

編輯: Nyoi-Bo Studio

As the day neared dusk, the reflections from Xi Lake and colors of the mountains melded in the golden light with an indescribable beauty. Amidst this dusky light, Fan Xian came to a mound by the lake alone. He looked at the young man holding a green banner. He tilted his head. "I heard that you've been telling fortunes in Hangzhou and have received the favor of some girls from wealthy families?"

The young man holding the green banner was the last disciple of Dongyi's Sigu Jian, the ninth-level ace who had helped Fan Xian kill Yan Shendu. Fan Xian always found his existence and the help he offered later to be as perplexing as the avant-garde shows he had heard of in his previous life. No matter how one sampled it, it always left a strange taste behind.
