
Large Enemy Force Bearing down upon the Border

編輯: Atlas Studios

"My lord, are . . . are you for real?" Chu Shi immediately said agitatedly upon hearing Ye Yuan's words.

The Qian Si who was silent the entire time by the side also became agitated at this time.

The medicinal pills which Ye Yuan refined, they had all witnessed with their own eyes before. They had the effects of immediate results!

Back then, Ye Yuan said that he could not refine medicinal pills for their use. But now, Ye Yuan was going to spend time to refine these medicinal pills.

Ye Yuan said with a half-smile, "When have I joked around with you all before?"

When the three people saw Ye Yuan's smile, they could not resist shuddering.

They could not help automatically recalling the scenario of Ye Yuan throwing them into the Asura Tri-Pronged Formation.

Originally they thought that it was just a one-time simple training, but they did not expect that this training really claimed lives.
