
That Does Not Look Good

編輯: EndlessFantasy Translation

Hao Ren raised an eyebrow at the MDT. "You can supply power to that? You sure?"

Looking at the palm-sized device, Hao Ren was incredulous. He was under the impression that the MDT was much more like a smart phone. While Hao Ren had never seen the island's shield generator proper, he figured that it probably needed a whole tonne of nuclear reactors in Earthling terms to power it. (With that said, Aerym's most basic power plants were probably still more advanced than Earth's) To use this tiny device to power a city-wide shield seemed almost like using a AAA battery to power up a space elevator...

The MDT wiggled smugly in the air. "Nah, you're just being an ignorant pleb. As small as I am, I'm still psionically-powered. To generate that level of power is just child's play. Quickly, get me a power terminal. I'm going to save the world."
