
The Case of the Young Killer on Niulan Street

編輯: Nyoi-Bo Studio

There was a loud crash. Someone with unnatural strength had tossed that large stone over the tall wall! After the carriage was smashed to pieces by the stone, a rain of arrows followed. Had Fan Xian not took evasive action quickly, those arrows would have turned him into a bristly hedgehog even if he managed to survive the stone.

With the exception of Teng Zijing, Fan Xian’s guards were rank 5 in terms of skill. Facing this assault, they did not panic and drew their blades. Several flashes of silver light later, most of the arrows had been knocked down. The attackers were few, but due to the close range, the guards weren’t able defend themselves completely. The three of them were eventually hit in the leg and collapsed to the ground.

Gritting their teeth, they got back up and leapt over the wall, cutting down the archers. However, the poison was too potent, and in no time all three guards felt numb and lost control of their bodies.
