
Although the cave's area wasn't particularly large, Qingfeng Li and Linglong Xue's path forward was extremely difficult.


The aura of the saint filled the cave. It was composed of two kinds of intermingling lights, Yin light and Yang light.


Black and white, Yin and Yang, the two kinds of light darted around throughout the cave, tearing space and time apart. Even the dimensional barrier was shattered, creating spinning vortices containing shards of terrifying energy. The slightest lapse of caution could result in a body full of bloody scratches.


Qingfeng Li walked at the front. His spirit energy was powerful enough that he could instantly discern the Yin-Yang lights' trajectories and dodge out of the way.


Behind him, Linglong Xue followed. Where Qingfeng Li dodged, she followed suit.

