
The Day Before The Final Battle

編輯: EndlessFantasy Translation

The angels were to descend tomorrow, 'when the light was at its brightest', according to the revelation received by the Pope. In Isthyre, that was nine in the morning, and this left the Church and the Voidwalkers little time to make last-minute preparations.

The Church had decided not to attack anymore; instead, it focused on the angel-summoning rituals. What remained of its army was two-thousand crusaders; one thousand paladins; two thousand men, who were tasted with supplying ammunition and guarding outposts; and one thousand templars, some of whom were newly-ordained templars. The Pope had ordered his underlings to lessen the requirements for becoming a templar, making a lot more people eligible to be ordained. There was also a group of five hundred clerics on standby to support the army. 
