

Stefan moments after taking Samael's hand let it go, like it had burned him.

He stumbled back, nearly falling onto the floor were it not for Samael's timely catching him, helping him straighten himself.

"Well, tell me Stefan, how was it? How was Heaven?" Samael softly questioned.

He was genuinely curious, he himself did not allow sensation to pass through him when it came to using The Passion, because he feared he'd lose himself in it and wouldn't stop using it to experience that amount of peace, greatly harming himself in the process since the use of the Stand is not free.

Once a month, it was basically cost less but attempting any more use, it would cost him a great amount of spiritual energy, causing him to become less clear headed until he recovered.

He only allowed Stefan to experience it because he had the Stand, not the vampire and therefore could protect him from being taken in by it like a drug.

"It- It was everything I had ever wanted and more..." Stefan began with awe and reverence in his tone.

Suddenly he grabbed Sam's arm tightly and pleaded to him, "You have to send me back there! I have to- to feel that again! That peace! That light! That purity! I need to be clean again!"

Samael sighed, he had already honestly expected this, and already had an idea how to fix it.

He with speed faster than even the vampire could react punished him in the face, sending him towards the wall.

"You with me again? Or still absorbed In it?" The Stand User questioned nonchalantly.

Stefan grabbed his broken nose as it was repairing itself thanks to his vampiric constitution.

Stefan was silent for a moment, "Yes... Yes, I am. Thanks for the broken nose by the way," the vampire remarked sarcastically. Annoyed.

"Hey," Sam began as he walked towards the refrigerator in the room, opening it and taking out some coke, "It worked didn't it?"

"So, again, how was Heaven?" Sam reiterated as he poured himself a glass.

"It was... perfect. Absolute peace and clarity. No more sorrow, no more pain, no more guilt, anything one could ask and more..." Stefan began with awe and reverence in his tone.

Sam took a sip while listening to him , rotating his pointing finger downward, gesturing for him to go on.

"Everyone was there too... Lexi, Damon and even... even my mother." Stefan finished with wonder in his tone until he broke out of it, his gaze now serious.

"Looking at your expression, you've finally broken past the Heavenly peace and remember the matter at hand. Tell me do you agree?" Samael questioned as he put his glass down.

Stefan was silent for a moment before he sighed as he sped off for a moment, returning with a bottle of Bourbon, having went to Damon's alcohol collection.

"Yes, I agree with helping you achieve your Ascension and the utter obliteration from the face of reality of my Sire." Stefan stated.

"Was that sarcastic?" Sam questioned for a moment, even though Stefan's tone eluded to the opposite. He, of course could sense lies. Something he had theorised before, but now after his awakening had more concrete evidence for.

It seems an aspect of the Passion, is that it had merged itself with his dormant Wolf side and made it so that when lies are being uttered to him, that a foul taste fills his mouth.

Which Stefan's words did not, yet they still surprised the Stand User.

"No, I'm serious," Stefan stated as he walked past him to grab a glass.

"Huh," Sam began, "I thought that it would be more, I don't know, difficult. You're quite suprising fellow, Stefan." The Stand User commented.

"Just from hearing your words, I know for a fact you didn't experience what I did. You haven't experienced Heaven yourself, have you?"

"No, no I have not." Sam began as Stefan poured himself a glass, sitting down on the table.

"Unlike you, I'm the one with the power. I won't have a recovery period where I can't access it. I'd rather not ruin myself by forcing myself to continue experiencing it at my soul and body's expense.

But do tell me, how... How was I? What was I like?" Sam questioned with a bit of wonder in his tone. He had seen himself in that possible future, but never up close.

Never daring to experience what it's like even from the outside. Fearing his own weakness towards the sensations the Passion can bestow.

The Passion, itself is a Stand that sources itself on the story of The Passion of Christ.

Many in his previous life questioned the Joestar bloodline's apparent connection to Jesus.

Johnny Joestar, the version of Jonathan Joestar after the universal reset by Encrio Pucci, himself had a connection and even visions of Jesus.

Some even theorised that Jesus -- whose name is Yeshua, or if translated to English could even be made Joshua -- to be the first JoJo, as his name could be Joshua son of Joseph.

The Passion, therefore is something that has more direct a connection to the Heaven, than any Stand save Dio Brando's The World Over Heaven and Enrico Pucci's Made in Heaven.

And this sometimes, made Samael, second guess himself. Whether he was an instrument of fate, just as the Messiah was, that was in some ways blessed and in another cursed with foreknowledge of the betrayal of Judas Iscariot, just as he is with the knowledge that the world's greatest and mightiest evils are against him and wish him dead.

Whether he was a weapon against the Original Hybrid, a fate forced upon him by Gravity or whether it was his own will that wrote that destiny, he truly doesn't know, which scares him sometimes.

"You were... Tell me, you know how they describe Lucifer before his fall? How he was so beautiful, so wise and powerful. The brightest in creation, drawing all in like the stars he lit? You were like that and- and more.

I don't know the exact words to describe it but just by being next to you, I knew you could do anything." Stefan explained as he drunk his glass in one go.

"It's one of the main reasons why I agree to siding with you, because I experienced first hand what you have the potential to become.

Another being that I am not really the biggest fan of the Original Family that have destroyed the lives of countless. I may be beyond my own will and control, the Ripper, but I have my own sense of morality and what they have done and are continuing to do is vile.

You also literally showed me what it was like to be truly happy and I honestly would walk through hell and back if it meant I could truly have that- that happiness, forever." Stefan stated, looking into his empty glass, still reminiscing about it all.

Samael remained silent, taking the vampire's words in.

"So, tell me, any plans on how to stand against Klaus, protecting the woman you love, before the opportunity for Heaven presents itself?"

"In a sense. Nothing too concrete, but I have one of the most important pieces now, that being you of course. The Passion protects you from the Original's influence so long as he isn't directly there to compel you which is a great boon, for it allows you to aid me in planning better against him, seeing as you know him personally." Samael stated as he took a chair and sat once more at the table, opposite to Stefan.

"Well, from what I remember now that you broke the compulsion is that Klaus and Rebekah were running from something, or rather someone. But you already knew that didn't you?" Stefan questioned rhetorically as he poured himself another glass.

He believed he really needed to be drunk for this conversation, because this all, was too absurd to think about sober this soon after finding out.

"In a way. I had my suspicions, but your confirmation makes me more at ease." Sam stated.

Stefan drinking another full glass, put it down as he stated, "Then our next course of action is obvious isn't it. Since they are in this planet right now, the laws limit them from accessing their world ending powers and I bet the same would apply to whatever is after them.

We therefore can side with whatever it is and with your abilities even have an advantage over them in knowledge and maybe even power."

Sam reasoned that, that indeed would most likely be the best course of action. Mikael is described by Klaus as a monster, monsters were afraid of. One who fed on vampires rather than humans.

He would indeed be a great boon on their side. Especially since he had already an idea where he may be, if the plot line followed the shows. If it did, it would be fantastic, if not then it would simply mean to have to look for themselves.

"You do know, though, that Klaus is your Sire right? If we do kill him, you'll die too. Alongside your brother and countless other vampires." Samael reminded.

"It doesn't matter, Samael. It would simply mean that for a limited time I will be in Hell and you'll have the capability then to without worry achieve Heaven and bring Damon and me to Paradise. Its not like we don't deserve it." Stefan stated as he picked up the whole bottle and drank it down.

"I need another drink," Stefan stated as he put the bottle down and walked towards Damon's collection once more, leaving Samael to stew over his thoughts.

As Stefan seemed to return, the Stand User stood up, walking towards the door past the vampire.

Stefan was confused at the man's actions, but knew better than to ask. He didn't need to really, since right now, he doubted anyone knew Samael Lockwood better than him.

And in someways, the same applied to the slumbering wolf when it came to him. He therefore shrugged to himself as he simply sat down and opened one of the bottles with him, and drank it down forgoing pouring it in a glass.

As Sam walked down the stairs he bid Zach an absentminded goodbye and walked out the door.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here. I personally would've gone for a woman, rather than a guy, but it seems my dear little brother has finally got off his bunny diet." Damon Salvatore stated as he saw the Stand User walk out the house, smelling the strong scent of his alcohol on Sam's body, reasoning that Stefan seemed to have finally given in to his urges.

Thinking it the most logical explanation, since he knew Zach was barely acquaintances with the Lockwood's son.

The vampire sped in front of him, blocking his way, "Hey, it's nothing personal, but since Stefan seems to have left you alive as his portable blood bank, it means he kind of likes you, and well, I promised him an eternity of misery and all that." Damon shrugged as Sam merely stared him down, uncaring towards his words.

Before the vampire could even attack after his demonic face showed itself, Damon's neck was snapped by one of the vines of the Passion, causing him to fall down upon the earth, akin to a puppet with its strings cut.

Sam simply stepped on his face before walking past him, soon enough disappearing like the wind with speeds rivaling the blinding light of the Heavens themselves.


(Author note: Hello everyone! Hopefully you enjoyed the chapter!

Hopefully you all liked the conversation between Stefan and Sam, and as well the last altercation with Damon.

I hope the two weren't OOC, it's my first time truly writing them with lines.

Also, it seems our duo wants Mikael to join their party, well, what do you know. We'll see if papa Original is interested.

Also, do please comment.

Like, your comments is basically what makes me want to continue. The less I have, the less motivated I become, because Interaction with you all is one of the main reasons I write.

So yeah, I'll ask again, if you still want me to continue this story do please tell me and I'll hopefully see you all later,

