

Just to be clear, the fiftieth floor is about the size of Arizona. This is because it is a halfway point up the tower. It has both a large safe zone and various monsters creating a complex ecosystem. Mostar floors are not like this or are less complex.


Transporting myself back to the fifth floor I made my way to the literal edge of the floor. Some good three hundred miles if I had to guess. About the size of a state from my previous life. I started raising the ground up higher and higher. Soon there were mountains surrounding the area and the entire elevation of the surrounding area had been raised. I then added a bunch of fauna and rivers going through the mountains. As well as a large clearing at the center with many paths going in and out of the area. Overall, this process took almost a day. 

"I think that should work," I commented to myself "I had a lot of practices with the elves and dwarves so let's try something unique" 

Starting with an elf outline I scaled them up to fourteen feet. With an image in mind, I made their arms and legs like tree trunks. I changed their feet from looking human-like to a more stump-like appendage with some stubby claw toes sticking out. When that was done, I changed their skin to a leatherier grey. To quite literally top it off I changed the head to look more like an elephant with a long trunk as a part of their face. Finally, I added two white tusks coming from the side of their faces where their cheeks would be. As an added bonus I added some hair going from the top of their head and reaching across their neck and shoulders. Finally, I brought their aggression to a low level but still higher than the other two races. 

Making some other minute adjustments I told myself "That was harder than I thought. Now let's summon the first one" 

[Do you want to summon your custom monster]


Before me a fourteen-foot behemoth appeared. I could physically see the muscle ripping through its body. 


Class: Monk

Strength- 123


Agility: 24

Constitution: 57

Will: 10

Mind: 17

Spirit: 12

Skills: [Hand to hand 7] [War hammer 5] [Chi control 6]

Abilities: [Empower] [Meditate] [Steel fist] [Life sense] [Chi projection] [Earthquake] 

"Now that is a titan" 

A deep gravelly voice answered "Is that what I am" 

"Yes, you and your people will be titans, this area will be your home" 

Kneeling closer to my level he responded "Thank you tower master" 

"I will name you Notus" 

"As you wish" 

"Now I will summon the rest of your people" I said. 

[Would you like to summon 400 of your custom monsters] 


POV change Zhao

"So where are you heading after this?" Go Rehi asked. 

"I am not at liberty to say" I replied scowling "Can we get to the task at hand" 

Currently on the thirtieth floor we were making our way through the harsh canyon towards a large cave that had been marked by our explorer. 

"How much further?" I called out. 

"Not much, just a hundred feet or so," Soren replied. 

Seeing something move out of the corner of my eye I activated entrance flames and threw my fist out blasting a large ball of flames incinerating the creature. 

[+78 XP]

"This is getting annoying," I grumbled. 

"Remember Zhao we are here to find the boss room not to beat the floor" Go Rehi said feeling my irritation. 

"I know that" I spat. 

"Or are you just afraid to leave the tow…" Go Rehi started but Soren interrupted. 

"It should be on our left now," Soren informed. 

Leading the large group to the left we entered a large cave that quickly led into a cavern. Looking ahead I spotted a group of figures already surrounding a small campfire. 

"Ahh, you have arrived" one said standing up. 

He wore clothes made of silk with slight armor places covering vital areas. What really struck me was his face. Even to me it was beautiful. High cheekbones, delicate features and pointed ears as well as long brown hair and forest green eyes. Everyone behind me adopted a fighting stance ready to attack. 

"Who are you? We have yet to meet an intelligent monster" I replied. 

"Monster. We are elves from the fiftieth floor" He replied. 

"Elves?" I said confused till I remembered Callum's warning "You are the ones Tower master Callum told us about" 

"Yes. I am Aubron." he introduced. 

"My name is Commander Zhao of the fire nation," I replied. 

"I am Go Rehi from the earth kingdom" Go Rehi interjected. 

"As I said I am Aubron, I was advised to come to the lower floors to try and facilitate trading" 

"We don't bring money with us when on an expedition" I explained. 

"Who said you needed money? We cannot leave the tower if you have information and stuff from your nations. Your armor for example" 

"How about we see what you have first?" I said, seeing a quick glint of anger in his eyes. 

"Yes, let's," Aubron said. 

Leading us back over to his group they pulled out a few items ranging from weapons to tools. 

"Sir over here" I heard Soren's voice. 

Looking over I walked over to see what he was looking at. Currently he was holding a short sword that had a faint bluish glow to it. 

"What is it" I demanded. 

"This sword is magic. Identify says that it has the ability to cauterize wounds" He explained. 

"Really?" I said skeptical. 

"Sir over here" 

"Over here sir" 

"Check this out" 

I heard many voices calling for my attention. Walking through the many people I checked out each item. There was a chest plate that offered more stats. A sword that was uncannily sharp. There was even a lamp that would never run out of fuel. What really caught my eye was a pair of gauntlets that increased the effectiveness of abilities by a slight amount. 

"What do you want for the gauntlets?" I asked Aubron. 

Seeing the angry glint in his eyes again I waited while he considered the trade. 

"I would like that sword on your hip and a set of fire nation armor as well as a few health potions if you have them" he answered. 

"That's a pretty steep price," I argued. 

"I know the value of these items; my price is final" he said harshly. 

"You there" I said pointing at one of my men. 

"Yes sir" 

"Remove your armor and give it to them" I commanded though I could see he was hesitant "Now!" 

"Yes sir" 

Removing his armor, he handed it over to the Elf leaving him only in a light red shirt and some padded pants. Removing my sword and sheath I handed that over as well as two health potions from my own bag. 

"Will that do" I asked. 

Giving me a slight scow he answered "Yes" 

Throwing over the gauntlets I inspected them. They were rather plain with the metal covering the forearm being one piece then just some metal covering the fingers and back of hands. Quickly throwing them on I could feel that my abilities had become a bit stronger.

"Thank you for the trade," I said, smirking. 

Giving me the cold shoulder the Elf walked back to his own people ignoring my comment. 

"Zhao" Go Rehi called. 

"What?" I questioned. 

"I have found the location of the boss room" he answered. 

Turning to him I saw that he was missing his helmet and now had a land clipped to his belt. 

"Where is it?" 

"Just down that tunnel" he said pointing to one of the many offshoots. 

"Well, that solves that problem, let's go" I said, stepping towards the tunnel. 

"Zhao we are not here to fight the boss, even with the traded items we still are not prepared to go to another floor. Not to mention the men didn't expect to fight it today" Go Rehi said, stepping in front of me. 

"Neither of us will be coming back for a long time, do you really want to let this go" I rebutted. 

"That doesn't matter, the men aren't prepared even if we beat the boss, we will sustain many losses in both equipment and people. Not to mention we don't even know what the boss is" He replied. 

Thinking for a moment I replied "Fine, but when I return it will be without you" 

"Fine" Go Rehi said, turning to the men "We will rest here for a few hours then head back down after marking the boss room". 

With resounding cheers, the men started to make camp on the far side of the cave away from the Elves. 


I would like to thank my commenters for actively participating and pointing out my mistakes as well as their suggestions. Although 90% of the story is planned out it's that 10% that really makes the story unique.

Thanks for reading.

GramGebcreators' thoughts