half werewolves and half vampires. After he told me that, I couldn't believe that there could be more than just a werewolf, which caught my attention because it's my field of study, evolution. But I was so curious about how a hybrid was made, so I asked Klyde about it.

"Klyde, I don't understand how hybrids are made. Don't tell me a vampire and a werewolf fell in love and they have a kid and it's a hybrid. " I asked if I was being sarcastic towards him.

" It could be, but also no." He replied.

" What!? So you mean there's another way to be a hybrid? " I asked curiously.

Yes, vampires who fell in love with werewolves are a common story among the people of New Orleans.But, there's more to that. " He replied.

I was on the edge of my seat, curiously waiting for his explanation about the hybrid.

He told me that there's another way for a vampire or a werewolf to be a hybrid. If there's a powerful witch, then she can do the sacred ritual that a common witch cannot do. This witch must make a deal with the devil in order for the devil to grant her wish. However, if the devil is not persuaded of her reasoning, the witch and the one she is transforming into a hybrid will be sucked into oblivion.But if they succeed, they will become powerful witches and hybrids more powerful than purely born hybrids.

I was speechless about the revelation that he told me. I cannot believe that there's such a thing that exists.

" You look worried?" Klyde asked gently.

" Wait, how do you know I'm worried?" I replied.

"Vampires have strong senses. We can sense what a person is thinking about or feeling." He explained.

"I...I don't know what to think anymore," Klyde said. My eyes saddened.

He pulled my chin closer to him and smiled gently.

"My mind is messed up right now. Everything is happening so quickly. You, the werewolves, the witches, my blood, this silver amulet, and the incident. I don't know! " I exclaimed, feeling really messed up.

He hugged me tight as he rubbed my back softly.

"Don't worry, Amanda. I'm here to protect you. We will get through this together." He replied calmly.

I felt secure with his touch. His warmth radiated all over my body as we cuddled on the couch.

Suddenly, I heard my phone ringing, and it distracted my moment with Klyde.

I took my phone and it was Pete calling.

Hello my dear readers. I'm open to any suggestions and ideas for the novel's improvement. Don't forget to comment and add it to your library.

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