
A Crazy King

Opening the door's I entered the large dining room. Looking around the room I saw three guards on each side of the room. In the middle was a long table filled with food. 

"Well don't just stand there, join me for dinner" 

Hearing the familiar voice, I looked to the other side of the table and saw Bumi in all his feathered glory. His clothing was much the same as the show, but the hat had feathers going up from the back of his head and shoulder pads with even more feathers running down the length of his arms. Did I mention the entire thing was a strange shade of light blue. 

"Of course, your majesty" I replied, taking a seat directly across from him.

"So, my guards tell me you're an ambassador from Ba Sing Se, what they didn't tell me is that you have a great choice of style" Bumi said, but I was too distracted by the notification that popped up. 

[You have met a foreign Leader marking a big step in the promotion of the tower. Due to this you know have permanent access to the Invitation feature and the skills/abilities shop Congratulations these were originally supposed to be given after a participant passed the tutorial floors 1-10]

"I asked why Ba Sing Se needed to send an ambassador" 

Coming back into focus I realized I had not been paying attention to king Bumi.

"It seems our guest is a bit distracted, why don't we get some food for him" Bumi laughed out.

"I apologies to your majesty, it was a long way here and I'm a bit tired," I lied. 

"It's fin but I don't think I got your name"

"The name is Callum" 

"And are you from the earth kingdom your appearance is quite unique"

"Well, my parents were quite unique, people don't exactly choose their appearance" I laughed at my own joke. 

"True you are. Well then don't wait for me, Dig in!"

Picking up a few pieces of fruit I pulled up the main status menu while we ate in silence. 





Class stones:



'Invitations' I thought. 

[Invitation: send a status screen inviting foreign dignitaries or royalty to the tower. Includes a map of the tower's location]

[craft invitation] 

Now this could be useful for convincing Bumi of my tower's potential. Grabbing another piece of fruit, I continued to eat slowly as I opened the other new tab. 

[Skills/Abilities: Search:]

'Alright, let's try pulling up Empower' I thought. 


Empower-100 points

I wonder if I can even get the ability or skill? 

"Alright now let's try, hand to hand" I whispered. 

"What was that Ambassador Callum"

"Just commenting on the good food" 

"Right you are, I am partial to the mutton myself, but I guess the chicken is good too" 

"Riiight" I drawled out confused then looked back to my status. 


Hand to Hand 1- 40 points

Hand to Hand 2- 80 points

Hand to Hand 3- 120 points

Hand to Hand 4- 160 points

Hand to Hand 5- 200 points

Hand to Hand 6- 240 points

Hand to Hand 7- 280 points

Hand to Hand 8- 320 points

Hand to Hand 9- 360 points

Hand to Hand 10- 400 points

Evolve hand to hand skill- 1,000

Honestly this is a lot cheaper than I thought it would be. Except for the evolution option which I didn't know exactly what it does besides make the skill better. 

"King Bumi, I should explain something to you" I started. 

"Oh, and what is that?" he inquired with raised eyebrows. 

"I am not actually an Ambassador from Ba Sing Se"

Standing up Bumi said in an exaggerated tone "Whaaat, the strange looking man wearing red and black is not from Ba Sing Se"

"Alright I am not doing this; I know that you act over the top crazy to throw people off but please tone it down it's annoying" 

"Oh, you saw that, did you?" he said with a crooked smile. 

Deciding to ignore him I said "I am here to present an opportunity to you and your military to gain power far beyond what you could dream of" 

"Oh, I don't know I can dream pretty big. Now what opportunity would you like to discuss" 

Quickly crafting an invitation, I sent it over to king Bumi, unfortunately it still required fifty points for being outside my territory. 

[Congratulations! The tower master has elected to invite you to come to the tower, in this place you will be both challenged and rewarded. Power awaits you the likes this world has never seen]

[Map link]

"This opportunity" 

For once Bumi was at a complete loss for words, you could even see his mouth hanging open with his eyes fixated onto the screen. 

"Let me reintroduce myself, my name is Callum, and I am the master of the Tower"

"What is the tower?" he asked. 

"It's exactly as it sounds; it's a giant tower where you can fight your way up the floors in order to grow stronger" 

"And what would I be fighting? Not people I hope we already have a war going on"

"Monsters, various creatures. Fighting amongst participants is banned in the tower"

"You can understand how this all sounds, despite your whatever this is" he gestured to the screen "I have not met a single person from this place"

"That is because the tower is a recent addition to this world, If it helps convince you I should probably state that the fire nation already has access to the tower"

"Trying to manipulate me are you," Bumi said with a crazy glint in his eyes. 

"Not at all your majesty I simply want to give you the opportunity that the fire nation has already taken" 

"Where is this tower" 

"If you look back to the invitation you will see below where is says map link, press on that and it will show you the location of the tower" 

"You there bring me some maps," Bumi said pointing at a guard.

The guard rushed out of the room and returned a few minutes later with some maps. A place was made empty for them right in front of Bumi. 

"Oh, it's in the earth kingdom is it" 

"Yes, although if you notice the location, it is in an area the has almost equal access to most the other nations, minus the south pole" 

"Yes, I can see that, let me just make a mark here" Bumi said marking the Towers location. "How many fire nation soldiers are there right now?"

"When I left it was about sixty" I said, omitting the fact that I left today. "There is no need to be concerned, it is impossible for anyone to prevent others from entering the Tower" 

"Hmm, interesting, do you mind staying a while longer to answer some questions" 

"I do not mind"

I then spent the rest of the day answering some basic questions about the status sheet, leveling and classes. I didn't give any details on the specifics of the classes, just mentioned a few like fighter and explorer. Once the discussion was done, I was led to a nice room to sleep the night in. Despite not feeling tired; as I never had since coming here; I still fell asleep. 

In the morning, I elected to say goodbye to Bumi since I don't exactly know when he will be coming to the tower. For all I know he could only send his soldiers instead of coming himself. I met him at the entrance to the castle, he most likely expected me to walk or something. 

"It was interesting meeting you, Callum," Bumi said. 

"Likewise, king Bumi, when should I expect you at the tower"

"I won't be going for a while, but I will be sending some of my soldiers to make a for their" 

"Sounds good," I replied. Perhaps I could convince these soldiers to create more permanent lodgings around the tower. After all, construction is one thing that I am sure Earth bending would be great for. 

"Well see you another time" I replied then teleported back to the fifth floor of the tower where I was greeted with an unexpected problem. 

[Warning! Multiple persons have been banned from the tower]

If you have the time please leave a review for the story and please continue to comment they have helped immensly in fixing the mistakes I have made.

GramGebcreators' thoughts