
The atmosphere started to vibrate.


A strong gust of Cold Energy started gushing out from Garen's body, covering the layer of frost on his legs, which was then shattered. The Cold Energy was pure and white, with seemingly no contamination whatsoever. It then continued along the mysteriously-patterned floor and spread towards all the soul seeds in the hall.

"Faded Creation!"

Garen stretched his arms wide, and a horrifying burst of Cold Energy started spreading to his surroundings even faster until everything was completely still, frozen in the pure-white ice blocks.

A billow of crystals started forming in layers beneath Garen's feet as they started spreading toward the entire hall.

The hall was degenerating. The original layer of ice was cracking, and after being infected, its original ice-blue color turned into a shade of pure white, which was an even higher leveled pure crystal.

"What… is this Cold Energy!!??"
