
Chapter 1,399, three unlucky fellows (1/100)

After Bai Qiao finished introducing the basic situation, Lotus Sun had a general understanding of the three sword spirits in front of her. “Greetings, seniors!”

Carter, endless, and old man felt their bodies tremble when they heard her address them as seniors. They felt a little ashamed of themselves.

“Miss Sun, you can just call us by our names. There’s no need to call us seniors... We were born in the universe, and it was only by chance that we were older than Miss Sun. In terms of combat strength, we should call you senior,”endless said politely.

“Senior knows me?”Lotus Sun was surprised.

Because Bai Qiao hadn’t introduced her.

“Miss Sun is too famous now. At least in the circle of sword spirits who follow Lord Jingke and Lord Bai Qiao, everyone knows Miss Sun’s name,”endless answered truthfully.

Actually, Lotus Sun’s name was so famous because it had something to do with Ao Hai.

Just as endless had said, sword spirits were all born from the universe.
