
Chapter 62: Until our Next Meeting

Time had passed after the Christmas celebrations, and Anne, Darrel, and their friends have worked tirelessly on how to get back to Amphibia. They have recruited as many friends as they possibly can. Darrel and Tint got back to the swing of magic training. Mr X was still embarrassed with how things turned out with him. But he wasn't willing to give up so easily.

One day, Darrel wakes up from his sleep and looks to himself in the mirror. His past self appears in the reflection, still in his wizard robes. He looks weary to present Darrel, knowing his return to Amphibia is very soon.

"Be careful," said his past self. Darrel looks with realization, and breathes. "I know," he replied. "This has never happened before." His past self nods, "What are you going to do if he comes? If they come?" "Only one thing I can do," was all present Darrel replied as he looked away from his past self.

Darrel goes out in the backyard to see Tint play tea time with Jane, and Amelia practicing her soccer drills. Darrel smiles at them, then looks down at his staff. He calls to his parents, "Mom, Dad! Can you come out here for a minute?"

Jane, Amelia, and Tint look to Darrel who looks like he has an idea. "What are you up to, bro?" Amelia asked. "I'm just worried," replied Darrel. "I don't know what's going to happen next. And I care about you guys so much, it's going to be hard to leave you behind."

"That's why I want to create a fail safe in case Andrias and the Core arrive with their army." Matthew and Sarah enter the backyard as Darrel waves his staff in the air. A magical aura surrounds the four family members. Darrel shakes up at first, considering he never tried something like this before. But he let's go of his worry and continues to let the magic do its work.

As the magic aura dies down, the Loyalitat family feels a tad off. "Why do I feel more hyped than before?" Amelia asked. "Because I've blessed you all with an enchantment," replied Darrel.

"Amelia, you've got super speed." Amelia was shocked to hear him say that. So as she prepares to run, she finds herself on the other side of her neighbors backyard. And the fence dividing the yards was blown away. Amelia rushed back, and Darrel magically fixed the fence. "Wow! That was awesome!" Amelia cheered.

"Jane, whenever you dance you have the ability to conjure up fire. But be cautious, that fire will spread." Jane gets in position for a ballet opening, then her signature ballet tutu starts to glow fire embers. As she danced, fire began to glow from her hands to her feet. When she stopped, the fire rescinded. "Cool, I felt like the Firebird for a moment," she said.

"And Mom, you have the ability to heal others at the touch of your hand. Even crafting homemade foods can heal people too." Tint takes Matthew's hand and burns his palm, just to test out her gift. She takes his hand, and it magically heals back to normal. "Wow."

"Dad, you have the gift to fly at great heights and have the strength of a thousand men." Matthew takes position in the backyard and launches himself in the air. He does barrel rolls, loop de loops, and touches down to the ground. Then, he goes out to their car and lifts it up like it was a regular box. A small kid on a tricycle watched the whole thing and was shocked. "Just some personal issues," said Matthew.

"I've given you guys these gifts in case Andrias comes here," said Darrel. "But don't get used to them, because this is only temporary." "It's more than enough," said Sarah. Then, Darrel's phone goes off. It was Anne.

'Meet us at the warehouse on the other side of town, the portal is almost ready.' Darrel smiled, "Let's go open up a portal to a new world." The family gets into the car and drives off to the warehouse.

Inside the warehouse, Anne and the Plantars were waiting for the chance to open the portal. Darrel arrives with Tint and his family. "Hey Darrel, are you ready for this?" Anne asked. "You know it," replied Darrel as they high-fived each other.

"Ah, you must be Anne's friend Darrel." Darrel looks over to see a blue haired scientist programming on the controls. "And you must be Terry," said Darrel. "Sorry I didn't show up at the science emporium, I had some issues to sort out." "You didn't miss much," said Terry. "Just some crazy boss trying to make a name for herself instead of helping out others."

"Oh, gotta love this avocado roast," said Hop pop. He holds up a piece of bread with avocado toppings on it. "It's avocado toast dude," corrected Anne. "In Amphibia, the avocados are covered with poison barbs that cause blindness," said Hop pop. "But here, they're just creamy and delicious."

"How's the portal coming, Terry?" Sprig asked. "Pretty good," she replied. "Come over here. When you told me about the Calamity box. I wondered: why a music box?"

"Actually, I have the solution," said Cronaxx. "I chose the music box because of the magical element in the music notes. Countless worlds, infinite possibilities, all connected with numerous musical combinations. These music notes were able to pinpoint specific worlds."

"With music," said Darrel. "Cronaxx you were a genius!" "I still am," said Cronaxx. "And I always will be." The rest of the group clapped with amazement. "And now the million dollar question," said Terry. "Does anyone remember a song playing when they were in a portal between here and Amphibia?"

Anne, the Plantars, and Tint hum in different paces, confusing Terry. "Guys, guys," said Darrel. "Stop, stop, stop. We need only one person to play the notes." "I think it was: Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmm," said Anne.

Terry repeats the notes and turns on the power generators to open the portal. "Fingers crossed everyone." Dr Jan uses her car to rev up the power supply. The portal only opens up a tiny bit, but enough to show something on the other side.

"That's as big as I can make it," said Terry. "Do you see anything?" The group looks through a telescope and sees a giant praying mantis feeding on a rat. "Gross," said Anne. "Giant bugs," said Darrel. "Definitely Amphibia." "Wonder if the mantis can smell us," said Sprig. The mantis reaches through the portal to grab Sprig. But Terry closes the portal, causing the mantis to lose its arm.

"That's your world?" Mr Boonchuy asked. "Home sweet home," replied Hop pop. "Nice job, Terry," said Anne. "Now that we have the location, is there any way we can make that portal bigger?" Darrel asked. "Well, I'm going to need way more power than I have right now," replied Terry. "Other than that, we're on the right track."

"I don't believe it, we're so close to getting back to Amphibia," said Anne. Darrel takes her hands and smiles, "Once we cross, we stop Andrias and get our friends back," said Darrel. "You two are very impressive kids," said Dr Jan. "Traveling to another world, leaving your families behind again, not knowing when you'll see them next. That's brave."

"I haven't really thought of that until now," said Anne. "I would not believe it if I hadn't just seen it," said Mr Boonchuy. "That was incredible," said Mrs Boonchuy. "The best thing I've gotten to see in such a long time," said Sarah. Both families look at their kids in joy and wonder. Anne looks down with disappointment, while Darrel gives a small smile knowing what this means for them.

"Alright everyone, listen up," said Terry. "Dr Jan and I think we can get the portal bigger. But, here's a list of supplies I think we're going to need." She texts the group the list of supplies.

"Fifty thousand kilowatts of power generators," said Mr Boonchuy. "Four hundred cubic meters of ice," said Matthew. "Eight gallons of yogurt covered pretzels?" Sarah asked. "The portal needs yogurt covered pretzels?" Mrs Boonchuy asked. "Yes," was all Terry said with a blank face.

"Looks like the only place we'll find all this is SpendCo!" Mr Boonchuy cheered. "Spend-wha?" Hop pop asked. The group arrives at the front of an entrance and announces the store's name again. "SpendCo!" The amphibians gasp in amazement at how big the store is. "They got avocados here?" Hop pop asked. "They've got everything here," replied Anne.

While Anne starts looking at her phone, she is suddenly stopped by her father. He wears an evil spaceman's mask and wields a toy plasma sword. He challenges her to a fight. "We meet again, Anne Boonchuy," he said. The mask helped make his voice sound metallic and evil. "The only way to save your father is to defeat me!"

He gives Anne his red sword, while holding a blue one. "Dad, I'm too old for this," groaned Anne. "Aw, really?" Mr Boonchuy was a little upset that his daughter didn't want to play. But then, "Nope!"

Anne strikes with her toy and playfully attacks her father. Using her sword and parkour skills, she was able to strike her father down in defeat. "Hey go easy on your old man," begged Mr Boonchuy.

"Woah, sorry," said Anne. Then out of nowhere, her mother dawns a cloak and playfully stabs her daughter in the back. "Gotcha, I was your mother the whole time." "These parents are the worst," acted Anne, and played dead after being stabbed. They shared a laugh, escaped a store clerk, and high-fived one another. Spending time with her family made Anne choke up, and then decided to go find her friends.

While the rest of the group look for more supplies, Darrel finds Anne and Sprig at the patio aisle. He finds Anne looking glum, and he knows why. So he goes over to talk to her.

"Anne, are you okay?" Darrel asked. "Yeah, I'm fine," she replied. "But are you okay, in here?" Sprig asked, pointing to her heart. Anne sighed, "Not really. I've been so focused on opening the portal and getting back to Amphibia, I haven't thought about what I'll be leaving on this side. My parents."

Darrel smiled sadly and took her hands. "Hey, it'll be okay," he said. "Look, you're not the only one who's thinking the same thing. Our parents are great, and it'll be tough to say goodbye. But I know that they count on us to do the right thing. I'm not giving up. Not on them, not on my friends, and not even you. So whatever we face next, we'll face it together."

Anne smiled, "You really are the best, Darrel." "I do what I can," said Darrel. Anne kisses him on the cheek, making the two blush. "What if we wait a couple days?" Sprig suggested. "You two could spend more time with your parents. I'm sure Amphibia can wait a little while longer."

"Unfortunately we can't," said Tint. "Darrel saw Amphibia being destroyed and we need to stop Andrias." "Gangway!" Hop pop called. He comes in with a cart full of avocado pears and products. "Holy guacamole!" Anne cried.

"That's a lot of avocados," said Darrel. "Avocado hummus, avocado oil, avocado face masks, there's avocado everything. I share it all with Amphibia, we'll be set for life." Then, Frobo comes in with RC wheels and a tail fin.

"Nice wheels Frobs," said Tint. "You like his new treads?" Polly asked. "We stopped by the RC car aisle." "What's with the DVD's?" Anne asked. "Oh nothing much," replied Polly. "Just my favorite Die Difficulty films. Bryce Wallis is an action movie genius." Polly inserts the movie in Frobo's mouth, and his eyes project the movie on the screen.

After the group gets the supplies, Mr Boonchuy stuffs them in the car like a game of Tetris. Even stuffed the Plantars in with the supplies as well. "Alright that's the last of it," said Mr Boonchuy. "See I told you we would all fit. Right guys?" "Snug as a bug Mr Boonchuy," said Hop pop. "I knew there was a reason I married you," said Mrs Boonchuy.

Suddenly, FBI trucks pulled up to their location. They were boxed in, with no way of escape. Darrel and Tint see this from their parents' car and make their way to help Anne and the Plantars. A squad of soldiers jump out of the truck and surround the Boonchuys. Then, Mr X comes out behind them.

"Looks like we've caught you at last, my little froggies," he said with a mischievous grin. "Frogs? What Frogs?" Hop pop asked in denial. Mr X didn't have time to play dummy, so he used his watch device to laser off Hop pop's disguise. Hop pop was left in his underwear, feeling embarrassed.

"Quick you guys! RUN!" Anne cried. The four escape in between the cars to evade X's grasp. Then, they come across Darrel and Tint. "Anne! They're on us!" Darrel cried. "The jig is up already," said Sprig pointing to Hop pop. "At least they spared him that particular indignity," said Tint. "Come on!" Anne cried.

The group runs further in the parking lot, only for Jerry to catch Anne and Darrel with a net gun. "Anne!" Sprig cried. "Darrel!" Tint cried. Suddenly, the four amphibians were caught by a strong agent. As they squirm, Mr X walks up to the humans.

"Anne and Darrel. So we finally have names. I gotta say kids, you've caused me a lot of grief. But, that's all over now." "Let my friends go!" Darrel cried. "If you do anything to them, I swear to god!" "You'll what? Hurt me?" Mr X asked. "You know you don't want to do that. Pack it up boys."

"What about the kids and the parents?" asked the strong agent. Mr X looked at them and just said, "Leave them, there's nothing they can do now." Mr X hops on the truck and puts the amphibians in a cage behind them.

As Darrel watches Tint being taken away, the two glance at each other. Tint could perform his magic, but Darrel shook his head no. "Not yet," he whispered. He didn't want to use magic since Mr X doesn't know that yet.

As their friends are taken away, Matthew and Sarah find Darrel tangled up in a net trap. Mr Boonchuy cuts him and Anne loose, and Anne hugs Darrel out of grief. "We'll get them back, Anne," said Darrel. "I made a promise. Mr Boonchuy, we have to-" "Go after them, I know," he said. "Matthew, take your girls back to the warehouse, then call all the friends our kids encountered." "You got it," said Matthew. "We're going to need all the help we can get."

As they began chasing in their car, Anne realized something. "Darrel, why didn't you use your magic to escape from them?" "Because neither Mr X or the government knows yet," said Darrel. "I told Tint not to use his powers before they took him. That way, we'll have the element of surprise." Anne smiled, "Clever thinking. But, when is it a good time to use them?" "Only and absolutely necessary," replied Darrel.

While they're talking, Mrs Boonchuy keeps the FBI trucks in sight. Then, they find the trucks entering a secret facility outside of town. "Okay, now we know where they're taking our friends," said Darrel. "Time to scope things out," said Mrs Boonchuy.

The group takes a freeway pass overlooking the facility. They see the trucks enter with clearance. "Looks pretty secure," said Mr Boonchuy. "Yeah," said Darrel. "This is going to be more than just two families to handle. We're going to need all the help we can get." Anne takes out her phone and starts making calls.

Inside the facility, Mr X began interrogating the amphibians. Starting with Hop pop Plantar. He shines a light above the restrained frog. "Geez, we thespians love the spotlight, but can you turn this thing down?"

"Who do you work for?" X demanded. "No one," replied Hop pop. "I've been working for myself since I took over the farm." "The farm," X asked. "Is that what you call your nefarious alien headquarters?" "Uhh, No," replied Hop pop. "Say, do you guys have any avocado toast?" Mr X was stunned with Hop pop's response.

He moves on to Sprig, "Alright Pinky, I want to know everything. Start from the beginning!" Sprig decides to take his request literally. "I was born on a humid swampy evening. Just a tiny cute tadpole with big dreams." Mr X wasn't buying into any of it, and regretted asking for it.

He moves on to Polly next, "What's your master plan?" Polly answered truthfully, "Duh, to eliminate my enemies and take over the world!" Mr X took her answer from his perspective. "A HA! Now we're getting somewhere. Tell me more."

"Jeez, we're going to be here a while," said Polly. She takes out her list and starts naming the names that peeved her. Mr X stopped her from naming anymore and picked up Frobo. "What is this thing? Some kind of bomb?" "Oh, he's the bomb alright," replied Polly. "Ain't ya Frobes?" Frobo responds by spraying oil in Mr X's face. He responds by presenting a doctor holding a needle. And Polly writes on the bottom of her list adding Mr X and the doctor.

Now it was Tint's turn. "So, what kind of dinosaur creature are you?" Mr X asked. "I'm a salamander," replied Tint. "What do you want from me? The truth?" "I want to know what you're planning," said Mr X. "Simple," replied Tint. "To get back home and stop the invasion!" "So there is an invasion! The little girl frog was right!" Mr X cheered. "But I don't want to invade your home," said Tint. "The king wants to. And you have no idea what he's like. Keeping me here would just be prolonging the inevitable, unless you let us go." "That's not going to happen little Compy," said Mr X.

Back at the warehouse, Anne and Darrel's family gathered everyone they could to rescue Tint and the Plantars. There was Ivan, Jake, Jess and Ally, Molly Jo, Humphrey, and some people from the Thai Temple. Terry and Dr Jan were there too. Anne and Darrel explain their situation, shocking some of the members who didn't know they were amphibians.

"Now, we need your help to save them," said Anne. "This is serious business." "I can assure you all this is going to be dangerous," said Darrel. "If we get caught we'll all be in trouble. So if you want to bail, we understand."

The group smiles and doesn't back down. "We're with you," said Humphrey. "To the end!" He gives a dramatic pose, impressing Molly Jo.

"Alright, here's the plan," said Anne. "Step one: Get into the compound by bringing them something they want." The Thai community dress Humphrey to look like a humanoid frog, allowing them access to the main gate. However, they're blocked by security asking for clearance.

"Next secure entry into the compound." Molly Jo sneaks in the toll booth and uses a panda bot to hack into the FBI security computer and allow access to the main gate. The card works and the four enter the compound.

Later, the group sneak into a hole in the gate, with tuxes to pass as agents and get access from the Thai commuters, Humphrey, and Molly Jo. They open the door allowing the rest into the building. "Nice work," said Darrel. "Now all we have to do is find our friends and return the rental suits."

The group race in the facility, looking for their friends. Then, Jane, Amelia, Jacob, Dr Jan, and Terry find a power generator outside one of the doors. "You guys thinking what I'm thinking?" Jake asked. "We can use this generator to power the portal," said Amelia. "That could power it all on its own," said Terry. "Let's grab it," said Jane. The five split from the group and get to nabbing the power generator.

The rest of the group look to find a door that says Specimens A,B,C,D. "This must be where our friends are," said Anne. They get inside the room and look around. They see a glass case that looks like Hop pop is in. "Hit the lights," said Matthew.

Sarah turns on the lights and the glass case reveals to be the same animals Mr and Mrs Boonchuy purchased to fool Mr X. "What the," said Anne. Suddenly, Darrel realized something. "It's a Trap!"

Oh boy, was he right. Before they know it, Mr X closes the door and a couple of guards surround them. "Hahaha. Payback stings, doesn't it?" Before long, the group gets locked up, sharing three cells close together.

"What have you done with our friends?!" Anne asked. "Give them back!" "Sorry honey," said Mr X. "But they're government property now." Darrel slams on the bar doors with his fists. "They're no one's property!" he shouted. "You can't do this to them!"

"I can do whatever I want," said Mr X. "I'm a highly specialized top federal agent. And you two are nothing but children. You wouldn't even have gotten this far without your mommies and daddies."

Darrel angrily spits in X's face, glaring at him with pure hate. "You have no idea who I am and what I can do. So watch your back X." "How rude," said X as he wiped his face clean of spit. "Just face it kids. It's time to stop playing hero, before it gets you all in serious trouble. Oh wait, you're already in serious trouble."

As Mr X walks away laughing, Darrel growls, "I haven't even begun making trouble for you." "It'll be okay, Darrel," said Cronaxx. "Where there's a will there's a way." "It's funny that he couldn't see you," said Darrel. "Then again, I don't think this facility can detect ghosts."

He turns from the cell door and finds Anne curled up into a ball. "He's right," said Anne. "I am just a kid. How am I supposed to save my friends, beat the FBI, defeat King Andrias, if I can't even bring myself to say goodbye to my parents?"

Mr and Mrs Boonchuy look down seeing their daughter give up. The weight on her shoulders made her feel vulnerable, defenseless, the same way Darrel felt when he was going through a lot without his powers. Darrel felt upset seeing her like this. "All this time I thought I could do these things," said Anne crying. "But I was wrong."

"No, you're not," said Darrel. He gently places his hands on Anne's shoulders, getting her attention. "I know this is something you can do." "He's right," said Mrs Boonchuy, sitting beside her daughter. "If anyone can do this, it's you," said Mr Boonchuy, sitting as well.

"How do you all know?" Anne asked. "Let's see," said Darrel. "Survive in a strange new world nearly everyday for months: Check. Made new friends along the way: Check. Reunite with old friends: Check. Defending for others that couldn't: Check. Build an amazing float for your family: Check. Defeated two killer robots: Check. Also brave, determined, loyal, cheeky, kind, and not knowing when to quit when things go south."

Mr and Mrs Boonchuy smiled. "Darrel's right, Anne," said Mrs Boonchuy. "You have grown so much. You're not my little girl anymore. You can do this." "And no matter where you go, or what you're doing, we'll be with you the whole way," said Mr Boonchuy. He points to her heart. "Right here."

Anne smiled, "Thanks guys," said Anne hugging the three. "And Darrel," said Mrs Boonchuy. "Yeah," said Darrel. "I really appreciate you being there for our daughter. You have my blessing to date her." "And you have mine too," said Mr Boonchuy. "And ours," said Sarah hugging Matthew. "Thanks mom and dad," said Darrel. "I wished my parents believed in me like that," said one of the agents guarding the door.

Suddenly, the power went out, causing all the lights to turn off. "What's happening?" Anne asked. Ivan looks out to see Terry, Jan, Amelia, Jane, and Jake take the facility's power generator. "Our friends got the base's generator," he said. "The entire compound is shut down." "Which means a glitch in the power locks," said Jess as she opened the cell doors. "FREEDOM!" Humphrey cried.

The group make their way to the exit, but the guards ahead stop them. "I may be touched by your story, but I'm still going to stop you," said the guard. Darrel sighed, "I think I've had enough of this." He magically makes his staff appear and sprinkles a bit of magic dust at the guards. "Sleeeeeeeeeep," he said in a calm tone. The guards instantly fall asleep and Darrel and Anne escape.

With the power down and the emergency lights on, the guards were on high alert. Down a long corridor, they spot Anne and Darrel prepped and ready to fight. "Get them!" cried the guards.

Darrel looks to his enemies, takes Anne's hand, raises up his staff and shouts, "TIME BREAK!" Before he knew it, Darrel slowed down time, and he and Anne walked up and took quick hits at the oncoming guards. They make their way back to get the rest of the group and rescue their amphibious friends.

Meanwhile in the lab where they are, Mr X and the doctor notice the power outage. "I'll go restart the generator," said Mr X. "Don't let them out of your sight." Mr X leaves the lab, and the doctor stays put.

The amphibians suddenly hear a noise coming from the ceiling. The noise stops above them and the vent opens up. "What up, fam!" Anne cried. "Anne," cheered the Plantars. And jumps down and so does Darrel. "We're here to rescue you guys," said Darrel. "Hey, who are you two? You can't be in here," said the doctor.

Tint uses his magic to open Frobo's cage and Frobo attacks with dvd discs. Knocking the doctor unconscious. "Well done Tint," said Darrel. "Thanks buddy," said Tint as he magically frees himself and the Plantars.

"Wait a minute," said Polly. "You could've done that this whole time?! Why didn't you when we could get out of here?!" "Because then, you would've lost the element of surprise," said Cronaxx. "Had Tint or Darrel used their powers, the agents would know about it and secure them more tightly."

"Are you guys okay?" Anne asked. "Mostly," replied Hop pop. "My dignity is admittingly in shambles." "So what's the plan on getting out of here?" Polly asked.

Then out of nowhere, a truck rams into the wall revealing the humans and the generator inside. "Need a ride?" Terry asked. Anne, Darrel, and the amphibians all climb into the van. "Alright gang," said Dr Jan. "Buckle up." The doctor drives into the wall again and escapes the facility.

Mr X spots them leaving, and tells the guard to shut the gate. "Shut the Gate! Shut the Gate!" The guard does what he's told and drops the toll arm, blocking the way. But Dr Jan rams into the arm, breaking it in the process and escaping the compound. "Don't know why we thought that would work," said the guard.

Mr X calls for backup and gives chase to Anne, Darrel, and their friends. Tint and the Plantars throw junk at the trucks, causing one of them to crash. Then, Polly uses Frobo to squirt oil on the second van's windshield. Causing the van to swerve out of control and crash too.

Mr X didn't want to give up. He uses special gadgets that make his shoes magnetic and cling onto the truck. Just as he jumped onto their truck. Tint and Sprig fling a barrel at the agent. "Oh you've got to be kidding me," he said. The barrel hits Mr X, causing the substance to cover the windshield. The group escape, leaving Mr. X in the dust. "They may have gotten away, Jenny," said Mr X. "But not before I tagged them!" And he was right. Before they flung the barrel, Mr X placed a tracking evince on the truck.

The gang return to the warehouse, hooking up the generator they stole from the compound. Those who weren't tech experts placed bags of ice on the devices to keep them from overheating.

Anne and Darrel, now donning on their old clothes and Amphibia gear, were impressed with how far they've come. Anne was even wearing two of her yellow shoes this time. "I don't believe this," said Anne. "We did it!" "We sure did," said Darrel.

"Grab the other generators," said Terry. "We've got one shot at this." Everyone did as they were told and got prepared. They placed ice on the generators, settled up the portal coordinates, and kept an eye out for any agents coming their way.

Darrel and Anne look back to their families and see them smiling. They walk over to say goodbye. This time, they're doing it right. "Here, for your trip," said Mrs Boonchuy, handing over her backpack full of essentials; food, water, a photo of her and her family, and an extra pair of shoes in case she loses the others. "Guys, this is amazing," said Anne. "We have had your care package prepared for a while," said Mrs Boonchuy. "Waiting for this very moment."

"And here's yours Darrel," said Sarah, handing over his pack. His contains a strap-on bed roll, a couple CD's of his favorite songs, a photo of his family, a photo of him and his friends all in one shot, his old laptop, and strapped on the back was his old password that he forgot. His family however, didn't. "To think I wanted to get back home, just to see mom before she goes," said Darrel. "Now I'm here, with a new mission: to go back, and get my friends."

"You made a promise after all," said Amelia. "And you never break promises," said Jane. "That's the Loyalitat way," said Matthew. Both teens hug their families goodbye. "We are so proud of you," said Mr Boonchuy. "The both of you. Now go finish this thing, and bring your friends home."

Now it was tint and the Plantars' turn to say goodbye. The Plantars hugged the Boonchuys. "Thanks Mr and Mrs B,for everything," said Sprig, on the verge of tears. "We'll miss you," said Polly. "We'll take good care of the kids," said Hop pop. "Thanks for being there for me," said Tint. "No matter how bad life throws at me." "Life is going to be better for you," said Matthew. "Amphibia, or here, you are my son Tint. End of story." Tint hugs the Loyalitat family tightly one more time. Then, the amphibians prep up and stand by the portal with Darrel and Anne.

"Everyone ready?" Terry asked. "Got everything?" "We're ready," said Anne. "Fire it up," said Tint. "All set," said Hop pop, reaching for his pocket. "I've got one avocado left. To seed my avocado dynasty."

"Alright, here we go," said Terry. She pushes the start button, and the power diverts to the portal device. The device powers up, but the group is disappointed. "Oh no," said Anne. Turns out, with the generator, it still wasn't enough to make the portal bigger. "We can't fit through," said Sprig. "Guys, what can we do?" Anne asked.

"That was twice the power we estimated it would need," said Terry. "If that didn't work I'm afraid nothing will." Darrel looks down in defeat, but then Cronaxx points to his staff. Darrel smiles, "A wizard once said, that they know no such word as impossible. Because wizards can do the impossible."

Tint smiled as well, "If the calamity box is powered by both science and magic, then we just need to give it more juice." Darrel raises his staff and Tint raises his hands. Planning to give the portal device a touch up of electricity from the two wizards.

But before they could, the FBI entered the warehouse from the windows and the doors. "Everybody freeze!" "Nobody move!" The FBI surrounds the group, making Darrel so irritated. "Oh, come on!"

They hear a slow clap coming from in front of them, and Mr X appears once again. "Not bad, you two," he said. "Not bad. Turns out you were more capable than I thought. But you two still failed, because no matter what you do, you're still just kids."

Darrel suddenly grinned and chuckled a bit. "What's so funny, young man?" X asked. "Why do you think I let you come in here?" "Huh? What are you talking about?" "I was going easy on you the entire time," said Darrel "As a matter of fact, we were both going easy on you."

Suddenly a force of wind picked up surrounding the two teens. "And you're right X," said Anne. "We are just kids. But today reminded us that with the right people by our sides, we can do anything!" Darrel and Anne sudden;y started glowing their respected calamity powers, shocking X and the agents. Anne slams her foot down causing a shockwave and knocking them down.

"What are you?" Mr X asked. "The question is not what," said Darrel. "It's who. And we are Darrel Loyalitat and Anne Boonchuy!" "Guys, the portal!" Sprig called out. The two look at the portal suddenly growing. Darrel smiles knowing he and Anne have the power to open it up. They reach their hands out to the portal and create enough energy to make the portal big enough to fit them through.

"The portal," said Dr Jan. "How is that possible?" Terry asked. "It's amazing," said Ivan and Jake. "They're powering it like some kind of human battery," said the IT Gals. "What is that place?" Mr X asked. "Men, seize them!"

The FBI Agents were about to capture the group, but Darrel whistled at the mantis and threw a batch of avocado oil on the ground. 'Glad I had it on me,' he thought. The scent catches the matis' attention and crosses the portal. The group uses the distraction to cross the portal, but not before the two teens look back to their parents one last time.

"Goodbye family," said Darrel. "Don't say goodbye," said Matthew. "Pop always says so long." "We love you," said Sarah, Jane, and Amelia. "Anne, take care," said Mrs Boonchuy. "We love you," said Mr Boonchuy, pointing to his heart. The teens smile back, "So long," said Darrel, and the two cross the portal back to Amphibia.

The agents capture and stun the mantis, but in doing so, they destroy the machine. Closing the portal, permanently. Mr X was furious, and turns to the Loyalitats and the Boonchuys "You! I hope you're ready to explain yourselves."

Matthew simply takes X's hand and begins to crunch it with his special powers. "Ow ow ow ow ow! Mercy!" X cried. Sarah smiles and touches his hand, healing it back up. "What the-" "And we hope you're ready to listen," said Mr Boonchuy. "We've got a lot to talk about," said Mr Boonchuy. Mr X was shocked and scared at the same time. And he grew nervous knowing they were willing to tell him everything.

Anne and Darrel wake up on the other side of the portal. Anne was excited at first. Darrel however looked up and saw ash falling from the sky. "We made it!" Anne cheered. "I can't believe it!" "Don't start celebrating Anne," said Darrel. He helps Anne up and turn to the Plantars and the salamanders. They look stunned and sad at what they see.

"What's going on?" Anne asked. "The beginning," replied Darrel. They look to see Amphibia. But it was a much different place from the one they left. The beautiful grass terrain was all dug up by new robot factories being built. Smoke covered the lands of once beautiful insects nesting in homes. And finally, Andrias' castle was floating high in the sky, looming over the land with an iron fist. Making others squirm in fear.

Anne and Darrel were shocked. "What….happened here?" Anne asked. "Andrias," was all Darrel said. "Well my friends," said Cronaxx. "Welcome to the new Amphibia."
