
Volume 1 Chapter 6

Apparently, the potion was digested due to an easy performance in a card fight. Simply put, as long as I play some trick or number, it will count in my favor for digestion.

The main task at the moment is still the crossing. I have to get to the new world before I digest the faceless one. That is, I have a maximum of six months. If I don't make it in time, my deadlines will shift. Considering the additional tasks, he noted the only possible task for him.

Additional tasks: 

1. Achieve Divinity for the first time (2nd sequence of any path) Reward: 5 meta points

2. Turning Point (Save Whitebeard and Ace) Reward: 1 meta point

3. There are 5 yonko and 7 Shichibukai at sea (Becoming a Yonko before the canonical events begin) Reward: 2 meta points

I had several plans to save Ace and Whitebeard. To do this, I had to become a demigod (4th sequence), before the events of Ace's execution. The ritual of becoming the 5th sequence required me to advance while listening to the singing of the mermaids. If everything works out perfectly, I can spend a bonus on a ritual for the 3rd sequence, as well as complete one of the tasks.

Looking at the board. I was looking for a merchant ship with a course in the Grand Line. After a bit of thought, I went to my apartment to do a series of fortune-telling to find new ways to get out of East Blue.

To begin with, I decided to make fortune-telling on merchant ships. Taking a lying position on the bed, I repeated to myself 7 times the purpose of the fortune-telling "Passenger or Merchant ships leaving Logtown and heading to the Grand Line, within a month.". After a short sleep, I did not receive any revelations in this direction.

After a bit of thought, I started the process again by changing the question. "It's not the ships of the Marine Patrol that will successfully get on the Grand Line." This time, the revelations turned out to be effective. In my dream, I saw four ships. Three pirate ships and one cargo ship. Except for one pirate, all the others did not stay in Logtown. One of the pirate ships will reach the Red Line in a week. The other one will cross in 10 days. The cargo will pass directly through the pacific waters, but it will be guarded by the world government. And the last ship will arrive in Logtown in 4 weeks, changing flags at the stop and after half a day they will leave without any noise and go directly to the Red Line.

The first ship was commanded by a pirate, with a reward of 6 million belly, Wild Rex. I've been looting villages. He looked like a two-meter tall man who was wearing a Wild tiger skin. In three days, he would arrive at a nearby island to strategically replenish supplies. Then he will directly want to take a course in Red Line.

The second one will follow the same route. Unlike the first one, this team consists of three ships, and only the main ship will be able to survive the descent of the Red Line. They are commanded by three brothers, each with a reward ranging from 1.5 million to 2.5 million belli.

The third ship is still not famous. The team has no reward. She recruits people from almost all of East Blue, but she doesn't make any noise. Repeated vision showed that the captain of the ship was following some orders from above, the purpose of which could not be clarified.

The name of the neighboring island is simply called Kotland. Its main focus is not tourism like Logtown, but agriculture. Logtown almost entirely buys food from Kotland.

Considering the unknown nature of the last ship, and the security of the cargo ship. I need to take advantage of the first two opportunities.

After packing up my things and announcing my dismissal, I spent the money on the nearest ship to that island. The ship's departure will be in the evening, so all I did until sunset was to entertain the audience with my tricks. It turned out to be a simple matter to gather the public near the port. There are plenty of tourists and onlookers in Logtown.

As soon as the ship sailed, my performance ended and I immediately went to my room.

The trip took all night. And we arrived there only the next morning. I have about two days to get ready to get on the ship. The easiest way is to naturally ask to join their team, perhaps by paying an advance. The more difficult method involves taking control of the ship from the captain using brute force.

Unlike Logtown, Kotland Island was bigger. That's why the building wasn't so densely packed. Moreover, almost all high-rise buildings were located near the port and the city center. In the rest of the city, it was rare to see an apartment building with a height of more than 1 floor, however, their height was offset by the size of their houses and courtyards. The island had a depression closer to the center, which is why, looking from the port, you could see evenly spaced and neatly tilled fields. After the port there was a small street with pubs and hotels. The rest of the way to the administrative central building was occupied by the market.

The market mainly sold fruits and vegetables, their price was extremely low, unlike Logtown. Meat was not sold as often, mainly selling cattle meat or some kind of game. You could also see the sale of caviar or the mass sale of certain fish, such as cod or sprats, and sometimes there were clams and shrimps. Later I found out that farms also cover the water part. Having covered the pieces of the sea with certain nets, where these fish were raised.

Staying at a local hotel, I passed the time by performing on the street. Interestingly, unlike the clown, it was much easier to digest the potion as a wizard. This is probably due to the fact that my hands are not tied like Klein's and I can not be afraid to reveal my abilities, which almost speeds up the digestion of my potion a couple of times.

After waiting for the cherished day, I went to the outskirts of the city to the water farms. According to my visions, the pirates stop near one of these farms, they must have some kind of agreement with the owner who will shelter their ship. The farm itself is located on the other side of the island, so the guards should not notice the appearance of the ship.

I decided to meet them at the moment when they disembark and go shopping. At that moment, only Rex will be on the ship.

Hiding among the trees, I watched as a ship sailed to a small fishing village. His flag was taken down, and his sail was painted in an open-mouthed lion with two crossbones inside. Several boats sailed from the ship. Almost all the pirates dispersed, leaving behind only two who guarded these very boats.

I don't know how to fly a ship, which means I need a team. I could kill the sentries to swim across to the ship, but that would create a lot of threats for me in the future when I'm on the ship. The easiest way is to ingratiate yourself with them. Even if I'm hired as just a sailor, it'll be enough until I disembark on the Grand Line. Although initially I wanted to get on the ship and try to negotiate only with the captain. He will be more confident in the presence of his team, which means that he will conduct the dialogue sincerely and in a coordinated manner, although it is much more unprofitable for me.

I boldly came out of the trees and walked towards the watchtowers. One of them pulled out a pistol and pointed it at me, the other pulled out a saber and glared at me.

Raising my hands in the air, having already prepared a paper figure in advance for replacement, I introduced myself:

- I am Kuro Miyago, I am neither a pirate hunter nor a marine, I have come to join your team.

The pirate with the saber pulled the flyers out of his bag and began to look through them, after which he would start checking some kind of list.

- Macho, not among pirates, and he has no name among dangerous people. - the guy with the saber noticed

- We will wait for the vice-captain, let him evaluate. The guy with the gun snapped.

Left in such a tense atmosphere, I took a prominent position for them. The macho man, or the guy with the gun, stopped paying attention to me, looking at the trees, trying to see some kind of ambush or movement behind my back. The guy with the saber didn't take his eyes off me.

After a long time, evening came. Their team began to flock here quietly. Since more people appeared, the guards relaxed noticeably, but it was clear that they were actively discussing my visit. Some of the new members looked at me, some with curiosity, some with unwelcoming caution, some just looked at me like I was out of a joke. One of the newcomers lit a fire and began cooking soup for his companions in a large pot.

In the evening, another group came here. The leader was a tall, fit, tanned boy. He had a red bandana on his head, and his hair was short and stuck up because of the bandana. On his shoulder he carried a bag, the inscription on which read sugar. It was noteworthy that unlike the rest of the pirates, who had guns every other time, he had two of them.

"Will!" the guard with the saber shouted at him. - There's a guy here, he says he wants to come to us. He's not on the wanted list, either.

Dropping the bag from his shoulder, he motioned for the vacationing pirate to carry it. He walked towards me. He stopped beside me and looked me up and down. Extending his hand, he ordered:

"Give me the gun."

Having no desire to resist, I gave him the gun. Given his current abilities, he played the role of decoration rather than a full-fledged cannon.

"And the money." He said with a slight smile.

I also calmly handed him the purse. In total, there were about 40,000 belli in the purse, which was just over 5 percent of my current savings. The rest of the money, in the form of paper banknotes, replaced my insoles.

"Search him. - he ordered, glancing at the other nearby pirates.

They didn't undress me, but they started rummaging through my pockets. I saw some origami in my pockets, two wires, and a stack of cards. They left me alone. They didn't touch the pendulum that I had around my neck, although it surprised me, I thought they would consider it a necklace and confiscate it to sell, they probably found it worn and cheap. After showing that they hadn't found anything, they stood up with the rest of the team.

"And why do we need you?" You don't have any money, you don't have a gun, and with that kind of character, you don't look like a fighter. I think as soon as we're attacked, you're like a land rat, hiding somewhere in a corner and starting to crack. - At the same time, Will's remark was not particularly witty, part of his entourage laughed a little.

"Why can't I?" I can. Show it? - pointing my finger at the bonfire, I pulled out a big deep fire. Slowly, I began to call the fire to myself, trying to avoid any of the people, when the fire was near me, I began to give it different shapes. Slightly amused by the expression on their faces, I decided to make a show. "So what do you want to make out of fire?" Come on, don't be shy!

- You! I pointed my finger at the cook. - What kind of shape do you want?

"Uh.".. - He drawled uncertainly. "A treasure."?

After saying his words, the fire took the form of a parallelepiped, after which it began to take the form of an open chest inside which lay pearls, gold, and precious stones.

"A girl." Someone in the audience shouted.

The fire changed to a more elongated shape. Soon the outline of her body became visible. Her hands were clasped together and raised up, and her flaming hair was also going up. Focusing on her facial expression, the lighter-colored light became her eyes. At the same time, the rest of her body was formed. As if creating her own beat, she moved her hips unusually for the fire, dancing something inviting. Her hands slowly let go and specifically emphasized her own figure and shapes. As if approaching upwards, the part of her body became more and more detailed. She began to bring her hands to her bust and..

At that moment, I interrupted the performance with a smile on my face. I enjoyed how they fell out of the mesmerizing performance. Of course, I can't control the flame so artfully, but my illusions could more than compensate for this disadvantage.

- Do you understand what I can do? I asked them, looking at them and assessing how much I digested the potion.

As if Will had just remembered me, he became much more serious. If he used to think that I was just a kid, now in his eyes I have become the owner of the fetus. Doing business with me is much more dangerous, but the benefits can be more serious.

After checking the awards and the list in my name, he nevertheless expressed his opinion.

- Come with us, although we agree to your presence in the team, the captain has the main say. After these words, he ordered the boat to be loaded.

While helping them move the item, I started getting to know them. The last performance clearly had a positive effect on their assessment of me. Although they were careful with me, they stopped being hostile. The ones I helped with the boxes started talking to me with all their might. Wanting to know who I am, where I come from, why I went to the sea, and what I can eat.

I was willing to talk about myself, joke around, and come up with answers to some uncomfortable questions until we boarded the ship.
