
A New Phase

編輯: Sparrow Translations

Never betray your home, because those from the outside will never truly side with you.

This message spread across the solar system like wildfire.

Jing Hong's clan had returned to their home on earth, another floating island appeared in the air.

This island was as big as a continent!

Before they returned, no one had realised that they had a pocket dimension here.

This was their ancestral land.

To be precise, this was the land that belonged to the ancestor's husband.

The first thing that they did after they had reclaimed this land was a large ceremony of remembrance.

China's media broadcasted the entire occasion.

Even Chu Yu, who had not shown his face for a long time appeared to show his respects.

Chu Yu's features did not change much, he only looked more mature.

The threat of the extraterrestrials was absolutely crushed.

Even though there definitely still were many powerful creatures in this realm, they could no longer band together to fight the village of Dao.
