

While fleeing for his life, Yan Liqiang ran further and further away from the mountain cave. His intention was to lead those Blackwind Bandits away from there. Whenever any Blackwind Bandits came too close to him, he would stop and turn around to shoot them with his arrows. As this went on, Yan Liqiang only had about twenty arrows left in his quiver, which would only last for just a little less than half an hour.

His arrows never missed their targets. By the time he finished all twenty arrows, he had taken down twenty of his pursuers. However, the remaining Blackwind Bandits were still chasing him relentlessly like a pack of starved wolves. While pursuing him, the Blackwind Bandits were still yelling angrily in their weird language. From what Yan Liqiang heard, their angry yells were things like 'kill him' or something along those lines...
