
A Giant's New Life

Sealed for so long, the last of the giants decided to reincarnate to the surface. Whether to see the world or avenge his long lost friend, he's about to embark on a journey he never had before.

James_Marcher · 奇幻
20 Chs

Chapter 19: The King's Inquiry

King Roy decided to go to Theo. He needs the answers to finalize his thoughts. Depending on Theo's answers, he may or may not be out of suspicion.

Theo was chopping wood at the time when King Roy arrived. He was startled at first but he knew King Roy wouldn't mind his delayed greetings.

"Your majesty, welcome to our home", Theo said.

"Thank you. You have a nice place here", King Roy said.

"Yes, your majesty. Warrod made sure that we live in here as good as possible"

"So, can you tell me more about your life here?"

Theo lowered his head and began telling stories. The king was amused with the child's enthusiasm. He was once again assured that the child can't be a dangerous person by himself.

'Just to be sure'

[Read Magic]

The king confirmed once again. Theo is human through and through. There's no doubt that the child can't be that strong.

"What other things do you want to know, your majesty?", Theo asked.

"I've been wondering about this. You're such a good child. But where exactly did you came from?", King Roy asked.

Theo was surprised. The king's question came out of nowhere. Theo was stunned and couldn't say a single word. King Roy continued talking.

"This is just between us Theo. Warrod is my friend, the only person in this kingdom that I allow to call my name casually. He's a serious man. I tried giving him a territory but he outright refused. He said that he needs to be near me at all times for my safety. Do you get what I'm trying to say?", King Roy said.

Theo was still unable to speak. King Roy continued his story.

"As I said, he's a serious man. I know he's loyal to me to the end. But you see, so am I. I don't want to be a burden for my friend, nor do I want him near dangerous places that can kill him. Do you get what I'm saying?", King Roy said.

Theo was still confused. He can't think of an appropriate response. He didn't like the sudden change of atmosphere.

"You're persistent Theo, I like that. Now, Warrod encountered someone. Someone claiming to be from the forest. It's confusing, unusual for someone to say that. If someone said that, it's safe to assume that, that someone is as dangerous as the dangerous monsters in the forest", King Roy said.

"That's.. that's me", Theo said.

"Yes, it's you. Don't be afraid, I will not do you any harm. Like I said before, you're a good child. But I can't do nothing when there's a possibility that my friend could be in danger", King Roy said.

Theo calmed himself. The situation was critical for him. To say everything with full honesty can have unpredictable results. But saying another story might result in further suspicion.

"I want to know what happened to you when you are in the forest. If you don't want to talk now, it's okay. I won't force a terrible situation to you. But know that this will not be the last time that I will ask you", King Roy said.

"King Roy.. your majesty, why?", Theo said.

'I can't be careless here. I want to live my life in peace. I had enough being isolated, caged somewhere that I can't see the world', Theo thought.

"I just need you to help me. Your help will help you too. I will allow you to be one of my people. I assume that's what you want?", King Roy stated.

'Yes, I want to live in peace. These people, they're all good to me.. I want to belong', Theo thought.

"Your majesty, can this be our secret?", Theo asked.

The king was delighted. This might be the best outcome of his inquiry. Though he forced a confession, it somehow worked.

"I will, in the name of the king of Alvaria", King Roy said.

Meanwhile, Warrod went to the castle of the king. He anticipated that the king will plan to ask Theo himself. Warrod wanted to join the king.

"Where's King Roy? He might need my help", Warrod said.

"What? The king is not with you?", the general said.

"What are you talking about?"

"King Roy went to your house right?"

"Stop messing around, general. I will not ask you if I'm with the king"


The general realized his blunder. King Roy was left by himself as the king commanded. Warrod saw that the general became pale.

"Don't tell me… did you leave the king by himself?", Warrod asked.

"He.. he said he will go to you alone", the general said.

"Fool!! Why would you let the king alone outside the castle!? It's your duty to ensure his safety at all times!"

"But.. but"

"Enough. We can't be staying here. Look around Alvan"

"What will you do?"

"I'll look somewhere else. Now, hurry!"

The general looked around but he can't find the king. Several of his subordinates helped but no one found the king. Warrod quickly went to his house near the forest.

Warrod will arrive in two days if he didn't rest. The agitation he felt made him numb to his tiredness. The king might be in danger; that's all Warrod can think of.

'What are you doing Roy!? That child is dangerous. I convinced him to stay with me to stay away from you, but why are you going near him!? I wish I'm not too late', Warrod thought.

Theo was trying to make a story true enough. The king may have information about him. He can't deviate a little or else the suspicion will remain.

The king was patiently waiting. He gave room for Theo to speak up. He knew the child was impossible to read before but with his gathered information, that wouldn't matter.

'What should I say? My reincarnation is out of the question. There's no way I can say that. Maybe I'll start with this', Theo thought.

"Your majesty", Theo said.

"I'm listening", King Roy said.

"The first time I woke up, I encountered a creature"

Theo looked at the king. The king didn't show any reaction.

'Is that right? Marron said humans can only be aware of themselves when they're four or five years alive. That means Marron should be my first encounter. I hope this is good', Theo thought.

"So what is this creature?", King Roy said.

"He said he is a dragon", Theo said.

Theo looked at the king again. There's a small hint of delight in his eyes but Theo didn't want to be caught off guard. He might be in the right direction or worse.

"A dragon, that's rare. Even I didn't see a dragon in my life. Likely never", King Roy said.

'Did I mess up? Are dragons that rare? The king doesn't look displeased', Theo thought.

"Oh, continue. What else?", King Roy said.

"Uh.. uhmm, the dragon said he raised me and he will take care of me", Theo said.

"That's it?"

"He provided my meals and taught me everything I know before I came out of the forest. Then one day, he said that he taught me everything he knew. He also told me to look for other humans so that I can learn more"

"So, where is the dragon?"

"He said he will go home. I don't know where but he left me"

"Just like that? He didn't think about your safety when traveling here? He didn't give you anything to protect you?"

'Hmm, what should I say? If I tell him about the beads, he will become terrified of me. This is bad', Theo thought.

'It's confirmed that the dragon king was protecting the child. This is good. All I need to know now is the purpose of the beads', King Roy thought.

"Your majesty, there's something inside this pouch. Is it okay to keep this a secret?", Theo said.

"Why is that?", King Roy asked.

"The dragon that raised me said to keep this a secret to anyone"

"Is it important to you that no one knew what's inside that pouch?"

"Yes, your majesty. My peaceful life depends on these"

"Okay, but will you at least tell me what's the use of those inside that pouch?"

"It's my protection"

'I see. I confirmed it at last. Those powerful beads protect him. If I ask how to activate the magic, he might get suspicious. Better not to do that', King Roy thought.

The king continued talking to the child. It's his way to ease the tension before. The important things were already confirmed. It would be immoral for the king to force the child in a distressing position.

The king felt that the child answered honestly. He's not sure, as the child was still hard to read. The important thing was, there's no contradicting information said.

After Theo told everything he thought he can say, he looked at the king once again. This time, the king was obviously satisfied with his answers. Theo was glad that it turned out great.

"Theo, thank you for your honesty. But I want to ask you one last thing", King Roy said.

"What is it, your majesty?", Theo asked.

"Will the dragon that raised you come back? Maybe to find you?"

"I don't know, your majesty. But I feel we will meet again"

"Is he an enemy?"

"He's a friend, your majesty"

"That's reassuring"

The two went inside the house. Theo offered a drink to which the king accepted.

"Could I stay here for awhile?", King Roy asked.

"Your majesty, but your kingdom", Theo said.

"Don't worry, I think Warrod is on his way here to pick me. So, before he arrive, I shall be your companion for awhile"

"I'm honored, your majesty"