
Chapter 16.

Hail to the God of Fire - Warhammer Fantasy: Ogre Kingdoms - Destruction (200 CP)

The Fire Mouth is an immense volcano found within the Ogre Kingdoms. It erupts quite often, spewing lava throughout the valleys. A tribe of Ogres started to believe that this great mountain was a God, similar if inferior to the Great Maw itself. Given the existence of other, genuinely living mountains within the Ogre Kingdoms, perhaps they are right. These Ogres devoted themselves to the mountain, eating the blood that spilt from its body. But even an Ogre cannot eat a handful of magma without dying.

Except some did not die. Some emerged from the volcano's caldera with incredible powers of fire, bleeding lava when cut and espousing the faith of the Fire Mouth. Now, any Ogre may try his chances to join the ranks of the Firebellies, the believers of this cult. You are one such believer. You can spray fire from your mouth, control the Lore of Fire that grants you destructive fire magic, bleed and spray molten lava on foes when your skin is pierced and shrug off all but the hottest of flames. You are a terrifying sight on the battlefield, wreathed in smoke and fire with glowing eyes and a mouth dripping with molten rock. There's no denying the horrific toll you can wreak upon the enemy with your powers though.

Rose of Darkness - Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch - Source (Free)

A replica of the royal family's scepter, which has a large rose at the tip. It can change into the form of a normal rose at your command, and when you bid it, it resumes its true form. The rod embodies the darkness of the clan, and grants the user enhanced dark magic. Furthermore, if the rod were to be used at the right moment, it can counter any seal forced on the wielder, perhaps even the sacred seal of Aqua Regina; however, the weapon must be consciously called upon just as the seal is being placed.

I closed the door behind me with a small sigh, before a smile made its way to my face.

Sure, I might be becoming a Contracted Magician with Gremory-san, but at least Tomoko's not going to be targeted by her anymore. Now she'll be safe, at least from the Devils in Kuoh.

And if all it took was my assistance in certain matters and taking some time to make her some magic items?

Well, it was a sacrifice that I was completely willing to make.

As I was walking through the house though, I was practically forced to stop in place, clutching my head as a sudden wave of sheer information made itself known in my mind.

But as I did so, I also heard the sound of multiple papers tearing apart, a slow sound echoing within my head, as I made my way over to the couch, sitting in it to actually figure out what I had just gotten.

The first thing was another transformation, sort of like my undead transformation- though this one would let me turn into something called a… Firebelly Ogre?

Mentally looking through the transformation, I looked at the creature and saw that it was a large humanoid creature, standing at over ten feet tall with a bulky body, wearing little clothing other than a loincloth, an Oni-like mask, and a small amount of armoring over its stomach.

It had great physical strength and endurance due to its sheer size, and great control over the magic of fire itself, along with a great degree of resistance to flames.

With this transformation, I would gain an innate incredible ability with another of the Winds, the wind of fire itself, Aqshy.

I would be capable of spraying molten lava onto my foes whenever my skin was pierced, and could simply ignore nearly all forms of fire, barring the flames of something like the goddess Amaterasu for example.

Just this transformation alone was fairly damn good, and I could also feel a small connection to the Winds of Fire, though it wasn't nearly as great as my connection to the Winds of Death, also known as Shyish.

But I could also inherently tell that I would be able to layer this transformation on top of my other one, creating a terrifying display of a monster, capable of destroying nearly anything in my path.

This was honestly an amazing transformation for me to have, as having both fire and death magics would more than likely be a great help against anyone who tries to attack me, or more importantly my family.

Then there was the second thing that I had gained, and I summoned it to my hand in order to inspect it.

It was an item this time… and it took the form of a five foot long scepter that was around three fingers thick, meaning it was thin enough to pretty easily grasp within my hand and was mostly black in coloration with a spiraling pattern along the staff, though it was strangely tipped with a large bright red rose.

Looking at it, I instinctively knew the name of this scepter, it was called the Rose of Darkness, a pretty edgy name if I'd say so myself. But it had several useful abilities to it. Firstly, it could transform into the form of a normal rose with a simple mental command.

It's not the most powerful ability, but it meant it would be a lot easier to hide it on my person. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to use it in its sealed form, meaning to use its actual abilities I would need to wield the staff itself.

Speaking of its actual abilities, they were honestly pretty damn good, such as the one that apparently grants the user the ability to cast dark magic and greatly enhances it as well.

Now, I didn't really have any actually dark spells at the moment, but if it gave me the ability to cast them? Then I could see some use in that.

Maybe I could use it as a training tool? Learn how to cast the dark magics with the Rose of Darkness, then slowly wean myself off of it to cast them myself? Or I could give it to Tomoko and turn her into an actual magical girl?

And of course, I just knew that she'd try to do some kinky magical girl shenanigans… probably involving tentacles or something like that.

That's just an idea though, but the next ability was definitely good as well. As, if I use it at the exact right moment, I'd be able to counter any seal placed on me.

It was sort of like a parry mechanic from the games that I played, which needed extremely precise timing but would save me from a massive hassle- I didn't really have any seal breaking techniques after all, and this could probably save my life.

I didn't want to end up like Tamamo no Mae after all, sealed away into a rock for a thousand years. That didn't sound like all that much of a fun time.

So with that in mind, I transformed it into its rose form and placed it into my hair- maybe I could get a pin or something for it later.

"I want you to make sure that doesn't fall out, alright?" I asked the little Sundancer sitting on the top of my head, causing it to give me a resolute yet adorable nod, "Alright thank you."

And with that, I went upstairs in order to check on Tomoko. Hopefully, she didn't do something stupid while I was getting the Devils to leave.

But knowing my little sister, she's probably convinced her dragon nun -Melusine I think she was named- to tie her up or she's in the process of trying to have yuri sex with her, or something along those lines.

As I was walking upstairs though, I noticed that mom's door was open, and curiously peeked inside to see that she was sitting in her bed, looking at her phone and furiously fingering herself to whatever she was looking at, a prominent blush on her face.

Her fingers pumped in and out of her pussy, growing slicker with her juices as she lightly moaned, looking at the phone in her hand with the thirst of a dying woman.

"Mnn~! Ryuuji!" My mother groaned as she bit onto her fist to stifle her gut wrenching moan, picking up the pace of her ministrations, her body shaking uncontrollably as a volley of her girlcum came squirting out of her pussy, hitting the wall on the other side of the room and likely staining it.

…Seeing this, I decided to quietly close the door, not wanting to deal with that at the moment, and instead went over to my bedroom.

Opening the door to my bedroom, I was met with the sight of Tomoko and her summon sitting on my bed, as she manhandled a shirtless Melusine's tits with reckless abandon.

"This is so unfair! How are you so much bigger than me!" She growled angrily, as she pulled and squeezed the draconic nun's breasts.

Melusine on the other hand just had a light blush on her face, and a hazy look in her eyes as she was relentlessly groped.

"Look at you! You're- you're the perfect woman! A big round ass, perfect for sitting on faces! Childbearing hips that look so damn delicious! A beautiful face that I just want to see utterly ruined as Ryuu-nii mind breaks you on his cock turning you into a needy little slut for our entertainment, horns that I want to grab onto and use as handlebars as I shove my cunt into your mouth- and these! These!" Tomoko roared with a flushed face as she pawed at the summon's tits again.

"T-these, mistress Tomoko?" Melusine asked with a surprisingly light and airy voice, she sounded different from what I expected.

"These ginormous honkers! These honkadonkers! These absolute cannons! These obliterators! How is this even fair!? Look at those deliciously puffy nipples! I just wanna bite 'em! I wanna suck on those tiddies until there's no milk left in the factory!" Tomoko screamed, roughly grabbing onto the nun's left tit and squeezing it as hard as she possibly could, a haze of lust in her eyes.

I couldn't help but snort at her antics, causing both my sister and her summon to pause and stare at where I was standing in the doorway.

"Nii-chan! Are you alright? Did those Devils hurt you or anything?" Tomoko asked as she let go of the draconic nun's breasts and ran up to me as I noticed that there were handprints in the flesh of her summon's tits from how hard she was grasping onto them.

"I'm fine, Tomoko." I said with a smile, as she wrapped her arms around my waist and looked up at me.

"I-… I'm glad. That's good…" She said as she looked directly into my eyes, "Now that you're safe, I have to ask this… what the fuck!?"

"Tomoko?" I asked, as she let go of me with a furious gleam in her eyes and a pout on her face.

"You- you left us in here when you went to fight those Devils! What if- what if you got hurt, nii-chan!? What if you died!?" My sister demanded, poking me in the chest with every point she made- it didn't really hurt physically, but the look of anger and sadness on her face… well that hurt far more than any wound would have.

I looked at my sister, who I now noticed was trying to distract her fears with her summon, even as she let her frustrations out on the draconic nun, sharing a glance with Melusine I saw that she was giving me a hard look, but eventually nodded at me.

Alright, I wasn't going to get any assistance from the summon, that's fine…

I looked at her for a moment, seeing that she was huffing and puffing in anger, a flush on her face… before I moved as quickly as I could, wrapping my arms around her, pressing her face into my chest.

"Tomoko- I… I did it to protect you, I couldn't bear to see you get hurt. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something managed to harm- let alone… kill you." I told her, as I squeezed her tightly, just the very thought of her getting injured brought my protective instincts to the surface.

She mumbled something into my chest, but I was unable to really hear it, so regretfully I let her go.

"B-but nii-chan. I, I don't want to just be protected by you, I don't want to be the… the damsel- the shitty waifu that has to get saved by the protagonist every time. No, I- I want to be the cool girl, the badass one with the cool powers fighting side by side with you!" Tomoko said, giving me an absolutely adorable pout.

I couldn't help but smile down at her, as I stroked my hand along her head, my fingers running through her hair as she looked up at me with a slight blush on her face.

"Well, if that's what you really want?… I won't stop you from training with your Sacred Gear or learning magic- anything like that. But I'll make sure that you're protected, alright?" I told her, causing her to give me a small nod, as I lightly scratched the top of her head, and my sister leaned further into my touch.

"Thank… thank you, Ryuu-nii." She said after a moment, giving me a beautiful smile.

"It's alright. Oh, right… Gremory-san and Koneko are Devils." I told her, causing her to completely stop and stare at me.

"Wha- What!?" Tomoko practically screeched at the top of her lungs as she backed up in shock, "W-what do you mean that Koneko-chan's a Devil? I mean, she's kind of mean and rude, and she can eat nearly anything and doesn't get fat, instead it all goes to her ass, and she's freakishly strong at times, and- oh my god she's a Devil."

I looked at her, and it honestly seemed like she was in the middle of freaking out, probably due to her assumption that Koneko was evil.

…Now, I didn't really think that she was evil. Just that she was sinful. There was no malice in her actions, at least from what I've been able to tell.

"Haha yeah… anyways, I made a deal with the Devils- don't worry it's nothing like you think, I didn't trade my soul or anything like that. Just my services for some stipulations." I told her, having noticed that my adorable little sister was going into an even more panicked state, "They're not… bad people, at least I don't think they are."

Thankfully, my explanation seemed to have calmed her down somewhat, as my sister slowly sat down on the bed, before thinking better of it and crawling into the Melusine's lap.

"I- alright, nii-chan… I'll trust you on this. What do you think we should do?" She asked me after a moment, as Melusine ran her scaled draconic fingers through my sister's hair.

"Well, I think we should wait for the contract to get finalized before anything else, maybe try to train with your Sacred Gear as well? And while that's done, I'll also do some practice myself… I've learned today that I'm woefully unprepared for the supernatural world." I said, giving Tomoko a small smile as I joined her on the bed, sitting beside her and her summon.

"Okay then…" Tomoko said after a few short moments, as the two of us just sat there, enjoying the relative peace of my bedroom.

At least I have a full day to decompress and calm my nerves after that fight earlier- my first real fight… and while that Fallen Angel might have been pretty pathetic, I had come pretty close to death by one of her Light Spears.

And if her allies had actually assisted her instead of hearing me out, I might have been in quite a bit of trouble.

But hey, that didn't happen and I managed to successfully bullshit my way out of it all. So that was pretty damn lucky of me. But I shouldn't have had to rely on luck of all things.

Now though, I had promised Koneko that I'd bake her some cookies tomorrow, and that got me thinking. What were the differences between human and devil biologies? Were they allergic to anything like how vampires were allergic to garlic?

"So…" I said after a moment, causing my sister to look over to me, "All that stuff she eats goes straight to Koneko's ass, you say? I'm not even going to ask why you've been looking there- I already knew you were a degenerate… but are we sure that she's eating enough? Like, being a Devil is probably hard work, she might not be getting everything she needs. Vitamins, minerals, proteins, calories, fats."

"…Where's this coming from, nii-chan?" Tomoko asked slightly suspiciously as she looked at me oddly.

"Well, I may or may not have told Koneko-chan that I'd make her some cookies tomorrow, so uh… she'll probably be coming over to eat them. And I'm just now noticing that I don't know the dietary restrictions of Devils, I mean I've seen her eat bentos and sweets like nobody's business, but are those actually nutritious for her?" I asked, mostly to myself as I slowly sat up in the bed.

"Um, well I guess that makes sense. Are you going to be letting her into the house, or…" She asked, trailing off at the end of her sentence.

"Oh no, absolutely not. I'm not going to let her inside so she can bug the house with whatever magic stuff she knows, but I figured it wouldn't be a bad idea to get in her good graces." I said, as she nodded along with me, "From what I could see her King at least respects her as a person- so she's likely powerful enough to have earned that respect."

"Alright then, that uh sounds good. So, uh nii-chan… would you like to, uh…" She trailed off after a moment, a blush on her face as she fidgeted in place.

The way that she was fidgeting in place and shyly stuttering was honestly so damn cute, so of course I wasted no time capturing her lips, as I pinned her down to the bed.

"Mnnf! Mmm!" Tomoko tried to speak, as my tongue battled against her own, my body pressing against hers and pushing her further into the mattress.

She was so beautiful under me, from how her face flushed from my sudden attack, to the way that her eyes went slightly hazy with a mixture of attraction and love, it was just so damn breathtaking.

Then Tomoko wrapped her arms around me and started to claw at my back, while softly biting my lip- it didn't really hurt, but it was certainly surprising.

After a few moments, I went up for air, which was harder than normal considering that my sister was biting my lip, but eventually our lips parted ways, and I couldn't help but grow hard at the sight of her hot steamy breath and the haze of lust in her eyes as she stared up at me.

"Take me, nii-chan…" She muttered breathlessly, and I acquiesced. Slowly, I took off her shirt, pulling it off of her body and revealing her rather plain grey sports bra.

Then I proceeded to take off her skirt, revealing a pair of similarly colored panties that looked more like a thong, with a rather generous tuft of her pubic hair above them.

Looking into my sister's green eyes, I noticed that they looked ever so slightly different. They looked vaguely inhuman, as they were almost slit in a way, and I could swear that they were emitting a faint glow.

Drool pooled down the side of her mouth as she stared up at me lovingly, and continued to claw at my back.

Still remembering the rant that she'd made to her summon about its more womanly body, I decided that I should probably try to cheer Tomoko up.

And in order to do that, I maneuvered one of my arms to the small of her back and moved it up until I reached the strap of her sports bra and pulled it up, revealing my sister's breasts.

They were slightly bigger than the first time I'd played with them, a result of the Royal Jelly.

Pressing my hands on them, I smiled when she let out a light moan, as I rubbed and teased her tits.

Feeling her boobs, I found that they were still rather stiff and perky, and I was fairly sure that she'd gone from an AA Cup to an A Cup. A small boost to be sure, but I also knew that Tomoko definitely appreciated it.

Then I ran my fingers over her nipples, they were rather puffy and practically bounced when I flicked them even as she moaned.

Looking at Tomoko, I noticed that her face had gained a far more prominent blush, and she was looking at me rather shyly even as her fingers clawed against my back.

So of course, I went back to teasing and playing with my sister's tits, squeezing her nipples, tugging at the flesh… doing what I could to cause her to moan louder.

After a few minutes of bullying her breasts, I looked up and smirked at the way her tongue stuck out of her mouth, it seemed like I had found one of my sister's weak points.

Or she was just really into breast play, I couldn't really tell with Tomoko.

Glancing at Melusine out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that she was watching the two of us with some small amount of jealousy.

But I didn't really pay much attention to that, as I was currently putting my entire focus on Tomoko, and I knew that if I went for her summon especially right at this moment? Then she would probably feel horrible about the way she looks.

So I took a moment to stare lovingly into Tomoko's eyes before I went down and wrapped my mouth around her right nipple.

"H-huh!?" Tomoko gasped, as I rolled my tongue along the nipple in a counter-clockwise direction, sucking on her teat like it was my only source of sustenance.

I pressed my teeth against her nipple, lightly biting it as she squirmed under my ministrations, moaning lightly as I continued to play with her.

Then I took a moment to come up, letting go of her breast with a wet pop, and gave her a smile.

"Tomoko?" I said, causing her to glance into my eyes, "Your boobs are absolutely perfect, the perkiness and firmness of your breasts and the delicious puffiness of your nipples? They're perfect. You're perfect, don't forget that."

Then with my words of affirmation finished, I went back down onto my sister's breast, softly breathing onto her nipple, while also lightly teasing it.

And it seemed that the combination of the sudden hot air coming from my mouth in combination with the way my tongue and teeth would tease her, along with the words of praise that I spoke had ended up being enough for her, as she spasmed and shook under me, a spray of her juices practically drenching her panties and pooling around in the bed, moaning loudly as she did so.

"Mmmmn! Yes! Yes! Nii-chan! Make me cum with just my titties! And- and then breed the absolute shit out of me! Make me a mommy so I can start lactating- then, then turn me into your little cowgirl mooing mommy bitch! I want you to make a cheese dildo out of my breastmilk and fuck me in the ass with it!" She cried out as she came, a look of pure bliss on her face as I just… completely stopped and stared at her.

Cheese dildo? Tomoko, what the fuck? Oh- oh god, I can't get the mental image out of my head…

I almost wanted to laugh at my sister's atrocious dirty talk, but with her body image and self confidence issues, I didn't think that shaming her for this sort of thing would be a good idea.

"A-and when I'm gonna be a mommy, we're gonna have debauched incestuous sex with our kids! Gonna have our daughters worship the ground you walk on nii-chan, and the sons will be turned into our little trap daughters, training them to only have little clit-dicks stuck in chastity cages and only cumming with their asses! No, their little bussies! And then Melu-chan's gonna be our little fuck pig! She'll be the- the family cum receptacle! Our little dragon nun cumdump! She'll be coated in our little trap boy's bitchgasm juices!" My sister practically screamed this to the heavens- I wouldn't be surprised if the neighbors heard this…

Thankfully they were well used to Tomoko's antics, and will probably just think she's fantasizing out loud… again.

But I definitely knew in this very moment, that I had created an absolute monster. And if I didn't seize control of her sheer degeneracy, then she would likely threaten the entire world.

"Then, then- she could eat your cum out of my ass while you fuck my pussy and then your musk will-" Whatever my sister was going to say was cut off, when I moved and kissed her on the lips, thankfully and blessingly shutting her up.

While I was kissing my little sister, I looked back over to Melusine, to see a lustful expression on her face, her face was flushed, her eyes hazy with desire, drool was pouring from the side of her mouth, and her habit seemed to be rather damp around her nether regions

Her clawed draconic fingers were nowhere to be seen, though from the way the underside of her outfit was moving and the schlicking sounds I could hear, I was able to guess what was going on… well, at least I knew for sure that the summon was perfect for Tomoko.

I then noticed that my sister was also looking at her summon, a small smile making its way to her face as she ended the kiss.

"Hey, hey nii-chan?" She asked sweetly as I looked at her, and the tiny sinister smile on her face.

"Yes, Tomoko-chan?" I asked in return as she pressed her body against me, wrapping her legs around my waist.

"Let's give Melu-chan here a show, alright?" My sister said, and then she pulled her panties to the side, exposing her hairy pussy, her pubic hair barely hiding that beautiful slit of hers.

I didn't even respond, as I kissed her yet again, pulled my stiff rock hard cock out of my pants, and slammed it into my sister's awaiting cunt.

Tomoko let out a guttural pained moan into my mouth, her eyes glowing a brighter near neon green as my tongues clashed against each other.

Her tongue tasted like a mixture of sour candy, energy drinks, and chocolate. To anyone else it would be a strange flavor profile, but to me? It tasted absolutely divine.

Then my sister got more into the mood, as I pumped in and out of her, my eleven inch cock demolishing her tiny wet honeypot, but even as her legs shook from the force of my pounding she didn't let go.

I continued to fuck my sister into the bed as she moaned into my mouth, a frantic look entering her eyes as I bottomed out inside of her again and again.

And then she bit my lip once again, causing a small amount of blood to come out and flow into her mouth, and then her slit pupils oddly started to dilate, growing wider as they glowed even brighter.

Still though, even with the slight pain in my lip, and the blood that flowed from my mouth to hers, I didn't relent in my ceaseless pounding, and with every thrust, Tomoko's body and the bedframe shook in equal measure.

I continued to fuck my degenerate little sister into the bed, while in the corner of my eye, I noticed that Melusine was still watching and masturbating to the sight of our bodies pressed up against each other, doing such lewd and debauched acts like a mating press.

Then my sister came up for air, releasing my mouth from her own, and I noticed that her mouth was tinged red with my blood, but the way that she sensually licked her lips just made me even harder.

"Mmmn, nii-chan, I want you to- to fuck me like you're fucking a mountain!" She groaned out with a slightly manic look in her eyes, I- I didn't really know what she meant by that but I think that I got the general idea.

As I continued to fuck my sister, I couldn't help but grow more confused at the things she kept saying to me, they all sounded odd as hell.

"Make my scales shine!"

"Yes! My treasure, cum in my- my hidden treasure!"

"My mate, my beautiful mate! I love you so much!"

"Mate! Mate! Mate! Mate! Mate!"

I didn't really understand those euphemisms she was making, but it didn't really detract from the mood, and not long after, I found myself at the edge of my release.

And yet, even though I tried to pull it out, Tomoko's tight pussy clenched around the base of my dick, and no matter how I tried to pull it out, it just wouldn't work.

Then she started to spasm around me, signifying that my sister had started to cum a second time in this little session, as I was on the verge of doing so myself.

I eventually found that I couldn't hold it any longer, so I wrapped my arms around her, pressing her against my body, and with all of my might, I thrust one last time, my cock burying itself into her tight wet depths.

Then as the pressure built up within me, I felt it release and my white hot baby batter spilled into my sister's awaiting womb, giving my sister her long awaited creampie.

She moaned happily as I continued to shoot my sticky goo into her awaiting pussy, then she did something that came as quite a bit of a shock to me…

"B-[BOOST]!!!" Tomoko screamed loudly, as she raised her arms up, revealing that her right hand had a bright red gauntlet with a set of green jewels on it.

But as soon as it appeared, it was gone. Almost like it was some sort of mirage- but I knew then and there, that it was her Sacred Gear.

…Of course she'd have awakened it during sex. Of fucking course.

Then I watched my sister, as she practically passed out, having been fucked into blissful unconsciousness.

So I took a moment to catch my breath, while still inside of her, my dick only now having stopped sputtering cum even further into her pussy, and I couldn't help but marvel at the sight of my sister.

Tomoko's eyes were practically rolled into the back of her head, as her mouth was agape, her tongue lolling out in a near perfect example of an 'ahegao face', then there were her breasts which were slightly red now from how I had bullied them, along with the cum that was running down her leg.

I kind of wished that I had my phone on me right now, because damn the sight of my fuckdrunk sister was absolutely beautiful.

Looking over to Tomoko's summon Melusine, I saw that she was still furiously fingering herself to the sight, her digits moving underneath her habit, the only thing that I could really see was the increasing dampness as her fingers moved.

She then noticed that I was looking and her lustful blush became a bit more of an embarrassed one, but she made no attempt to stop.

I then found my dick hardening yet again, so I beckoned for her to come over.

Melusine was hesitant at first, but eventually did make her way over to me, shuffling along the bed as I gently grasped one of the horns on her head, it was rigid and rough, feeling like what I believed a horn to feel like.

Then I slowly started to rub it, causing the draconic nun to moan lowly yet lewdly, the sensation of my fingers sensually flowing along her curved horns apparently too much for her, as she leaned further into my touch.

Gonna be honest, I didn't think that her horns would be an erogenous zone, but apparently they were. But in retrospect it made sense, because of course Tomoko would summon a hentai dragon nun, why did I expect any different?

So I decided to have a bit of fun, and turned myself around so I was fully facing her, and blew into her ear, causing the summon's face to flush brightly.

And then I licked her horn, causing her to mewl and moan like she was putty in my hands.

With that, I decided to go one step further, running my tongue along the hard red length of her right horn until I reached the very tip, and started to lightly nibble on it.

I didn't really get a lot of pleasure out of doing so, it just felt like I was trying to bite a rigid piece of metal, but it seemed to be driving her crazy, so I continued to do so, wrapping my mouth along the tip of her horn and biting down on it, causing her to go rigid as her spine shook.

Taking my mouth off of her horn, I looked into her eyes, and found that she was blushing profusely and looking at me with sheer want.

"Mmmn, please- please…" Melusine moaned aloud, as she looked at me with a lustful gaze.

"Please what, Melu-chan?" I asked leadingly, as I continued to tease her horns, rubbing, stroking, and periodically licking them.

"Please, please, please…" She murmured breathlessly, practically begging me for some form of release.

I glanced over to Tomoko, seeing that she was still unconscious with cum pouring down the side of her leg, and an idea occurred to me.

"Alright, I'll help you, but you have to help me…" I whispered into her ear with a smirk, causing the draconic nun to perk up as she looked at me questioningly.

Then I gestured over to the unconscious Tomoko, cum still seeping out of her well fucked pussy as a small grin made its way onto my face.

"I want you to eat all of the cum in Tomoko-chan's pussy, can you do that for me, Melusine-chan~?" I asked, intentionally dragging out my pronunciation of her name.

She flushed slightly, but eventually gave me a nod as she bent over, giving me a nice sight of her ass within her nun's habit, as she got closer and closer to my sister's pussy.

But as soon as she was faced with it, she paused and looked back at me for a moment. Deciding that she seemed to be hesitating a bit too much for my liking, I gently guided her by grabbing her horns and slowly but surely pushing her face into Tomoko's cum-coated cunt.

When her nose was practically buried in it I heard a slight gurgling sound as she tried to struggle out of my grasp- but I knew that she didn't want to actually get away, as she could've easily done so if she truly wanted to stop.

Then she started to hesitantly lap up the spunk on the sides of my sister's legs, before she perked up, eyes widening ever so slightly as she licked up more of the cum… and then started to greedily eat the cum along Tomoko's thighs.

"Come on, Melu-chan, that's a good girl… eat it all up." I praised lowly, as I slowly pulled up her habit, which had the effect of revealing her pale white asscheeks, and exposing that she wasn't wearing any panties.

I looked at the two soft white globes in front of me and gently pulled them to either side, and looked at both her freshly pink asshole which was winking at me, and her human-like pussy, slick with her juices, with some scales resting just above it. Going to be honest, I expected something more degenerate, but this was strangely tasteful.

It was still a surprising sight, but I should have probably expected that from a dragon girl. Her scaled tail swayed just above her ass, practically curling in on itself from pleasure, as her wings flexed with each mouthful of cum.

Smiling at the sight before me, I lined my cock up with her asshole, and after taking a moment to allow her to notice what was going on- which she did from how her eyes darted back to look at me with surprise-, I pushed.

Deeply pushing my cock into her unlubed virgin asshole took a bit more effort than I initially expected, but I managed to get it inside of her with a slight pop.

Her asshole was incredibly tight and constricting, and felt warmer than Tomoko's asshole ever was- was that because of her draconic nature? Or something else?

I didn't really know, but I didn't really need that question answered, so I started to thrust in and out of her ass.

And then Melusine screamed into Tomoko's cunt, practically gargling on the cum as small cum bubbles rose up and popped along her cheeks, nose, and forehead before she whirled around to look at me in shock, giving me a great view of her now cum-covered face.

But I didn't mind the look of shock on her face, especially when she looked so beautiful covered in my cum, so I smacked her ass and smirked as she moaned like a wanton whore.

"Mmnf!" Tomoko moaned out of nowhere, causing Melusine to stop in shock for a second, and the two of us to look at my sister.

She seemed to be stirring in her sleep, so I pushed her summon's head back into her pussy, and watched as my sister smiled at the draconic nun eating out her creampied honeypot.

I then proceeded to pound in and out of the dragon girl's asshole, my sadistic smile growing as she screamed more and more into Tomoko's creamed pussy.

And then I watched as Tomoko slowly came out of her bliss-induced rest, her eyes fluttering as she woke up before looking down and seeing her own summon practically nose deep into her cum covered muff.

Her eyes widened in shock and then she looked around confusedly, only to see me pounding into Melusine's asshole, a smirk making its way onto her face. Good it seemed like she was quick on the uptake.

"Mmmn, Melusine-chan! That's it!" Tomoko goaded, as she pulled on the girl's horns, diving her deeper into her own pussy, "You're a good girl, such a good girl."

From the way that her tail was wagging at that, I was pretty sure that Melusine really appreciated it, as she continued to dive further into Tomoko's tight snatch.

So I kept pounding into her sinfully tight asshole, and every now and then some juices would leak from her pussy, I didn't know whether that was from the rough anal pounding she was receiving, the cum she was eating out of Tomoko's vagina, Tomoko's own praise, or some mixture of all three.

But she was definitely getting more and more into and accustomed to it, from the way that she was pushing further into my crotch, and while a normal girl would've probably been screaming her head off from the pain of my eleven inch cock pounding into her asshole with no lubrication, Melusine was taking it like a damn champion.

Sure she screamed quite a bit, but I was like eighty percent sure that was from a mixture of shock and pleasure. Plus, she likely wouldn't get any permanent injury from this considering her supernatural nature.

So eventually when I found myself at the edge of cumming, I did the exact same thing that I did with Tomoko, and let out a roar with one final thrust as I ejaculated deeply into her hot draconic bowels.

"MMMNNFF!!!" She screamed out into Tomoko's pussy, as my sister wrapped her legs around the dragon-like nun summon's head, trapping the larger horny girl in her creamed pie.

"That's- that's right, Melu-chan! Eat it all, eat your favorite food girl, it's- it's- it's gonna be fine… hope you save me some, you big titted bimbo!" My sister mumbled, her legs shaking as the other girl audibly slurped the cum out of her pussy.

Around three minutes later, I was finished cumming into Melusine's ass, and Tomoko eventually let go of the draconic girl, causing her to slump down face first into my sister's pussy.

"No no, Melu-chan… not yet." Tomoko said, as she lifted the other girl's face, and I watched as they stared at each other for a moment.

"…Mistress?" Melusine asked in a daze as Tomoko licked her lips as seductively as she could- which wasn't much, but she still tried it.

"You're not going to just pass out without giving me my meal, are you?" She asked, causing her summon to make a noise of confusion.

But Tomoko didn't wait for any answer, as she quickly locked her lips with the draconic nun, the two of them sharing a surprising kiss.

I watched as my sister french kissed the larger horned girl, their tongues intertwining with each other as the cum that was in Melusine's mouth was taken into Tomoko's.

Then Tomoko ended the kiss, and swallowed audibly before looking at me and opening her mouth and showing me her tongue, to show me that there wasn't any cum left inside of her mouth.

Melusine then finally passed out from sheer pleasure, as Tomoko perked up and looked at her summon's gaping cum-filled asshole, licking her lips sensually at the sight.

…This was when I decided that this was the perfect time to make my leave, as I rubbed the remnants of the cum on my cock on Melusine's ass and put my pants back on, leaving the room.

From the squeals that resounded as I closed the door, I was pretty sure that Tomoko and Melusine were going to be in there for a while longer.

Standing in the hallway, I almost swore that I saw a flash of purple hair at the end of the hall, but that was probably nothing.

Miki Hyoudou Interlude:

Wow, just.. wow.

I heard the sound of my kids going at it yet again, and decided to- to be a voyeur and peek on them, thankfully they didn't notice me watching through the crack of the slightly opened door.

But, well… wow. I didn't even know that they knew a girl that could do such good cosplay, she really looked like some sort of demon nun. Was that one of the new popular anime waifus? I could never tell.

Ryuuji could really fuck, couldn't he? First little Tomoko-chan, and now this friend of theirs… what was her name, Melusine-chan?

She must have been a foreigner or something, but just… just… wow.

Gorou never fucked me like that, sometimes I only got lucky enough for him to go one round nowadays, he was getting old after all…

But now there's a new source of virile seed in the house- no, no. I mustn't… oh but how long has it been since I've had some proper dick?

No, Miki. That's your son, you can't do that… even if he's shown that he's fine with incest.

But when I thought that I was having a wet dream about him again and I- I… he was so shocked and confused. Of course he wouldn't have wanted an old hag like me.

I almost got caught when Ryuu-kun left the room, but thankfully I was fast enough to scamper away without being seen.

But still… just wow.

I wonder what that weird little green light show was there, was that some sort of glowing sex toy or something they were using to spice up their sex life?
