
A Lord's Indifference

A man named Blake was questioned by an Mysterious Old Man about reincarnation, upon answering he was suddenly given a ring that was skull-like in details with two horn's on either side and a crimson like glow in it's eye socket, while the old man disappeared the following moment. On a certain night it glowed in red brightly then disappeared in the following moment, while waking up Blake suddenly found himself in another world where magic can control elements to make anything magical happen and superior physical strength that can destroy entire continent's. after knowing that this world had different races such as elves,dwarves,mermaids etc. He found out that he really did transmigrated to another world. thinking of the many mysteries and the chance to obtain power and find entertainment in this Great magical World, He had a huge grin that would make anyone feel uncomfortable. While adventuring he found a weird girl carrying a kid. She always has a cold expression while having a potential that could make even god's spit blood in envy. he can't help but think that by staying with her he can acquire a rival and entertainment at the same time. +notice: -this is my first novel i hope you enjoy it, and please give me suggestions if you have something that could help me make this novel better. -Though The first 20+ chapters are not good, It will get better so please give it a chance. -Please give me a good rating just to show me you support me and also like my novel.

Monarch_novel · 奇幻
49 Chs

A Trapped Vampire

I decided to ignore it for now, and focus on our conversation.

"You look smart," I said with a cold neutral look on my face.

(Oh! Mash~ter! You're making that face again! Kuh~!)


[The System thinks that she is talking about your indifferent/cold look.]

'Hm? But I don't have a cold look...'


[The System also thinks that the host has a cold look.]

'Hm? Looks like I'm slowly changing without me knowing..."

I thought, as I suddenly notice my current mentality.

'Looks like I am changing, though I think that it's currently good. For now, I'll only stick with it, It's not like I can do anything to it anyways.

"What face?" I asked with a curious face while waiting for her reply.

(That Face Kuh~! Your face looks like...? what was that word again? Ah! right Cold Kuh~!) She said while raising her head high, feeling proud of herself.

Watching this I can't help but thought: 'Though she is smart, she is still a kid wanting to be praised.'

'HaHaHa! How cute...'


I patted her head while saying:

"Oh? Looks like you're getting smarter and smarter, Good! HaHaHa! Though you're strong, you also need to be smart in your actions, always remember that." I said as I had a serious look on my face at the last part.

(I will follow your teachings Kuh~!)

"HaHaHa! Good! Now let's find the treasure and continue our journey to the Human Continent!"

(Alright Kuh~!)

As we decided so, We are currently following the map with me at the front while Kereina is following me.

As we entered a secret passage in a wall, Kereina can't help but say telepathically:

(Oh! I didn't know there was a passage here! As expected of mash~ter! To know almost everything!)

As I heard this, I can't help but smile a little and say:

"Of course! I know plenty of things!" I said proudly.

Hearing this the System Can't help but think:

'[But I was the one who found it...]'


'Hm? Why do I feel like I had done something? Maybe It was just my imagination. I thought as I decided to ignore it.

(Mash~ter! Are you sick Kuh~?)

"Don't worry maybe It was just the dust in this place."

(Oh! That's understandable Kuh~!)


As we were chatting we arrived near the treasure chest mark on the map.

As we arrived we would have thought that it was just a regular chest if it weren't for the grey aura surrounding it.

(What's that Kuh~?)

"That's is called a treasure chest, It usually contains treasure or anything important."

(I wonder what's inside it Kuh~!)

We went closer to it, As we were about to open it, We suddenly heard a sound.


Feeling surprised we controlled the mana in the surroundings to create plenty of Javelin and spikes.

As we looked at our back we saw nothing except for rocks and dirt.

'Looks like that sound was from the other side of the path, It might have echoed from there.'

"Kereina, Let's go back and exit this place immediately."

She just nodded while I put the treasure chest on my inventory.

'I wonder what that sound was, I should go take a look, I'm now a tier 8 after all.'

We were now at the Huge door where we had killed the spiders. During this time we heard the 'Ting' sounds a total of 6 times already.

I have discovered that the sound came from the tunnel where the grave with a skull mark was.

'This is getting interesting.' I thought as if I have found a new toy to play with.

Both Kereina and I were supposed to immediately exit this ruin, But I suddenly remembered that I had just reached tier 8 and had a super low chance to meet someone stronger than me.

So I decided to know what is causing that sound.

"Kereina, I will go and investigate what is causing that sound, would you like to come with me?"

(Yes! Mash~ter!)

"Good, now then onward," I said As I raised my hand while pointing to a tunnel.

Seeing her master doing something, Kereina decided to try it too.

(Onwards!) She said while raising her paw to the same tunnel I was pointing at.

'HaHaHa! I'm such a good influence'


While we were heading to the place where the sound is coming from, The closer we got the louder the sound keeps getting.

While walking, I was carefully observing my surroundings, I can see plenty of bones, broken armor, broken weapons, and skulls all over the floor. While magic torches are on the wall lighting everything in our path.

Seeing this I can't help but think:

'This looks fun, I wonder what's on the other side of this tunnel. Based on the map, a grave with a skull on it might mean that someone or something is slumbering here?'

'HeHe! This better be fun or I might just destroy this ruin.' I thought while having an evil smile on my face.

While I thought of these, Kereina was observing me and saw that I smiled when looking at the bones and skull on the ground. She can't help but think:

'Do mash~ter like bones and skulls?'

'Oh! How about I collect some in the future so I can get a head pat from mash~ter!'

Unaware of these, I just kept walking while not knowing that this will cause a massive misunderstanding in the future.

A few minutes later, As we arrived at the place where the sound was coming from, we saw a room with a coffin in the middle.

Inside the coffin was someone trying to push the cover/top of the coffin causing a sound to be formed on its metal handle.

'Well, This is new...' I thought while looking at the coffin shaking.

(Mash~ter! what's that?)

"That's called a coffin, It usually is the place where you put a dead body in," I said not caring if the one inside the coffin will hear me.

(Oh! but, don't you just either leave or eat the bodies of your prey?) She asked innocently.

"Well, Mostly humanoid ones will be put inside of it, It's like a form of respect for them."

(Oh! That's a weird thing to do!)

"HaHaHa! well, It's weird for you but normal for others."

"It's just a matter of culture."

(Mash~ter, I'll just say this, You look kind of scary when you laugh...)