
Chapter 25: Handy Humans

Darrel was seen in the wilderness, running from an approaching dark mist. He kept running as fast as he could to the Plantar farm. But the farther he ran, the farm kept him from approaching. Darrel looked back and saw the mist approaching him at a faster pace.

Darrel kept running until the mist caught up and enveloped him. Darrel kept running, eyes closed, until he felt himself falling in the smoke. He opens his eyes to see Anne, Sprig, Tint, Cronaxx, Hop pop, and Polly falling with him.

He tried to speak to them, but he couldn't. For some reason, he lost the ability to speak. Then, he watches his friends fade away into dust. He reaches for Anne's hand, but it is too late.

He feels a warm sensation on his back and hears a soft growl. He turns around to see Grime's face, grinning viciously. Then, his face disappears and shows a glowing flaming eye. Then Darrel hears voices repeating, "I'm coming."

Darrel casts a few light spells to fight off the giant eye. But it started multiplying. Eventually, Darrel was surrounded by the eyes. He felt trapped, he couldn't use his magic anymore. The eyes enclosed within Darrel, limiting his ability to move. He screamed his heart out.

But then, Darrel suddenly falls out of his bunker, his head surrounded by covers. He wakes up, removes the covers, and looks at his surroundings. He finds himself back in the basement of the Plantar farm. He breathes in short paces, and sweat drips from his face.

Darrel sighs, relieved that he was just having a bad dream. He hears the door opening, and turns to see Tint at the door. "Hey Darrel! Hop pop is about to…" He spots Darrel laying on the floor and sighs.

"Another one?" Tint asked. Darrel nodded, "Yeah. This time it was glowing red eyes closing in on me." "Man, that fight must've really gotten to you," said Tint. "One, I broke up with Sasha. Two, I nearly destroyed the tower, and us with it. Three, I'm at the point where things are going to be different from now on. All in one day."

"So of course that fight has gotten to me," said Darrel. "But what also got me was that I felt the presence of the music box." Tint perked up by his statement, "What do you mean?" "When I was lost in the bright light, I saw a glimpse of the red gemstone on the music box," said Darrel. "Why would the magic show me that?"

"We should ask Uncle Cronaxx," said Tint. "Maybe he knows something about this." Darrel nodded, "Sounds like a plan. Whether I want to or not, I need to know more about that box." The two get up and make their way upstairs.

In the kitchen, Cronaxx was working on making food for the group's journey. He chops up vegetables and cricket legs and places them on bread. 'There's no better food than when you make them by yourself.' he thought.

As he looks down, he looks at a piece of bread with four holes in the center. Cronaxx suddenly feels a sharp pain and gets an image flashed in his head. The image shows him shielding himself from a bright light. He opens his eyes, returning to reality.

Darrel and Tint enter the kitchen to find Cronaxx setting up their lunches. "Hey Uncle Cronaxx," said Tint. Cronaxx turns around to find the two smiling shyly. "Ah, good morning boys," he said. "Are you all packed up and ready to go?"

The two nodded, "Cronaxx, is it okay if I talk to you for a moment?" "Of course Darrel," he replied. "Tint, would you kindly get our stuff and meet us outside?" Tint nodded and went to get their stuff.

Darrel sat by the kitchen table, feeling uncomfortable. "What's on your mind Darrel?" Cronaxx asked. "It's the incident at Toad Tower," replied Darrel. "When I was lost in the magic, I saw the glimpse of one of the gemstones on the music box. I could feel the power inside it, but it felt like that power was controlling me. I tried so hard to fight it, but I kept feeling powerless. Like I was something else, something dangerous."

Cronaxx sighed, "I think it's time I told you something. Something very important about the music box. That box, it's more dangerous than you could ever imagine." Darrel perked himself up. "I still don't remember much about that box, other than I saw a bright light before my memory went blank. But when I was in Hop pop's study, he was going over a book. And that's when we saw the box."

Darrel was shocked, "Something tells me that it does more than teleport humans into Amphibia. What else can it do?" Cronaxx looked at the human with honest eyes, "I wish I could remember. But I do know it's powerful enough and dangerous enough, that Hop pop buried it out in the field."

Darrel grew even more shocked, "Why would he do that?! Why wouldn't he tell us?" "I don't know," replied Cronaxx. "He must have his reasons. But dangerous or not, that box is the key to getting you, and your friends, back home."

Darrel's shock turned to anger, "What should we do?" "We tell Hop pop that I told you that the box is dangerous." Then he gestures his eyes, rolling them. "Both of you." Darrel turns his head to see Tint poking his head out the door. "The box is dangerous?" Tint asked. "Hopediah's book doesn't lie," replied Cronaxx.

"Guess whether Hop pop wants to or not, we're going to find out more about this box," said Darrel. Darrel walks out while Tint and Cronaxx stay behind. "Is he going to be okay Uncle?" Tint asked. "I hope so," said Cronaxx. "That fight on Toad Tower has made him a little more on edge with his magic."

Darrel walks outside to get some fresh air. Then he goes over to Clipper, his pet dragonfly, and feeds him more nutrients. "Things are going to change buddy," said Darrel. "I can feel it."

He turns his head to find Anne and Sprig on the roof of the house. He smiles genuinely at them, and decides to join them. He climbs onto the roof and greets the two friends. "Hey guys, how's it going?"

Sprig and Anne turn to Darrel, "Hey Darrel," said Sprig. "How'd you sleep?" "Still not very well," replied Darrel. He sits next to Anne, who places her hand on his shoulder. "Another nightmare?" she asked. Darrel nodded.

"Hey look on the bright side guys," said Sprig. "Spring is finally here. New season, new possibilities." "We can still blossom into our best selves," Anne said while smiling. "Yeah, I suppose we can," said Darrel.

"So you guys are feeling better after the whole Sasha incident?" Sprig asked. Darrel and Anne perked in fear and recalled everything that happened to them on Toad Tower. "Yep, totally fine," said Anne. "I'm not," said Darrel, flattenly. "I'm still shook up with what I unleashed. I almost destroyed you guys. It's why I didn't sleep well."

"Darrel, that wasn't your fault," said Sprig. "Still, a part of me thinks it was," said Darrel. "I had so much power in that staff, and I couldn't control what I unleashed. But you guys are what help keep my powers in check."

Anne and Darrel hug it out just as Hop pop and Polly return with a wagon in tow with Bessie. The three friends climb down from the roof to get a better look. Tint and Cronaxx exit the house to see as well. "Woah, Hop pop. What is this thing?" Sprig asked. "Impressive isn't it," said Hop pop. "This here's an all-terrain, custom-modeled, family wagon. Calling it the Fwagon."

Some of the group chuckled while others were deadpanned with the name. "Why do we need a wagon?" Darrel asked. "Fwagon," Hop pop corrected. "I won't call it that," said Darrel. "Neither will I," said Anne. "Well with the snow melted and the mountain pass open, we can finally travel outside the valley," said Hop pop. "To Newtopia."

Sprig, and Tint's eyes sparkled with excitement. Cronaxx nodded his head in acceptance. Darrel and Anne were happy, but confused. "What's in Newtopia?" Anne asked.

Inside the wagon, Hop pop and Cronaxx pull out the map of Amphibia. Cronaxx points at the center of the map, "It's the heart of all Amphibia. A metropolis of ancient knowledge, run by the wisest of newts. I've seen many of them on my journeys. If anyone can help you get home, it's them."

Darrel and Anne smile, "So like, this could be our actual ticket home?" Darrel asked. "But not only that," said Anne. She pulls out a photo of her and her friends, Sasha and Marcy. "Maybe on the road, we'll find Marcy."

"You betcha," said Hop pop. "Everyone, pack your bags. We leave tonight." The group cheers, and the Plantars prepare for the trip.

Darrel takes the salamanders bags and his bags and straps them onto Clipper's back. "I know this is going to feel heavy, boy." said Darrel. "But once we arrive in Newtopia, I'll get them off of you."

Clipper clipped his teeth together, then looked up at a flock of his kind. He started to shrug, softly knocking off some of the bags. Darrel groomed his face to help him regain focus. "It's okay, buddy. We'll make some stops along the way."

He looks over to Hop pop who gives Anne the spare key to the house. He overhears that Chuck has been hired to safeguard the house while they're away. "An empty house is vulnerable, kids," said Hop pop. "Needs protectin'. Not to mention the crops, the very soul of our farm. Left alone to face wildfires, locusts, tornadoes, flaming locust tornadoes. Anyway here you go." Hop pop gives Anne the key.

Darrel and Anne express a hint of guilt. "Didn't realize you guys are risking so much to help us," said Anne. "Hey, he may just be exaggerating," said Tint. However, a flaming locust tornado came by and destroyed a windmill.

As the Plantars head inside to pack up their stuff, and the salamanders get Clipper set up, Darrel looks over Anne's shoulder to see a guilt ridden face. "Anne, are you okay?" Darrel asked. "No," she replied. "They're leaving their home unguarded, because of me."

Darrel takes Anne's hand and says, "It's okay. It's not only because of you. It's because of us. Besides, they're leaving the house in good hands."

Then the two humans see a snail driven by a tough looking frog. "Is that you Chuck?" Darrel asked. "No, I'm Dave," said the frog. "That's Chuck." He points to the taxi revealing a frog with a straw hat covering his eyes. "I grow Tulips," said Chuck.

The two humans greet the frog, just as he was ambushed by four flying scorpions. Anne felt distraught, "There's no way Chuck can handle this job. The house is doomed and it's all my fault."

Darrel, seeing Anne upset, thought of an idea to help her conscience. He reaches his arm out to his staff, and the staff flies into his hand. "Unless," said Darrel. "I can give the house a small security system."

He takes the key from Anne and blasts the scorpions away with his magic. He gives the key to Chuck and tells him to take a breather. "Until you get your strength back, we'll fortify the house for you to safeguard." Chuck smiles as he falls down, exhausted.

"Come on Anne," said Darrel. "We've got some fortifying to do." Anne smiles at his determination and the two head into town for supplies. They bought tools, wood, and some of Loggle's special concoction of glowing glop.

They return to the farm and begin setting up barbed wire fences, large mouse traps, spiked rooftops, and enchanted shields to protect the house from the elements. Anne starts to add the glowing glop to the Plantar's crops. But to save time, she kicks the barrel all over the field. Darrel looks over with unease. "That's not going to end well."

The salamanders returned preparing Clipper on their journey. They look over the whole farm to see the defenses set up. "Woah," said Tint. "What's going on? Seems like Chuck was preparing for war." "Me and Anne may have upgraded the defenses a little bit," said Darrel. "Chuck's just taking a breather from getting beaten up by flying scorpions." Darrel points over to where Chuck is still taking his time.

The Plantars came out to see the work done, and they were impressed as well. Except for Sprig, because he spent most of his time picking out the proper slingshot for his quest. Darrel and Anne smirked while wiggling fingers with each other to celebrate a job well done.

Then all of a sudden, they feel the ground starting to shake. They look over to the vegetables to see the crops come to life and ooze out Loggle's miracle glop. "Uh oh," said Darrel.

The vegetables pop out of the ground and begin to act like monsters. They surrounded the group as they backed to the door. Cronaxx and Tint prepare to use fire magic against them, but they end up getting grabbed by vines.

"Tint! Cronaxx!" Darrel cried. "Alright everyone, action time!" Anne yelled. The humans and the frogs went in an attacking stance and fought against the vegetable monsters.

Darrel uses his flame spell to burn away an eggplant monster. Anne slashes her way through a turnip. Hop pop grates on a potato, yelling "Hash Browns!" Sprig takes his trusty slingshot and uses pebbles to slice the vines, grabbing Tint and Cronaxx.

"Thanks Sprig," said Tint. The two high fived in celebration. "No problem," said Sprig. "Guess we did it," said Darrel. "And the house is undamaged," said Anne.

Suddenly, the ground started shaking again. The sliced vegetables started to pull themselves together to make a giant colossal vegetable monster. It growls into the horizon and faces the group in anger.

The monster punches the amphibians, leaving Darrel and Anne in defensive stances. As the monster approaches, it gets caught in one of Anne's giant mouse traps. Then, it starts leaning towards the house. The two humans know what's going to happen next. But before they could do anything, the monster fell, destroying the heavily fortified house in the process.

Anne and Darrel couldn't believe it, the house they took shelter in was destroyed. They looked down in sorrow as the vegetable monster got back up and prepared to step on them. The monster slammed its foot, just as Anne and Darrel dodged slightly away.

"Oh you just made a big mistake buddy," Anne said in a vicious glare. The two humans looked up in a fit of rage, and their eyes glowed blue and red for just a second.

The two humans stood hand in hand as they raced their way up to the head of the monster. Darrel casts another fire spell setting Anne's sword and tennis racket on fire. Then, Anne proceeds to slay the monster and blow it up in a barrage of smoke.

The two come out victorious with turnips and eggplant in their mouths. "Wow! That was amazing," said Sprig. "You saved our tails!" said Polly. "I have never seen such excellent teamwork like that before," said Cronaxx.

Darrel and Anne smiled, only to look at the house again in despair. "Hey, the important thing is that we're all okay," said Hop pop. "Yeah," said Darrel. "But it was also our fault in the first place."

The group stood in a bit of shock. "When Darrel gave the key to Chuck we told him to relax while we fortified the house," said Anne. "We may have also spread some of Loggles magic glop on the crops. We just wanted the house to be safe while you guys were taking this big trip for us.

The amphibians look with small smiles on their faces. "Kids, we're not taking this trip for you," said Hop pop. "We're taking it with you." "Besides, a wizard's journey is always on the road," said Tint. "We've got your back no matter what," said Sprig.

"So, can we hold off on Newtopia while we fix the house?" Anne asked. "Who said we need to hold off?" Cronaxx asked as he looked at Darrel and Tint. He nods at them and the two look at each other with smiles.

The three wizards get in position and magically wave their hands. Their magical auras surround the house, the farm, and the stable, and they restore them back to normal. Near the end of the renovations, Chuck appeared and helped remodel the house back to its less defensive look. "I grow tulips."

Anne and the Plantars were impressed, "Hoopa da boopa," Darrel swung his staff and poses. "With the farm back to its old self, I think it's for the best that Chuck house sits until we return." The group nod in agreement and continue packing the wagon and Clipper.

After a while, the group finishes packing up for the journey. "Alright, gang. It's a two week journey to Newtopia. So we better get going." said Hop pop. Sprig and Polly hop cheerfully into the wagon.

Darrel groomed Clipper's head, "Are you ready to go boy?" Clipper looks to the colony of dragonflies flying away, then looks at Darrel. He clips his teeth together signaling that he's ready. Darrel scratches his head and goes over to Anne and the others.

"Hey Hop pop," said Anne. "I was thinking… wouldn't it be a good idea to bring the music box with us on the trip?" Hop pop perks at Anne with a startling face. "Oh, uh…" "No, no, no. It'll be safe with my contacts for the time being." "Alright HP, I trust your judgement," said Anne as she walked into the wagon.

Darrel looks down at Hop pop, "She may not trust you again if she finds out." Hop pop jumps and turns around. "What are you talking about?" he asked. "I know what you did with the box. Cronaxx told me."

Cronaxx and Tint walk over to Darrel's side with serious glares. "You didn't think you could keep him in the dark?" Tint asked. "We are wizards, we know more than the average amphibian." "Hop pop," said Cronaxx. "Darrel felt the presence of one of the gemstones on the box. Like it or not, he knows that the box is dangerous."

Darrel takes a knee to Hop pop. "Hop pop, if you know that the box is dangerous then you have to tell us. Trying to hide the truth will only make things worse." "Okay," said Hop pop. "I buried the box, but it's more complicated to explain everything. I can't risk the lives of my grandkids knowing how dangerous it is. Please, just keep this quiet until I can think of something." Darrel nods, "Okay then, but I'm giving you until we return to Wartwood. For it is better to know now and be disappointed, than to never know and always wonder."

Darrel and the Salamanders leave Hop pop to think about what they said. He takes a deep breath and climbs up to the reins of the wagon. "Well, let's get this fwagon on the road!" he announced. Darrel taps Clipper with his foot, signaling him to take off. "We're ready, Hop pop! Hit 'em up! Move 'em out!" "No turning back now!" Cronaxx announced.

As they begin their journey, Darrel feels a lump in his back pocket. He takes it out and it reveals to be the crumbled photo of him and Sasha. He reflects on what happened between him and his now ex-girlfriend. He looks down to the photo with guilt, shedding a tear.

Tint takes notice and starts to talk to him, "Hey, are you sure you're okay Darrel?" Darrel shook his head, "I'm still overwhelmed with what happened. I said some things like I went too far, but she had to hear how angry I was. I may have broken up with Sasha, but that doesn't mean I don't care about her anymore." Tint and Cronaxx listened to the distraught human. "Sasha needs to realize that she's not the only one in this situation. Not her, not Anne, not me, and not Marcy. All of us. That's why we need to find them all, so we can work together on how to get back home."

Tint takes his little speech to heart and pats his back. "And we'll be there to help guide you on your way," he said. "I promise." Cronaxx nodded in agreement. "We said we were going to help you, and we still are."

Darrel smiled and said, "Thanks you guys." He turns his head out to the road and smiles with determination. "Now let's get rolling. Next stop: Newtopia!" Darrel, the Salamanders, Anne, and the Plantars begin their first steps towards an adventure outside the valley.
