
Grand Revelations (3)

編輯: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The "Chance Encounter" cracking group had expanded from its original fifteen members to thirty, with a lot of upper classmen from the card making departing joining the fun. But so far, the work of cracking hadn't made any progress. No one had ever thought that a one-star fantasy card could so thoroughly stymie nearly all the aces in the group from the Eastern Wei Academy card making department. Some among them had even already gone through the mid-grade card master certification.

Still, not every student from the card making department was likely to buy those so-called 'beautiful woman' chits. And some of those scholars were among the most capable types, but after all in this world, there are those who avoid even the most basic oil and salt. 

At Eastern Wei Academy, one would often hear someone scoffing at that so called cracking group.
