
Floor 4

I mentioned commander Zhao in the previous chapter. I couldn't find anything concrete about where Zhao was at this time, so I decide to have it be in his early career as a commander. 


Looking around I didn't immediately spot the group of soldiers. Thinking that they left I made my way over to the Tower entrance prepared to leave but I didn't expect them to have an entire encampment set up near it. In total there were twenty tents, most being small one person tents and two larger ones. 

Most of the camp was empty so it was easy to make my way towards one of the large tents. Approaching the back I lifted the flap and looked inside. It was mostly just fire nation flags, a bed and a few weapons that were scattered around. Leaving this tent alone I made my way over to the other large one and to my surprise there were actually guards stationed at the front. So as any person with common sense would do I made my way to the back of that one as well. Hearing some voices I got a bit closer and lifted the bottom of the tent up just enough to let some sound through. 

"What should we do when the Commander gets here?" a voice I didn't recognize said. 

"We give him a detailed report, first we need to prepare for his arrival, which means more hunting and bringing our resources from camp here" the unmistakable voice of captain Li Ten said. 

So, they already sent for a commanding officer, although that's good for my Tower points, I don't think it will end well, especially since the system didn't state how it kept people from blocking the entrance. 

"First we need to lock down the area and keep anyone out," Li Ten suggested. 

I probably should put a stop to this before it gets out of hand and they try to take over the area. For all I know the consequence could be the individual people blowing up. So I stood up straightening my back and teleported to one side of their table. 

"I would recommend not blocking the entrance" are my quick suggestions. 

Both of them grabbed a spear leaning on the table and pointed them at me. Even though I know they can't hurt me, it's still terrifying to have a sharp object pointed at me. 

"Where did you come from?" Captain Li asked. 

"I am the owner of the Tower" I replied but I was cut off by the captain. 

"You have said that but that explains nothing"

"As the owner I cannot be harmed, and I can travel anywhere I desire" I boasted. A little white lie won't cause any problems. 

"You said we shouldn't block the entrance?" Li questions. 

Hmm, seams that they don't make anyone a captain he actually asked a good question "One of the rules of the tower is that you cannot prevent anybody from entering the tower another rule is that you cannot hurt any other person on the first five floors breaking either of these will result in consequences" 

"What kind of consequences?" 

Not knowing what to say I simply repeated the word "Consequences" 

"We are part of the fire nation army we can not simply just allow people to come into our territory" 

"That's the point it's not your territory it's mine and you are free to do as you please but consequences will follow if you break the rules" 

"Our commander will not listen to that especially if he sees the power this place could bring the fire nation" 

"Then I will be happy to explain it to him as well now if you will excuse me I need to go help some other people who entered the tower before you"

With that parting sentence I teleported back to the fourth floor, only to see a few goblins trying to break through the tent flaps. 

"Leave them alone" I yelled as I moved to the tent. To my surprise the goblins actually scurried off like scared cats.

"Is anyone in there" I called

"I and Tyro are," Analay replied.

"The goblins are gone you can come out now" 

Walking out of the tent Analay answered "He Tun and the boys left an hour ago as soon as we arrived. Then those goblins showed up and I hid me and Tyro in the tent we are lucky you showed up when you did" 

"Sorry I didn't expect them to attack you so close to the entrance of the floor"

"It's alright we are fine thanks to you"

"I'll stay with you guys until they get back then we have some things to talk about" I explained. 

Looking at the ten-year old I brought up his status. 

Name: Tyro

Class: Earthbender

Level: 1

XP: 0/10

Strength- 1


Agility: 1

Constitution: 1

Will: 2

Mind: 3

Spirit: 4

Skills: [Earthbending 1] 

"Have you been teaching Tyro Earthbending"

"No, I haven't no one else is an earthbender in our family but ever since you told us he was a bender we have been trying to get him too, he first bender just yesterday"

"Well keep up the good work, it looks like he is learning just fine". 

It took a few hours but when they returned, I immediately pulled up all three statuses. The two boys were now level six each with their stats in strength and endurance while He Tun made it to level eight still focusing on strength and agility.

Name: He Tun

Class: N/A

Level: 8

XP: 23/45

Strength- 7


Agility: 6

Constitution: 3

Will: 2

Mind: 1

Spirit: 1

Free point:

Skills: [Edge Weapons 5] [hand to hand 1] 

"Nice leveling their He Tun" I called. 

"Callum welcome back, what's going on with the soldiers" he replied. 

"You should rest while we talk" 


It took a bit, but we started a fire to cook some leftover horned rabbit. Once we all sat down and were eating, I was ready to give them the bad news.

"The fire nation soldiers have sent for a higher commanding officer" 

Looking quite worried He Tun asked "How long until they get here"

"No clue" I replied and received the most 'are you serious' looks I have ever seen "Look, It's not like I can look everywhere at once, to find someone on my map I have to be looking at the specific area"

They just gave me dumbfounded faces at my strange explanation. "Okay so I have access to a map of my tower and seventy miles in each direction"

"What does a map have to do with this?" he asked. 

"What I mean is the system gives me the map so I can see every living being that is currently in my territory, but I have to be looking at the specific spot where they are the circles that represent people that don't scale with the size of the map". 

"I still don't understand what you are saying but I am guessing it's difficult for you to find them if they're in the area at all"

"Correct, so I don't know how long we have but the nearer they get to the tower the more lily I will find them" 

"So what should we do?" Aanalay interjected. 

"In my opinion you should still go to the fifth floor, they may not be able to harm you but I am guessing they may come up with ways to still bother you"

"And the fifth floor will stop that" One of the boys questioned. 

"Being on the fifth floor will give you more time till they catch up and as we know goblins will attack you here so making it to the safe zone will help your own area of living" 

"Well then there is no time to waste" He Tun said standing up.

"Right you are and just for safety everyone should come this time" 

"Is that the best.." He Tun started

"I will watch over them so it will be fine" I quickly interjected. 

"Fine let's go" 

I took a bit to pack up camp but soon we were all under way. I started leading the group towards the boss of this floor, the goblin warrior. As we were walking I made sure to give them some information about the monster. For example it only has some thin cloth armor for protection or that its weapon was a dull rusted short sword. 

After about an hour we arrived at the boss area which unlike the other bosses had an actual stadium in the form of an overgrown circle of mossy stones. And at the center was the boss waiting for any challengers. 

"You guys ready" I asked

Nodding in the affirmative and without a second thought rushed at the boss. The first one to reach it was one of the boys but as they swung at it the boss parried the attack and made a cut of his own leaving a large gash on the kid's side. Without even speaking and with angry faces He Tun and the other kid ran at it with a wild rage. 

Over the course of the fight HE Tun was fine but the other boy received a few scratches. The fight finally ended when He Tun somehow made it behind the boss and was able to sink his sword into its back. Soon after we all ran over to the injured kid and brought him over to a tree. 

"You'll be okay," Analay said to herself. 

"Wait, I may have something," I interrupted. "Shop, search health potion" can't believe I never thought of this. 


Weak health potion: 50 pointsHealth potion: 100 pointsGreater health potion: 200 pointsGrand health potion: 400 points

"Alright that is disappointing I don't have enough for anything"

[Tower points 37]

Seeing the worried look on the two parents I realized I needed to try something else "Shop, search healing items"


Band aid: 5 points

Bandage: 5 points

Healing salve: 30 points

"That should work" I said as I quickly pulled out the salve and bandage. "Here put this salve on it then we'll wrap the bandage around the chest".

Unfortunately, none of us had experience with bandages it was quite crude but it should still hold "We should take a break here for a while, or at least until he can move again" 

"Yes, that seems like a good idea," He Tun said.

"Thank you for this Callum" Analay thanked. 

"No problem, you should all get some rest, i'll look around the area and keep monsters away"

All three conscious people nodded and sat down next to their son/brother to rest. I got up and walked towards the forest. 
