The guard shuddered and he was obviously frightened. It seemed that the little old man was really invited by that power and probably to treat someone according to what he said. If he had really driven him away, he might have been cut into pieces by the people of that power! At the thought of this, the guard became anxious, worrying that the little old man would complain about him to that power.
Seeing this, Yun Luofeng slightly narrowed her eyes, and suspiciously looked the little old man up and down.
"What are you looking at?" The little old man turned around and caught a glimpse of Yun Luofeng's strange eyes. He shuddered and hastily covered his chest with his hands. "Do you have a crush on me? I tell you, I am a man of principles. I would rather die than submit to you!"
Yun Luofeng's face darkened. "I'm just curious about your identity."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: