
A Loner's Legacy

Hi readers, I am a new author so please feel free to comment about my work if you are leaving a bad review tell me the points I need to improve so that I can change in the upcoming work English is my second language so I can't say there will be no grammatical error This story starts off at a slow pace but I assure you it's worth your time at the end . MC is not op from the start this story not only focuses on mc but also conspiracies wars and politics That's all about the synopsis thank you

Marimojanai · 奇幻
3 Chs

Chapter 2

" It still scares me haah... how I am going to huu... survive in clestia academy " as he said out of breathlessness from running around his estate . His stats were the worst When yesterday he opened his stat window

Name : Leon Winchester

Rank : E

Age : 16

Title : None

Strength : 12

Agility : 10

Stamina : 11

Magic : 0

Intelligence : 40

Charm : 55

Skills : None

In this world there is no bloodline heritage or skills that are passed on . One can raise their status through achievements even a commoner can become a noble overnight and vice versa . So one has to improve their stats from the beginning in this area the Nobels have the upper hand as they can buy many resources and have a separate training hall and even they can buy skills at a reasonable price . Which is hard for commoners . But still some rose from commoners to noble . So it's not impossible .

And as for comparison of levels . A third rate soldier will have a minimum stats above 20 and charm and intelligence are standard as they cannot be improved . If you have stats above 60 . Here the stats don't mean everything if you have good stats it will only determine how long you can withstand . If you have good skills it will determine how many enemies you can wipe out . Both have their pros and cons so one should try to maintain their stats according to their skills . For example if you have an assassin type of skill and stats of strength at 10 and agility at 50 you can still kill him despite your lack of strength by opening multiple wounds with your agility . So that's the general gist of it

And as for why this guy who is a noble didn't buy a skill because he was not interested in learning any skills at all .

" In clestia they will allow anyone to enter the academy but on their first day a test will be given only if you pass the test you are qualified to enter the academy ". he said . ' So I need to improve my stats before they kick me out of the academy .

" First I need to increase my stats at least by two before leaving the house and second I need to learn some skills first " . decided he went to his father's office . Of course his father was happy as he thought a day would come like this he already bought some skills and showcased him .

' Hmm.. these three skills are really good . The first one is Shadow step a 2- star skill . I can move 10 meters within a blink of an eye and the second one is a swordsman skill Keisha sword arts a 4 - star skill . it's a One hit sword strike skill where you can kill the enemy at their weak point if they are not aware of your skill . both skills are a perfect match for each other . and the other one was a magic type to which I have no aptitude to magic ' . So I decided that I will go with these two .

To learn a skill you need to pick up that card and say learn . The skill will be ingrained in your mind . After picking up I said " Learn " .

" Hmm.. what's happening why can't I learn this skill " I panicked I tried the other skill shadow step and said the same word nothing happened ."Huuu...Father it seems that I can't learn these skills " .

" What are you saying that you can't learn these skills this has never occurred for anyone

throughout the history " . His father said .

Thinking about it he asked his Father . " Dad can you tell me did I have an aptitude for magic " .

" Yes you had an affinity with ice magic " . His father replied

' Now it makes sense as I transmigrated to this world my soul seems to be of the old world where there was no practice of mana . So basically this world is rejecting my entire existence as I am even unable to feel any mana . And now my insight tells me ' .


" No don't worry my child I will see through it what can I do to get you skills . Now go and take some rest " . His father told and he rushed out of his room to meet someone .

When he reached his room he fell on his bed as he was worried about his skill issue . " I thought if I gain some skills and rose at the academy . I can make my parents proud for having me and also to improve my name from a bad guy to good " . ' Now it all seems like a distant dream ' . Thinking that he slept .