
Fatal crisis

編輯: Translation Nation

The mage apprentice, Hants was truly unlucky. While he was nervously preparing all the materials for the medicine, he found that the Athelas herbs couldn't be prepared according to his teacher's instructions. That's because Hants couldn't find Old Steger's old cat anymore. He suddenly remembered that the old cat had been brought to a village 3 days ago.

Sheyan then asked a question that he would come to regret for a long time.

"Um, Mr. Hants, what does Athelas have to do with a cat?"

Hants solemnly replied.

"Athelas isn't really a rare herb. In fact, it can be found around the Shire. However, if we want to lift the Black Breath, we would need to use its seeds. Now, Athelas seeds are much rarer. They are highly poisonous so we normally use them to produce poison. This poison is very popular among hunters."

"I still don't understand what that has to do with a cat?" Sheyan continued with his enquiry.
