
Chapter 7 “Mana’s Embrace”

Today marks the third day since I've become a slave of shattered day I was awoken by the mysterious beauty at this point this woman must be a sloth she was asleep even when I got here she was still sleeping. As the morning sun shone through the window the mystery girl woke up and stretched her arms above her head. Then she looked towards me.

"Kya" the mysterious beauty screamed her eyes scanning the area quickly looking for danger.

"W-who are you? Why are you here? And what are you doing in my room?!" the mystery girl asked me with a hint of fear in her voice.

"Well I'm sorry but I didn't know I couldn't come in here without permission. Also, I don't understand your question. My name is Lucian and this is the dorm that M'lou assigned me. 

The reason we were in the same bed is because when I tried to wake you up you embraced me in a bear hug. That's why I slept next to you." I answered. The mysterious girl started to blush furiously and looked away from me.

"Umm, ummm..." she stuttered trying to find words to say. "My name is Emelia Von Strealia," she said with a prideful tone. 

"Are you some sort of Nobel?" Lucian asked curiously.

Emelia's face turned bright red and she shook her head vigorously. No, I'm a fallen noble from a country called L'alaria.

L'alaria was once a rich and powerful nation that ruled over the rest of the continent on the 6th floor of the game. However, after many years of war, famine, and corruption the people revolted against the nobles and took control of the government. Afterward, the nobility fled and hid on the 7th floor of the game. 

There they continued to fight amongst themselves and create chaos among the players. They also made alliances with the demons and dark guilds to make sure that they won. But now, the kingdom has been destroyed and the capital city is nothing more than ruins. 

The royal family was taken prisoner and forced into slavery. Now I am just one of the countless slaves living under the mercy of the starting phase of Shattered Fang.

"Oh well, whatever, it doesn't really matter does it?" Lucian said with a shrug.

"No, it matters quite a bit actually."

Lucian shrugged his shoulders again and smiled.

"I see. Well then I guess. We need to talk about our living arrangements I don't mind sharing the bed but I want the bathroom in the mornings" Emelia said with a serious look on her face.

Also, don't try to do anything funny or weird okay. I'll kill you. She glared at Lucian menacingly.

"A-anyways you H-have to take responsibility for what you've done…. You've slept with me…" Emelia trailed off her face was beat red and tears formed in her eyes.

She's embarrassed. Lucian chuckled and nodded.

"Okay, fine I accept full responsibility for everything."

He stood up from the bed and walked to the door.

"Wait!" Emelia exclaimed. "Where are you going?"

"To go wash my face and brush my teeth. Will you be alright alone?" Lucian asked her.

"Yea, yea, I can handle myself. Just remember, no funny business. Got it?"

"Got it."


Lucian washed his face and brushed his teeth. When he finished, he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around himself. Then he opened the door and saw Emelia sitting on top of the table staring blankly at the wall.

"Hey, are you feeling better?" He asked her.

"Hmph, yes thank you. I feel much better now that you're gone. And besides, I still haven't gotten my revenge on you yet. So watch yourself." Emelia smirked wickedly.

Lucian rolled his eyes moved closer to Emelia and sat down on the chair in front of the table that Emelia was sitting on. Lucian just ignored Emelia and skimmed thought the notes that he gained yesterday… today's the day I make a mana core.

The best way to make a mana core is to perceive mana. And then compress it a mana core always starts from deep red A mana core is a core that stores mana but isn't really a core is a circular system that follows along with a core that you made the process is to compress mana enough to make a mana core… then instead of leaving it there you break it apart and scatter it inside your body where these scattered pieces of the mana core will form the mana Circualry System and be placed in the tendons, arms, legs, and then the heart.

The main mana core that is left will be cracked and will repair itself with the excess mana that the circulation system can't process as there is a limit to how much mana the circular system can take in so the Main Mana core will act as a connector. Connecting to all the small scattered spheres Cicrualry cores of the circular mana system inside of the body. After Lucian reviewed the notes he decided it was time to make one himself as he no longer has the time to play around.

First I need to get into a comfortable sitting position Lucian thought well sitting in a lotus pose.

Lucian took a seat on the floor and closed his eyes to feel the mana flow through his body. As soon as he did that he started to experience a sense of calmness and clarity. His mind seemed clearer than usual.

Once he was ready Lucian reached out for mana. To his surprise, it didn't come easy. Even though he wanted it, he couldn't reach it. 

He tried harder but nothing changed. Finally, after several minutes of frustration Lucian realized that his mana was not flowing naturally but being forced out of his body like water from a hose that was turned on too high. Lucian let go of trying to hold on to his mana and relaxed himself completely so that he could see what was happening within his body and how his mana was moving.

Lucian's mana flowed from his head all the way down his entire body like a waterfall with no interruption.

Now that I can see my mana I need to compress it into a core.

The mana around him looked like tiny glowing orbs floating around. Each orb was made up of various colours and sizes and seemed to be able to move around independently.

Lucian reached out with his hand again and began to try to force his mana into a core shape. He could feel how hard it was to control and compress his mana into a form. 

Every attempt to do so caused his mana to leak all over the place and leave a stain everywhere it landed. It didn't take long before Lucian noticed that he was losing mana faster than he could gather it. After ten minutes of trying he felt like his mana supply had almost ran dry. He sighed and gave up on forcing his mana into a core shape and allowed himself to relax and focus on collecting and compressing it instead.

I've got plenty of time left to practice. Lucian thought.

He relaxed further and felt his mana return to his body. Then he focused on controlling it as it flowed through his body. When Lucian did this he found that he was able to direct it more efficiently. He could feel that his mana was much easier for him to collect now and that when he did manage to control it, he could manipulate it with ease.

With this new ability in mind, Lucian decided to use the mana he had gathered earlier to create a mana core.

This mana core looked circular it looked like a small golf ball but the mana core was inside of Lucians body right next to his heart with no colour and no light. 

Now that I've made the mana core I need to break it apart and make smaller circular cores throughout my body.

Lucian continued to concentrate on gathering his mana and breaking it up into smaller pieces that he could place throughout his body. Once he had enough he reached out with his arm and placed the cores where he wanted them. Each core was about two inches thick and six inches wide. Lucian then took a deep breath and broke apart the core that was directly above his heart into three smaller cores.

"Aghhhh" what accompanied the breaking of the core was unbearable pain as every vein and artery in Lucians body was ripped open and blood poured onto the ground below him. 

However, the moment Lucian had broken the core. Small circular spheres right next to the mana core the original mana core was still bigger than the rest of the scattered mana circularly core but it now had small chips and cracks running across its surface.

Lucian focused on sending the smaller circularly cores towards his tendons, legs, arms, and heart of his body, with this he then destroyed more of the main core and created a small string made out of it Lucian then used it to connect all of the Circualary Mana Cores to the Main mana core.

Once everything had connected Lucian took a deep breath and exhaled.

The mana core changed after the process it had now turned a deep red and looked similar to a gemstone.

Are you already alright? You seemed to be doing something related to magic and I didn't want to disturb you, Emelia asked with a slightly worried face.

"Yes I'm fine now I was just making a mana core"

"Oh…. You didn't Have a magic core yet? I thought you already had a mana core because of the amount of mana you have."

I've just made one I've never really known how to make a mana core since yesterday.

"Well anyway let's go eat lunch together"

Emelia nodded her head happily.

They walked side by side until they arrived at the cafeteria where there were multiple tablets in the front where all of the staff was it showed the prices of the food but instead of money it was Points

The price of the food depends on the points needed to purchase it. For example, a burger costs 10 points whereas a bowl of chicken soup costs 5 points.

The only way that I know how to get points is by winning in the arena or even outside and gaining points by that as of right now I have no real knowledge about that maybe I'll ask Emelia or Shana about it later.

Lucian sighed as he looked over the menu and noticed that there was nothing that he wanted to order.

He then looked over at Emelia who was looking through the menus too.

"Hey, Emilia. What do you want to eat?"

"Umm...what do you feel like eating?" Emelia replied.

"Nothing much. Just something light. Maybe a salad or sandwich" Lucian said.

"Alright. Let's see what we can find then." Emelia said with a grin on her face.

She started tapping away on the tablet screen and soon she found what they both wanted. A large salad with grilled chicken, carrots, onions and tomatoes along with some bread sticks. They also ordered two drinks each.

Ugh, I'm already down 20 points. I now only have 36 points instead of my original 56 points.

"Here's your orders sir." One of the cooks 

handed them their respective meals and drinks.

Lucian paid for their meal and received their receipt. He then headed off to sit at a table near the window overlooking the street.

"Let's dig in!" Lucian said excitedly as he placed the tray down in front of him and pulled out his fork.

Emelia did the same and smiled. She took a bite of the chicken breast and chewed on it gently. Then she swallowed and closed her eyes savoring the taste.

Lucian watched Emelia eat intently as she enjoyed every bit of the delicious meal.

He then grabbed his drink and drank half of it down before taking a sip of water from the glass.

"Mmmm~ Delicious! Thanks for buying me this!" Emelia said with a big smile.

"No problem, it was worth it!" Lucian responded with a nod.

"How do you like it? Is it tasty?" Emelia asked curiously.

"Tasty yes. But the best part is watching you enjoy yourself. You're adorable when you eat like this." Lucian said with a smirk.

Emelia blushed lightly.

"Ahaha thank you~" Emelia giggled bashfully.

"Don't worry. I'll always buy you food whenever I come here. Even if we end up being enemies in the future, I still won't stop coming here. I love seeing you eat. It makes me happy." Lucian said smiling.

"Really?! Thank you so much!" Emelia exclaimed happily.

They continued to talk until they finished their meals and shared some of their food between them.
