

As I made notes in my notebook, I looked towards Nico Robin. We sailed on a small ship and our way lay towards Whiskey Peak. After writing the last line, I asked:

- So, what was the peculiarity of the finds in the Seitan archipelago?

— The peculiarity of this culture was their attitude to time. Unlike most peoples who believed that time moved in a straight line, they perceived it as a circle. Every year for them was a kind of rebirth — not only of nature, but also of people themselves. They believed that if someone died, their spirit would surely return in a new body.

"That sounds interesting," I said. Was it based on observations or was it a purely spiritual belief?

"Mostly spiritual, but they had their reasons," Robin replied. — They noticed the similarity of character traits between children and departed elders, especially in the same family. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but for them it was proof.

She paused for a moment before continuing:

— Even their art was connected with this circle of time. They created small sculptures out of stone — human figures enclosed in circles. Their symbolism was simple: everything returns.

I nodded thoughtfully.

— An interesting approach. It must have affected their society.

— Absolutely. They were not afraid of death. For them, it was only a temporary state. But this view of life made them vulnerable to other nations. When their lands were conquered, they practically did not resist, believing that everything would inevitably return to normal.

"And what happened to them?" - I asked.

Robin sighed, her gaze darkening a little.

"They're gone." They may have been assimilated. Perhaps they just disappeared into history. But their stone circles are still found in the archipelago. It is said that at certain times of the day, the light of the sun makes these circles look like endless chains.

— It's sad, apart from archaeological finds, are there any written confirmations?

She shook her head and returned to a neutral tone.:

— They existed. But unfortunately, they were destroyed, as well as many other records. And so we will continue our lecture later, we are approaching the island. Please do not interfere in the affairs of the Baroque Works, Mr. Historian.

Smiling, I didn't interfere with her mission.:

"Of course, Mrs. Oldsunday. — I was a little curious and interested to meet with the mugiwar team, so I continued. — I warned you that I don't want to help Mr. 0, much less interfere, but can I accompany you on the island?

Robin smiled, apparently amused by my curiosity.

—Very well, Mr. Historian. In that case, I ask you not to disclose the identity of Mr. 0, as well as to call yourself and me by our code names.

Nodding, I buried my face in my notebook, finishing writing the history of Archepilag Seitan. Although the notes themselves were useless for me to digest, given the improvement in memory, it would be strange if I wanted to learn from her and did not enter the notes.

Our mini-ship quickly reached the shore. Besides us, there were already a couple of ships here, interestingly, the Mugiwar ship was not here. Robin crossed her arms and concentrated on something. Apparently, she was scouting the area and the situation, realizing what was happening, she stuffed one of the ships with TNT and said that we were sailing.

Surprised by the quick task, I nodded and returned to the ship. We sailed away to observe the situation for a while. The ship, which was packed with explosives, exploded in the water. Interestingly, the explosives were set up in such a way that they tore apart the rear of the ship, the front survived, but slowly sank.

Robin looked neutrally at the sinking ship and changed course towards the side of the island.

Going Merry appeared before us in full glory. He was standing at the dock and the figures were quickly climbing onto the ship, sailing away from the island. Our mini-ship quickly reached only the accelerating mugiwar ship.

In the thick fog, the crew was preparing to set sail, discussing how best to deal with the pursuit. But suddenly, a figure rose from the shadows—it was Robin, and I followed her, calmly holding a notebook and pen.

—Be careful not to crash into the rocks," Robin said with a slight sneer, touching her hat.

"Who are you?" Several voices shouted from different directions at once.

—Miss All Sunday," she said shortly.

I was interested in what was happening, but I didn't interfere, just introduced myself.:

"Mr. Historian." We're just watching.

The crew instantly became alert, and Vivi turned pale.

"You're... Miss All Sunday!" — she screamed, recognizing her former partner from Baroque Works. "You... you destroyed Igarama!"

Robin didn't make excuses, but her smile was a little mocking.

"He's still alive," she replied shortly.

Vivi was ready to throw herself at her, I knew there would be no fight. But having fun and getting used to the role of her assistant, I said:

"No fuss, please," I said evenly, suppressing my laughter. — We are not here to engage in conflict.

Zoro and Sanji were already grabbing their weapons, but Robin activated the power of her devil fruit, instantly knocking the katana out of Zoro's hands and blocking Sanji's attack.

"You're being too aggressive," she said. "I just wanted to help."

My presence was almost completely ignored. I looked at Sanji and made a note in my notebook that I should ask about Germa. While I was lost in my thoughts, their dialogue was almost over.

Robin handed Vivi an Eternal Pic.

— Here it is. He will point you to the island of Nanimonai, where you can hide.

"We don't need your handouts!" Luffy interjected, snatching the Eternal Pic from her hands and immediately breaking it.

"Well, it's your choice," Robin said, watching as the pieces of the Eternal Pos fell to the deck. — But if you survive, then we will definitely meet again.

I smiled at that moment and nodded briefly to the Mugiwara before turning to Robin.
