

The razor-sharp bone scythes of the Ultralisk easily pierced through the weak leather, cutting deep into the flesh of its foe! Specially designed for war, the crescent bone-scythes easily ripped flesh and nerve fibres asunder, gruesomely rupturing blood vessels and nerves as it scraped against them. Blood instantly splashed out in all directions like a fountain!

A long and huge chunk of red flesh had been carved out!

Sheyan was spectating from afar; observing that when the Ultralisk had drilled in, it first utilized its bone scythes to grind and scrape in slightly, before jerking its head outwards. Such execution was essential modelled after a construction worker, skillfully stabbing his shovel into the soil before stamping down the rear of the shovel blade; thereby drawing a full shovel of soil to toss into the roller! The only difference was that a construction worker tossed out soil, while an Ultralisk tossed out massive chunks of flesh!
