
The Search

編輯: EndlessFantasy Translation

It was a close match for Ye Chong, as it felt like it had been centuries since he last battled on a mech. Ye Chong was considered fortunate that Huang Zheng's performance dropped as drastically as he fell with that silly mistake of his. Technically piloting Moon King as a mere transportation was not an issue, still that did not mean that Ye Chong would ace combating on a test drive.

Other than the sheer luck, it was the endless loop of daily basic training that saved him. If it was not because of theses sets of movement techniques seamlessly connected, he would not be able to reveal that opening by the foe. If he did not manage to unearth that opening, well, it would have been a different tale, who knows...

Ye Luo was giving off a stare as if he was looking at a monster when Ye Chong got off the cabin. Our hero had grown up being given a strange stare at, so he took it pretty well.
