

The fire nation camp was quite large now with more tents than I could count. There were bonfires everywhere with pots hanging over them, obviously for cooking. Surprisingly there were even a few types of cows/oxen that I didn't recognize. The camp was a buzz of activity, weapons and armor being cleaned or repaired. As soon as they saw us it was all weapons ready surrounding me and He Tun in a tight circle. 

"Who are you? How did you get here" they questioned. 

"I am Callum and this is He Tun. If you could grab captain Li for us I would like to talk to him" I responded. 

"Wait here" 

It took a few minutes, but I finally heard Captain Li's voice amongst the crowd. 

"What is going on here?" he commanded. 

Someone was quick to answer "Sir these two just walked up to the camp we don't know where they came from" 

Reaching the front of the surrounding soldiers he was quick to give orders. 

"Put your weapons down" he said then turned to me and He Tun "Callum the commander will want to talk to you please come willingly"

"I am here to talk to him too, I need to give him the rundown of the rules" I replied getting a few snickers from the surrounding group. 

He pointed at He Tun "He will need to give up his sword"

We discussed this beforehand as I can just purchase another from the shop should we need it so He Tun was quick to hand it over. 

"Follow me and if you try anything there will be issues"

Following Captain Li through the camp we were led to the biggest tent in the camp. Passing the two guards at the front we entered the tent. Looking around I noticed it had as few partitions put up which most lily means this tent is used for meeting and living and of course the entire tent was red with fire nation symbols. 

"Wait here, feel free to take a seat" Li said pointing to the table and chairs.

I took the seat at the end of the table with He Tun on my right. Soon after the psychopath himself entered from one of the partitions. Clothed in nice looking fire nation armor and a cape going down to the middle of his legs. Of course, the idiotic sideburns are present as well. 

Sitting in the chair opposite of me he gave me a hard stare "Callum I presume, I am Commander Zhao, a higher-ranking officer in the military. As I was told your appearance is quite…unique" he said with a self-satisfied smile. 

Hmm wonder what his stats are I said to myself while pulling up his status. 

Name: Zhao

Class: Firebender 

Level: 2

XP: 10/15

Strength- 6


Agility: 4

Constitution: 4

Will: 3

Mind: 5

Spirit: 7

Free point:

Skills: [Swords 4] [spear 2] [Firebending 6]

Seems like he already confirmed the potential the status can give people. 

"Yes I am Callum and I am the master of the tower and I have come here to inform of the rules of the tower and its surrounding area"

"What rules?" he said, his voice sharp.

"The first rule is that you cannot prevent people from entering the tower, the second one is that you can't harm people within the tower" I omitted the floor one through five part of the second hoping to minimize the damage I've done. 

"You think that you can impose these idiotic rules on the fire nation"

"They aren't just my rules they are also the Towers rules and breaking them has consequences" 

"What consequences?" he asked, eyes narrowed. 

"Ones you don't want to mess with" man I wish I actually knew. 

Turning his head to a soldier near us he commanded "You attack him" he said pointing to another soldiers "and you don't move"

The soldier commanded too attack, pulled his sword and approached the other one. Looking scared, the one going to be attacked still didn't move. As the sword moved it left a small gash on the soldier. I immediately pulled up the participant view to view the consequence. 

[you have attacked another participant against the rules of the tower. For the next seven days you will lose access to your status and be barred from gaining experience further action against the rules will have you banned from the tower]

'Hmm so people can be banned' I thought to myself. 

After sharing what he saw the soldier returned to his post at the side of the room and the attacker watched as his cut healed quite quickly. 

"So, if we break these rules, you will kick us out of this place" Zhao inquired.

"That is correct" 

"Ah, why don't you introduce me to this fellow" Zhao asked in a tone that was anything but friendly. 

"I am He Tun, the first person to enter the Tower as well as the first person to gain a class from the tower" 

"Well, I don't mean to wound your pride there but according to my status I also have a class"

"That is different," He Tun replied.


For this He Tun looked to me "Yes you have a class but that's because you are a bender. On reaching level ten you won't be able to choose one of the classes offered by the tower"

"Which are?" Zhao inquired.

"You'll have to find out," I replied.

Looking at me in barely concealed anger Zhao asked "Then what will happen when a Bender reaches level ten" 

I was so surprised by his question I answered honestly "I don't know there hasn't been a bender who has made it to level ten yet". 

"Are there any adverse effects to this status, my soldiers who came to get me said the couldn't look at it after moving a certain distance from your tower"

"That is just them losing access to the status screen. Now I have a question for you"

"What?" Zhao asked curiously. 

"What do you know about Prince Zuko?"

"The Prince? Why?"

"Just curious I heard his name mentioned on the way here"

"He was banished earlier this year for speaking out against his father" 

'YEEEES', I screamed in my head. That meant I was three years from Aang's awakening. I was concerned that I was going to have to wait a decade. Seeing Zhao didn't help because I didn't know jack shit about his military career before the show. 

Looking like he was contemplating something he moved onto the next question "What is the glowing door, we killed a giant green goo, and it appeared soon after" 

This time it was He Tun who replied "It is the entrance to the next floor"

"Next floor?" 

Laughing a bit He Tun replied "you thought this was the only floor? It's a tower obviously there is a way to go up"

"I suggest you watch your tone," Zhao said through gritted teeth. 

"Or what, you can't hurt me here and my stats are higher than yours anyways" He Tun said, still chuckling. 

Face going red like a tomato Zhao stood up from his chair and bellowed "LEAVE NOW!" 

Standing up we left the tent and were led through the camp so we could leave. He Tun was handed his sword, and we started walking on the floor until I stopped him.

"What is it?" he asked. 

"I want to apologize," I replied. 

"For what?" 

"I should never have talked to the fire nation; I hadn't expected them to bring someone so volatile" 

"You know this Commander Zhao"

Not wanting to lie I simply said "Not very much I just know he will do anything to advance his career, including trying to break the rules"

"Can he?"

"Not that I know of but nothing is stopping him from sacrificing soldiers in attempts" 

"But I have something to ask of you and if you do it will dilute the fire nations influence here" 

"I need you to either go to Omashu or a earth kingdom outpost and inform them about this place, if they are far enough they might not see the tower and even if they can don;t know what it is" 

"I'm sorry but my family…" 

"Will be taken care of"

"I can't leave them"

"I would do it but I don;t even know if I can leave my territory" 

"You have never tried"

"No I haven't" I said "Give me a second"

I teleported to the edge of my territory and looked out at the mountains in the distance. Then I took a single step outside my territory. 

[Warning! Leaving territory. You have lost access to the shop and map and notice board. teleport still connected but every attempt const's 100 Tower points]

"Damm how many points do I have" 

[227 tower points] 

"So, I can teleport twice then, good thing I saved these" I said to myself. 

Walking back into my territory I teleported back to He Tun to tell him the news, 

"It looks like I can leave and still teleport, but it does cost me, and I lose all other access to the Tower itself" 

"How long would it take you to get to Omashu" 

"Depends on how many times I can teleport right now it's only twice" 

"I appreciate everything you have done for us, but I won't leave my family, especially with all of these fire nation soldiers here" 

"I understand but it will take a while and give the fire nation a chance to become stronger" 

"If you don't then the fire nation is the only ones who will use the tower" 

"I don't even know where Omashu is" I said "Wait a second, shop, search, world map"


World Map (paper)- 100 points

World Map (system V1)- 500 points

World Map (system V2)- 5,000 points

World Map (system V3)- 10,000 points

World Map (system V4)- 100,000 points

"What is the difference between versions"

[each version adds more detail. V1 is blank only having land masses. V2 has cities. V3 adds in towns. V4 allows you to see dots representing people] 

Pulling out the paper version I look at it seeing only nations capitals marked. 

[127 tower points]

"This could work, Teleport to Omashu" I said aloud. 

[Warning this area is outside your territory cost to teleport 200 points: Does not include return trip]

"I should be able to do it but we will need those fire nation soldiers to level up some more"

"Will you wait for them to do it"

"Well considering you will not go then I kind of have to"

"I'm sorry but I can;t leave my.." He Tun started.

"I understand, I will go but like I said it will take a bit of time and considering they now know about the other floors it shouldn't take more than a week"

"What should we do for now then"

"I'll help you and Analay level up, once she gets the healer class then you guys are pretty much guaranteed safety on the fifth floor" 

"Then let's get to it" He Tun said confidently. 

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