
A day in the life of HxH

Traka the Mc is chilling until his teleported into hxh with no knowledge of the world. I do not own anything from hxh only my oc’s

Jackson_Mitchell · 漫画同人
7 Chs

[Chapter 6] The Feeling Of Death and losing it

Traka looked around at the crowd, a feeling of excitement overwhelmed him as he walked forward with confidence overflowing off him, once he entered the arena in the middle of the stadium he looked at his opponent and then a feeing of fear came over him.

[1 hour earlier]

[Illumi pov]

Illumi was standing near histoka holding his arm.

"Hmm he really broke it?" Histoka asked while smiling.

"Yes." Illumi replied.

"So what do you plan to do now that you've gotten your license?" Histoka asked.

"Hmm well first I need money." Illumi said.

"Ohh what a coincidence I was just about to go to heavens arena." Histoka said with a weird smile on his face.

"I see." Illumi replied.

[back to present time]

Illumi stared at Traka realising he became friends with killua as well, as he thought that a dark aura came off him concentrated at Traka.

"Cough!" Traka coughed blood as he looked down and seen a needle in his heart, Illumi appeared in-front of Traka and took the needle out.

[Traka pov]

'What?' Traka thought as he seen the needle in his chest.

'What's happening?' He thought as Illumi appeared and yanked the needle out of his chest, he fell on one knee, he couldn't hear anything of feel anything everything was weird almost like he was asleep.

"Worthless, not even worth the work." Illumi said as he looked down at Traka with dark colourless eyes.

'Not worth the work? What work?' Traka thought.

"Yo-u… cough.." Traka tried to say something but he spew blood trying.

Illumi left the scene as people where screaming and medics were coming to Traka with haste.

"Yo-you… to-took my l- life away… WHy?!" Traka screamed with all his remaining strength.

'I don't care anymore…, the last remaining thing I had control over…, my own life was taken from me…, I had tried to act normal my whole life with a smile on my face…, but that smile was always an act… I don't care anymore… I just want to kill everyone who has taken from me…" Traka thought as a crimson dark aura came off him.

[3rd person pov]

A dark crimson aura mixed with black darkness came off the person in the middle of the arena, a puddle of blood under him, a gaping hole in his left chest, but even with all those injuries he stood up he had a massive smile on his face as he started laughing like a manic.

"You are all enemies that are tricking me!" He screamed as the hole on his chest closed up at inhuman speeds.

But then he suddenly collapsed to the ground in a puddle of his own blood but the dark aura didint leave him instead in surrounded him and his body absorbed the blood surrounding him, only then did the aura go back into his body.

Everyone looked at him but didint approach him after a couple of minutes a man came from the crowd he had his shirt tucked in his pants one side but the other side it wasn't.

[Wing pov]

Wing was standing infront of the boy that was of the max of 15 years old, he reached down and picked him up then went to a hospital just to be sure the wound he took on his chest was actually healed, once he reached the hospital he got Traka to a room and the doctors did tests on him after a couple of hours they found out he was fine but he had fell into a coma and would likely not wake up for a year or 2, once wing heard that he said he would pay the hospital fees for the next year or however long it took of the young man to wake up.

[7 or so months later…]

So from now on stuff will probably we different from the original hxh but I won’t change it too crazy like giving someone super saitama punch or something xd.

Jackson_Mitchellcreators' thoughts