
A Monke's Multiversal Chronicles

Chained before those who made his life a living hell, Ras The 4th, the only survivor of the Monke tribe, is to forever be showcased, humiliated, until his time will eventually come. Will he be able to make his escape, out of this hell hole? To enact his revenge? To slaughter every last one of those filthy vermin? To achieve his goals he must train and get stronger. And get stronger, he will. However, something that will thwart his goals and forever make him a hypocrite happens during his stay in that pain-filled place... Obligatory disclaimer: Every and any characters not created by me aren't mine. The cover is not mine and belongs to its respectful owner, tell me if you want to take it down.

Ritol · 漫画同人
6 Chs

A Monke's Not Hard At All Adventure

After an unknown amount of time my consciousness returned to me, I tried to move but I couldn't move my 'body', hell I didn't even feel it.

I noticed that I was wandering into nothingness, it was completely pitch black, and I couldn't see anything.

Darkness consumed everything in my vision, the concept of time was irrelevant to me for some reason.

An unknown amount of time passed while I did nothing but stare into the void, suddenly I could 'feel' again, my vision began to twist from the pitch black darkness into a strange and unfamiliar forest.

After my vision had readjusted to light I could see that my assumption was wrong. There were only a couple of trees around me, but they were all so strange.

Each one had a thick stem that grew upwards without any leaves, only on it's peak did large leaves sprout, I could also see the silhouette of a fruit up there.

My eyes locked on the tree with curiosity, I walked towards the tree beside me. Trusting my instincts to dodge everything, I didn't care to check my surroundings

As I began to walk towards it, I felt that I wasn't walking on 'solid' ground, but before I could continue any further I tripped and fell on the ground. All that time without a body made me quite clumsy.

While I was falling down towards the ground, I saw that the ground was made of yellow soil, but as fast as my thoughts came to me, they left as my face greeted the 'soil' the moment I felt the 'soil' I realized that it was just sand….

I got my face out of the sand, but now it was everywhere I was covered in sand. The feeling was so uncomfortable that I postponed exploring the unknown trees at a later date.

As my gaze began to shift around curiously, I saw the moon on the ground, it was shining as ever yet I could also see it above me, which led me to realize that the moon below was just water reflecting the moon's light.

I rushed towards the water, after gaining a bit of momentum I jumped towards it with two hands in the air. I felt really excited about the thought of touching water again… the void really changed me.

I hit the water with a splash, it stinged my skin but i didn't care, my hair became wet, while i felt refreshed, the water was cold enough for me to enjoy it, I do admit that it was really cold at first but after spending time in the void I didn't care, feeling something meant that I am alive!

I dove around for a while, but after a few minutes I felt that I was about to run out of breath, so I held my head out of the water.

Now that I felt refreshed and more awake than ever, I looked around my surroundings…. except the strange trees, there was nothing except sand…..

I was stuck here surrounded by sand… what's the use of getting out of that void only to end up in hell? Damn it!

I didn't let this demotivate me, I was gonna survive for all the brothers I lost along the way, i was going to survive for everyone, I will become powerful as the gorillas and as fast as the cheetahs, I will tear down humanity's metal giants with my hands.

I began to hype myself up with monke noises, but for now I need a plan to get out of this hell...

I got out of the water with a determined look, I wore a mad and vivid face, it conveyed my emotions perfectly. I climbed up the strange tree, and I took it's strange fruit… it was solid...

How the fuck am i supposed to eat this shít?! My eyes grew red as my body got stronger, with a swipe of my hand all the fruits fell, I jumped down, not caring for the injuries I just got.

I was livid, I took one fruit in my hands and crushed it. I felt water fly out of it, I realized that there was water inside, instantly I stopped my rampage, realization hit me hard, I can only survive a little without food… but I have a good source of water!

I noticed in my hands that there was some white stuff from the fruit I just crushed. I tried to eat it, honestly it could be poisonous but if this is edible the reward was just too much for me to leave.

I began to chew on it. It was nice, I didn't feel any resistance from my body, so after chewing the food down to small enough pieces, I swallowed them. I waited for a couple of minutes till I was sure that I was all good.

I began to carefully break and eat the remaining fruits. I was able to get full due to the fact that every tree had so many fruits! I drank all the water I could, and took a bath. I abused everything this place had.

I used the leaves of the tree as a giant bag for the fruits, I will never get hungry any time soon. I moved my feet and began to walk on two legs in a random direction, hopefully I'll find a more stable food source than this.




Days passed as I was wandering around, I had almost depleted my food and water supplies, I didn't get a wink of sleep all day long, I was exhausted, my feet were burning from the golden hot sand.

All I want to do is to rest, but I know it would just make me waste all my time and resources needlessly, so I walked and walked till I couldn't even feel my feet. Even when my vision had become blurry a long time ago, I was truly an unstoppable force.

In the hot sun I wandered all day round, then came the icey cold nights. I couldn't take a break, but I didn't falter, yet day after day my determination began to falter…

As the days turned into weeks, my food source began to dwindle, the energy I consumed and gave out did not match but i kept walking, I'd rather die than stop.

As I was approaching my limit, I hit something. I tried to move it, but I couldn't. Its shape indicates what seemed to be a wall, so I rubbed my eyes and looked at the wall in front of me…..

i couldn't believe my eyes, the wall was huge….. finally the unstoppable force met an immovable object. Those were my final thoughts as I passed out from exhaustion.



Well, here you go. Our boy Ras has been reincarnated in the Naruto world.

Why don't you try and guess in what nation he's in? Yeah, I know, it's pretty easy, but hey! I don't really have anything else to say about the chapter…

It has been a few months since I last updated and it will probably be like that until a huge holiday or something, so don't expect regular updates from me, but know that this fic will not be dropped, ever.

Now, I have some stuff to say, just want to point out the fact that every world Ras will visit is an AU. (E/N AU card right at the beginning, author advice 101)

But not the type of AU where there are canon-breaking differences or anything, the plot will mostly stay the same (until mc's interference of course) but I might tweak some things here and there in the future, like for example making Naruto a sad kid ready to be kidnapped and showed lots of love by mc. It's not at all in the case I mess up the timeline or anything, what are you thinking?

Anyways, here is the fic's discord in case you want to discuss the fic, give me ideas and maybe, just maybe, get spoilers:


Edited and proofread by the discord members @shortmotor, @Reticulum and @Glass man, thank you very much guys!

Thank you very much for your support, reader! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, although a bit short. I don't know when will the next chapter be, but do stay tuned as it may pop out soon.

Once again a big thank you to my editors, I love you guys! (no homo)

Ritolcreators' thoughts