
A Giant's New Life

Sealed for so long, the last of the giants decided to reincarnate to the surface. Whether to see the world or avenge his long lost friend, he's about to embark on a journey he never had before.

James_Marcher · 奇幻
20 Chs

Chapter 1: A New Start

'Well, that failed.'

He saw a rocky ceiling and felt a hard floor. He thought that he's still in the cave. Despite this, he still have the motivation to get out and see the surface. At this time, he's a little tired from trying. He spends a little while to rest and sleep.

'What am I even thinking? Of course that wouldn't work. Reincarnation, I guess that's out of my options now. I couldn't think of other means so I should rest for awhile.'

The thought of resting will suddenly be interrupted by his realization. The cave looks different like it widened somehow. There's no warm light nearby caused by fire. Rather, the floor is cold and a bright light was coming from somewhere. It's a different light than what he's used to. The light fascinated him so much.

He followed where it came from. He's moving weirdly, like someone that didn't have any balance. He still go towards the light hoping that he will be able to walk properly somehow. He couldn't so he have no choice but to crawl. The light flashed brighter as he draws nearer. At the end, he saw what he wanted.

He saw the sun though he didn't know what it is. He's finally out the cave seeing the surface for the first time. He felt the floor is slightly softer than the floor of the cave. He saw the trees which leaves and branches sway with the wind.

He saw the sky that enveloped the whole world. He saw the clouds floating from above and thought both the sky and the clouds are too high to reach.

His mind is full of wonder as he see everything as beautiful as he imagined it in his dreams. He's so engrossed with multiple emotions that he didn't notice that he became a small being. From now on he thought to live happily on the surface. He have the choice and he is unshackled from the cave he once knew.

After some moment, he finally noticed his current state. He became an infant of the human race. The reincarnation is a success.

'I became a human. Hmm, this state is hard to control. I should practice my balance somehow'

He tried to use his magic to command his body properly. It seems that he can't stand and walk using his body's strength. Maybe if he let the flow of his power do the work, he will be able to walk like he used to. But the problem soon arise as he realized that there's not an ounce of magic flowing in his body. Now that he thought it through, his natural physical strength seems to be sealed in some way.

'This is bad. I can't use magic nor can I exert any force. There are many unfamiliar creatures around that are looking at me. As beautiful as they are, it's fairly obvious that they're hostile against me'

The monsters of the forest noticed the presence of the child. Such an easy prey is not something any monster will take for granted. The creatures move towards him slowly as if making sure he wouldn't escape.

'What do I do!? They're closing in! At this rate, I'm going to die before fully experiencing the surface! Noo!! Stop!!'

A heavy wind starts blowing toppling him down. The monsters that tried to kill him scatter around. The sounds of fading footsteps gave an ominous feeling. The predicament might not be over.

'What was that? That's so strong. Even the creatures start to go away. This place might be dangerous for me to stay in'

He's right in his feeling but not in the way he thought. The wind is not the force to be afraid of. The source of it is the more dangerous one.

Deep in the woods, one of the tyrants of this forest come to see the monster's gathering. A group of monsters is an unusual sight to see. One of the ruler of this forest checked for what's happening and there he saw the little human.

As he recovered from him tumbling down, he saw the powerful creature. With a majestic stature, the creature emits a dark aura. It is the most powerful creature in this area, a Tornado Wolf.

'What was that!? It looks so strong! Is that one of those so called dragons? Anyways, I should really go inside the cave! This is too dangerous!'

He crawl his way back inside the cave but the dark figure, the giant monster is too fast to escape from. With a single push of the ground, the wolf closes in immediately. There's no escape as the wolf reach for the child with its sharp claws. The claws made contact to the little boy.

'What? What happened? I thought the creature hit me. Ohh… ohh!!'

A multicolored barrier appears between him and the wolf. He's unharmed while the wolf became confused. It jumped away from him getting ready for another attack.

This time the wolf seems a little cautious. It's maintaining a fixed distance between themselves but making sure that the child could not escape.


'What's with that sound? What's going to happen?'

The wind steadily get stronger. The wind circles around him forming a tornado. He flew around being hit by many flying debris. The strong winds even uprooted the nearby trees and lift some monsters along with it. All the life inside the tornado are killed in an instant except the child.

The wolf stopped the violent winds and see that its prey remained unscathed. The barrier protected him from any harm driving the prideful ruler into a fit of rage. At this moment there's nothing that the monster can do other than to launch its strongest attack.

A dark aura condensed greater and greater around the monster's right claw. Then the dark aura was swallowed by violent winds of destruction. The monster raise its claw and strike the child for a final blow.

The whole surroundings are wiped flat. The ground filled with cracks that continue growing. The child's barrier cracks against the powerful strike. A terrifying sound of break waiting for a guaranteed destruction.

The child can do nothing to defend himself and even the only thing protecting him seems to give up as well. He can only wait until the barrier collapses. Then, the barrier finally gives in.

'Well, there's that. I didn't even have a chance to know anything about the surface. Looks like I really run out of luck'

The blow made the ground cave in and it created a crater. The powerful monster destroyed everything around. As the winds disappear, the monster made a startling discovery. His paw got destroyed in the process. Moreover, the child is still intact, unconscious.

The wolf cries in pain but the despair is not over yet. It is successful in destroying the barrier but that's a mistake on its part. The true dread revealed itself soon after.

The child glow to the monster's surprise. Then, a powerful wave of light sweeps a vast expanse of the forest. The wolf was destroyed in the process with no trace left.

Everything that the light identified as an enemy was destroyed. The other monsters flee from the place that the powerful light reached. The battle was over without the child knowing.

A few days had passed and the child finally woke up. He recovered his senses and look around his surroundings. He saw the damage around and immediately look for the monster.

'Wait, where is that creature? How am I alive?'

As these questions enter his mind, he noticed something different in him. He is emitting a strong power. The power he had before reincarnating came back and now he can win against the wolf.

He looks for the monster to try to defeat it but he couldn't see it around. He thought that he's lucky that the wolf is not here anymore. He thought that he narrowly escaped death.

Meanwhile, he saw that the damage is truly devastating. He must do something about this. He uses his power to fix the whole surroundings. He succeeded, confirming that he can control his power as intended.

'Now that everything's fixed I should walk around to see more of the surface'