
Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Plans Never Keep Up with Changes (Part 1)

Dutch looked at Hosea, speaking earnestly, "Look at me, Hosea, I'm not dead. And neither are you, standing right in front of me."

Though his words were harsh, it was undeniable that Dutch always led the group from the front, no matter how dangerous the situation was. He never shied away from danger.

Hosea just looked at Dutch, silently lighting another cigarette. Standing nearby, Arthur observed everything. Lately, Hosea hadn't let a cigarette leave his right hand.

Dutch continued, "We need money. All our stuff is in Blackwater. If it were just us few like before, we could lay low and not worry about money. But we have to take care of two wounded, John and Davey, who are still bedridden. We have to take care of the women and children, Uncle and Reverend. What are we going to use to feed all these people? We need money."

"You are all my family. I need you to firmly support me and not always question my decisions, especially now."

It must be said, Dutch was Dutch. His emotional speech made Hosea lower his head.

At that moment, Arthur felt he should say something. Dutch's sincere demeanor had genuinely moved him. Arthur couldn't help but think back to his childhood when Dutch had taken him in, teaching him how to shoot and read.

Those were happy and free days. Back then, Hosea was a handsome young man. Though Dutch's appearance hadn't changed much, Arthur always felt that he was happier back then than he was now.

Hosea, with his head lowered, said, "Listen, Dutch, I don't want to undermine you. I just... I just want us to stick to the plan, to keep a low profile, and then we can return to the west. Robbing the O'Driscolls is one thing. They're scum, and no one cares about their lives. But robbing a train?"

Dutch said slowly, "What choice do we have?"

"Leviticus Cornwall is not someone to be trifled with, Dutch," Arthur interjected at the right moment.

Hosea nodded in agreement and added, "Arthur is right. He's a successful railroad magnate, sugar plantation owner, and oil tycoon. We don't want to get into trouble with him."

Dutch seemed indifferent. Wasn't robbing the rich to help the poor what they were supposed to do?

"To me, it sounds like a good idea. It sounds like he has a lot of good things to share with us..."

As Dutch was speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by an urgent noise from outside. The three stood up to check, and Bill pushed open the cabin door, panting, "The O'Driscolls are on the move!"

Bill and Javier had been sent to keep an eye on the O'Driscolls' activities. When they saw them arming up and preparing to move, Javier made a quick judgment. He stayed behind to continue surveillance in case it was a false alarm, while Bill immediately returned to inform Dutch and the others.

"Damn it," Dutch cursed. He felt he had wasted time trying to convince Hosea. He might not have time to adjust the plan now.

There was no more time to waste. Dutch pushed open the door and went out, with the others following him. He shouted to the people outside, "Gentlemen! It's time for our venture to succeed. Everyone, get your horses ready. We're leaving!"

Everyone who could fight or wasn't bedridden sprang into action. The horses were ready, and they grabbed their weapons. It didn't take long. Soon, the prepared group mounted their horses, waiting for the signal.

Just as they were about to leave, Dutch stopped Arthur, who was stroking his horse, and said, "Arthur, go to the O'Driscolls' camp first and find Javier. Then come and meet us at the location marked on the map."

What kind of trick was this? Arthur felt a sense of absurdity. At this moment, if he didn't follow Dutch, there would be no one to save the day if the plan went wrong.

Arthur looked at Dutch, trying to understand what he was planning. Dutch seemed perfectly normal and, seeing Arthur looking at him, said, "Trust me, Arthur. I have a feeling this plan will succeed."

"Javier is alone there. I gave him a special task. You go help him. He needs you more there. We have enough people here. There won't be any problems."

Arthur nodded. Lately, he had realized that no matter how much you did for Dutch, he would never think it was enough. It was all part of his plan. As long as you followed him and stood by his side, you were his most trusted person.

Dutch was always forgiving of failure, making one wonder if he even cared about the outcome.

So now, Arthur wouldn't ask why he was the one going instead of someone else. He would just do as he was told, as a way of repaying Dutch's kindness. Arthur told himself in his heart that this was the Van der Linde gang, Dutch's gang, built on loyalty to Dutch.

Before leaving, Arthur had intended to give Hosea some final instructions but decided against it. Facing Dutch's emotional appeal, if something unexpected happened, Hosea wouldn't be able to stop him.

After all, Hosea's advice only worked when Dutch was willing to listen. Arthur knew this all too well, or there wouldn't have been the failed ferry heist.


So, at the moment of the grand execution of the plan, Arthur, on his horse, slowly made his way towards the previously scouted O'Driscoll camp. Along the way, the sky had cleared, and the snow by the roadside began to melt slowly.

When Arthur reached the camp, it didn't take much effort to find Javier hiding in the woods, thanks to the markings left on the tree trunks.

"Arthur? What are you doing here?" Javier was surprised to see Arthur.

At this point, Dutch and the others should have received the message and headed to the planned ambush location. Why was Arthur, the gang's top enforcer, here instead? Javier had been given a small task by Dutch, but he could handle it on his own. Why send Arthur? Was something wrong?

Facing Javier's confusion, Arthur smiled and asked, "What's the situation in the camp? Is anyone still there?"

Javier put his gun back in its holster and said, "You didn't answer my question. There's only one person left to watch the horses. Colm left on his own. But I saw Colm say something to the horse watcher."

Arthur said, "Dutch sent me to find you first. They're leaving ahead, and we'll meet up later."

Javier nodded and said to Arthur, "Before that, we need to have a good chat with that O'Driscoll kid watching the horses."

Since Colm hadn't gone with the main group to rob the train but had left alone, this horse watcher might have spoken to Colm and could know where Colm's base was.

Arthur, without hesitation, picked up his binoculars. When he saw the horse watcher, he immediately recognized who it was.

Normally, he wouldn't want to get involved, but now he decisively said, "What are we waiting for? Let's go."


Hi guys,

I really need your help with putting this story out there.

So For every 100 Power Stones, you'll get 1 Bonus Chapter.

For Every 100 Collections, you'll get 1 Bonus Chapter.

Don't be stingy and let there be a rain of stones.
