
One Boss After Another

編輯: Halcyon Translations

With the help of Haggle, the first Boss quickly dropped to below 50% HP. Although the Boss managed to take down a few players with him, the Main Tanks and Healers were all going strong.

At this very moment, O'Brien decided to call for backup.

Another Rockjaw Monster appeared. This time, it was slightly smaller than the first, but it had a very unique body.

The first Boss was like a rugged tradesman while this one was like a rich man.

His weapon of choice was a seemingly expensive staff with a large jewel at the end of it. The rest of the staff was embroidered with various rare stones. He wore a stylish golden robe, unlike the other Rockjaws who had torn up rugs to cover themselves up with.

His name was High Priest Rockjaw Elfin

As soon as he appeared, a bright light shone from his staff and he immediately healed O'Brien for 20% of his HP. A few Thieves attempted to interrupt him with Kick, but their efforts were futile.
