
37 Days Later

This is book 3 in the series 37 days. Millie and X have found their way back together but the struggles have also come along with. X is down two employees and searching for a new one. When he finds her, she’s perfect until she isn’t. Will Millie and X’s relationship evolve or crumble with the challenges that lie ahead?

Marissa_Inserra · 现代言情
61 Chs

Delightful Dani?



Too messed up for decision making and his sexy words, his sexy body, and his face overrule any rational thoughts. 

He withdraws his hands from the wall, taking ahold of one of my hands and pulling me a little too abruptly for my drunken state. He leads us towards the door and back into the club. 

"I need to pee," I say at a volume I don't even know of but somehow he hears me. 

"Can you wait until we're back upstairs?" He asks frustrated. 

"No, no, no," I say waving my finger in his face. 

He rolls his eyes with impatience, "Hurry up." 

"So bossy," I say walking away to the bathroom. 

I do my business and get out of the stall, welp I'm sobered up. 

Dani is washing her hands at the sink, I go to the one next to her and she glances at me. 

"Sorry if I stirred up any trouble," she says with a small smile. 

Don't fucking apologize to me, I hate you. 

"You didn't," I say quietly. 

"Just so you know, he's just a friend, X is far from my type." She says drying off her hands. 

I'm not sure if that was supposed to be comforting or insulting. 

I nod my head because I don't even know how to respond at this point. 

"Look, I know what he did to you and I'm sorry but our relationship is not like that." She begins. 

Our relationship? 

"He told you?" I ask taken back. 

"No, Millie, he didn't tell me." She says and now I'm really intrigued. 

"Penelope?" I ask and now she's the one stunned. 

"Um," she says sort of looking around. 

"I know you're friends with her, I saw you two at Target last week," I say and now that I say it aloud I feel like a stalker. 

"She's more of an acquaintance I suppose," she says softly, "I don't condone what she did, trust me." 

I somehow believe her. 

"I'm not your enemy Millie," she says giving my shoulder a squeeze in a comforting way. 

I nod my head in agreement. 

"I'm gonna go back out there, you coming?" She asks pointing her thumb behind her at the door. 

"I'm actually calling it a night," I say. 

"Lame, why?" She asks turning her back to walk to the door. 

Because I want to fuck my boyfriend…

"Just tired," I say instead. 

"Well, I'll see you later then Millie," she says giving me another smile and exiting the bathroom. 

That was interesting, I still don't know if I can trust her though, she is associated with Penelope after all. 

I turn myself to the mirror, adjusting my hair, swiping upwards under my eyes eliminating any excess makeup that doesn't belong in the right spots, and adjust my boobs to make them appear fuller. 

I leave the bathroom and try to find X. How's it even possible that it's gotten more crowded than before I walked into the bathroom? 

People are bumping into me or I'm bumping into them..I don't really know which is one is correct anymore, I just feel claustrophobic and dizzy. 

The music is blaring so loud I can't hear myself think, the alcohol is making me nauseous and I think I'm going to throw up at any second, I feel like I could faint even. 

I put my hand on someone to support my weight, in this moment I'm not sure if it's a girl or a guy I just need support. 

"Millie," I hear someone saying. 

They put my arm around their shoulder and they hold me by my waist supporting me the best their little body can. 

"Dani?" I ask confused. 

"Ya know when I said I'll see you later I didn't know it'd be this soon," She laughs. 

"C'mon let's go find X." She says as she makes me walk with her. 

After a minute which feels like an hour, I hear the familiar voice of X. 

"Millie, baby, are you okay, is she okay?" He asks way too concerned. 

"What the fuck happened?" He asks getting heated, maybe to me, maybe to Dani, who knows I just don't feel good. 

"I don't know, I just saw her wobbling so I helped her out to find you," Dani says to him. 

I lift my head to see him run his fingers through his hair in frustration. 

"Okay, okay. Thank you, I'll take her upstairs." He tells Dani as if I'm not even here, like I'm a child up past their bedtime.

Before I know it, my feet leave the ground and I'm cradled bridal style in X's muscular arms, "C'mon baby, let's get you to bed." 

My world is spinning from the alcohol, from the music, the people, Dani, Dani with X. I'm too emotionally and physically unstable to fight off the humiliation so instead I give in and allow him to carry me away from it all.