
Sacrificing Lives for Justice!

編輯: Atlas Studios

The mountain pass gates shattered. Corpses were scattered everywhere.

Grand Brightjade Complete Heaven's powerhouses suffered countless casualties.

After three days of fighting, more than half of Grand Brightjade Complete Heaven's elites were dead or injured!

Even if it was Hegemon Realms, more than a hundred died too!

As for below Hegemon Realm, the casualties were even beyond counting.

This war was tragic to the extreme.

Of course, the blood race did not get off cheap either, similarly suffering heavy losses.

Grand Brightjade Complete Heaven's powerhouses were completely risking their lives, completely disregarding casualties.

Different from the other heavens, Grand Brightjade Complete Heaven's cohesiveness was hair-raisingly strong.

Even Yi Xue was visibly moved by it too.

He thought that an absolute advantage would destroy these people's will to fight very soon and make them fall apart and run away.
