
Chapter 2: She Didn’t Recognize Me

Chapter 2 She Didn’t Recognize Me


How could her father send her away to him? Alpha Pete Jacobs must be involved in some scheme with Hank Karl. Otherwise, why would he give Liana to that old pervert?

Why was she doing this? Didn’t this silly girl know what kind of person Hank was?

I gazed at her in the rearview mirror, her brows furrowed as she looked out the window. Her eyes were filled with melancholy. No, she shouldn't be like this. Something was wrong. Why wasn't I able to sense her clairvoyant aura at all?

Liana’s eyes gazed into mine, soft and searching but I was certain that she didn’t recognize me. She looked exactly the same, as beautiful as ever. However, her wide eyes were sad with a look that made my heart ache. The way she looked at me, so unfamiliar, as if she had never seen me before… It broke my heart.



The landscape outside of my window flew past. I was getting further and further away from home and everything. I wondered how my father was doing now. I hoped that Hank wouldn't go back on his word and would help our pack survive the current crisis.

Thinking of Hank's lustful look, I felt nauseous.

I wished so very much just then that I could talk to my mother. I was still so young when my mother passed away very suddenly. I thought that she was just going to a far away place without me. I thought that she didn't want me and had abandoned me. It wasn't until I grew up and found out that the place far away would mean that she would never come back.

Unintentionally, my eyes met the driver’s in the rearview mirror. He seemed to be secretly watching me. I suddenly realized that his kind face had shifted and was more guarded and pensive now as he gazed back at me. He must have noticed my gaze because he quickly turned to look at the road..

"Miss Liana, my name is Edmond. The Alpha has asked me to be your full-time driver and bodyguard to ensure your safety. It's an honor to serve you."

I shrugged nonchalantly and returned my gaze to the rapidly retreating scenery. The familiar landscape where I had grown up was getting further and further away.

When we were closing in on the Karl family compound, Edmond's explanation and the scene in front of me made me speechless. Due to Hank's medical breakthroughs, the Karl family had accumulated a large amount of wealth. It was evident in how vast his property was. It took 15 minutes of driving to get just from the edge of his manor to the villa complex in the middle.

Edmond parked the car in front of one of the villas. As he opened the door, he said, "Welcome to villa Nightsong. From now on, this will be your home."

He took my luggage and led me inside and on a brief tour. I followed him around the entire villa. The three-story villa made me feel very empty. The interior was luxuriously decorated with countless treasures piled up, but there was something tacky about it. I couldn't allow myself to be picky. Even though I hated this place, I had to remind myself that I was here for the pack and for my father.

I was the only thing we could use in exchange for peace. What right did I have to be picky about the decorations?

After bringing my luggage inside, Edmond looked at me meaningfully as if he wanted to say something. I waited, holding my breath expectantly, but all he did was turn around and leave.

"Edmond," I called after him. "Is there something you want to say? I'm new here, is there something you think I should know?"

Edmond stopped and turned around. He opened his mouth, and his expression was even more puzzling. Finally, he smiled at me. "Miss, this will be your home from today onwards. I wish you a very happy life."

He left me alone.

I was very tired. I went to the bathroom for a shower. I had just dried my hair and planned to go to sleep when I heard the front door downstairs barge open.

Well, was it Hank? No, wait… It was the sound of high heels clicking on the floor.

I walked out of the bedroom and saw a young woman in her late teens or early twenties stomping up the stairs angrily in very high shoes. Her childlike features were covered in heavy makeup as if she were playing dress up and pretending to be a mature woman.

Even through the makeup, I could see that this young girl was actually really good-looking. When she shifted into her wolf one day, she would probably be a rare beautiful female wolf.

"Are you Liana?” She demanded to know as she stared daggers into me when our eyes met. “You shameless bitch. You should be ashamed of yourself for seducing my daddy! You're just disgusting."

"What the hell?" I was stunned. “Who are you?”

"Stop playing dumb, you bitch. My daddy is old enough to be your father. In order to get some of my daddy's wealth, you can't wait to climb into his bed and be his mistress. The Stone Forest pack is really shameless."

"Wait a minute, who is your daddy?" I interrupted her.

Where did this crazy child come from?

A bad feeling arose in my heart.

As expected, she became even angrier. "Don't pretend to be stupid. My name is Irene, and I'm Hank Karl's daughter. Don’t you care that you are breaking up my family? Why doesn’t the Moon Goddess punish you for what you've done? Why weren't you struck by lightning?"

My head buzzed. Hank actually had a daughter at such an age? Is he still married? Then why did he say that he wanted to marry me? Could I even be considered his wife? What exactly was my status here?

Irene pushed me and I bumped into the wall hard. I came back to my senses again.

"Get out. Do you think I want to marry your father?”

I pushed Irene away. Clearly, she did not expect me to be much stronger than her. She was only up to my nose in her 6 inch high heels.

I looked down at her and said slowly, “Get out of here right now unless you want me to teach you a lesson. Don’t ever talk to me like that again. If you have any questions, go ask your father. Do you understand me?"

She cowered and showed some fear as she saw the fierce glint in my eyes.

After we looked at each other for a short while, she finally began to retreat and said hatefully, "You vicious and stupid woman, do you think he will love you? Look at those villas outside. Humph, he has so many women already! Just you wait and see, I'll teach you a lesson that you'll never forget."

As soon as she said those words, she turned around and fled the scene.

I felt powerless and sank to the ground. What was happening? Did my father know that Hank was already married? Why did he hold that information back from me?

I was still in a daze on the floor when the villa door burst open again. Hank barged in this time and he carried a pungent smell of alcohol on him.

"Hey gorgeous, you're finally here!" He pulled his collar and walked towards me. His drunk eyes flashed with desire. "The number one beauty among all Lycans. Well, you're finally mine. Baby, have you been waiting too long?"

I stood from the floor and kept backing away.

Hank had lied to my father. He's been lying to us all. This bastard is just a filthy beast and nothing more.

When I had nowhere to go, he pinned me down onto the carpet. He tried to kiss me with the foul smell of alcohol in his mouth. "Darling, I won't disappoint you. You definitely don't know how tender your skin is. You smell so good... Have you just taken a shower? I knew you were waiting for me."

I pushed him away, hard, the voice deep inside my heart was screaming.

"Hank, wait…” I stammered trying to get free. “We're not married yet. We can only do it after the wedding."

He pressed against me and rubbed his hands all over my body as if he was trying to find an entrance. "My sweetheart, are you saying that you like it rough? Well, I like it too. I can satisfy you infinitely."

Suddenly, I felt a chill in my chest. Hank suddenly stopped moving. He seemed to be stunned and I followed his gaze. Oh my god! The front of the nightgown was almost completely open, revealing most of my plump white breasts.

I screamed and hurriedly tried to cover myself with my gown, but my hands were held down by him tightly. I couldn't move my arms at all.

"Oh, Liana, Liana... You're such a stunner..." His fat mouth puckered up and he kissed my neck, gradually approaching my breasts...

I felt nauseous and wanted to vomit. I couldn't be violated by this old man like this. But, how could I get free?

Suddenly, a sharp alarm sounded. Hank stopped and stood up cursing and seemed to completely forget about me. He hurriedly walked out and picked up the walkie-talkie.

"Go and see who dares to break in. Kill him!"

He left in a panic. I sat on the ground with my hand on my chest, panting as my heart was pounding.

Thank the goddess!

However, before I could calm down, my vision suddenly blurred and a huge wolf rushed in. I screamed in shock as the huge wolf pounced on me, revealing its sharp fangs.