
Bloodied Demon!

Haruma's mother's eyes widened, overcome with emotions, tears began streaming down her face.

Rukia was frozen in fear, letting out a soft whisper of "Harumaa!"

Mio's father quickly rose to his feets, his gaze sharp and filled with worry, fixed firmly on Haruma.

Around them, the crowds, commentators and the were staring at Haruma with wide, stunned eyes.

Haruma's blood sprayed through the air, as he winced silently on the ground holding his bleeding chin. The referee's whistle echoed sharply through the stadium before he sprinted towards Haruma.

'That was a vicious foul! This could lead to serious repercussions for both player and the team.'

The referee hurried to Haruma's side, kneeling to check on him, who was wincing in visible pain. That striker stood nearby, watching Haruma with a slight smirk.

Haruma's mother clasped her hands over her mouth and tears began to stream down her cheeks, "Haruma…" she whispered, her voice breaking with emotions.

Mio was in stunned silence, watching Haruma with wide shocked eyes. Suddenly her father quickly picked her up in his arms, holding her close and turning her away from the scene, not allowing her to see.

Rukia was standing motionless, her mouth slightly open in shock as her eyes remained locked on Haruma. She blinked and instinctively touched her cheeks, realizing there were tears streaming down her face.

Toru and Shino with worried faces rushed at Haruma, checking in on him. At the same time, Masaru came running and shoved that striker backwards with visible anger.

"Hey! what the f*ck is wrong with you! Why can't you play clean and fair!" Masaru shouted furiously. The striker, unfazed, simply stared back at him with a smug smile.

The referee stepped in, positioning himself between them, he immediately pulled out a red card holding it up for the striker. Maintaining his smirk, the striker started walking backwards, off to the field, unbothered by the penalty.

As the medic was examining Haruma he urgently called out, "Hurry, he needs immediate treatment, send in the substitution now!"

The referee nodded, and raised his hand to signal the coach for his substitution, but just as his gesture was made, Haruma grabbed his arm mid-motion, leaving him stunned.

The medic, Toru and Shino were stunned, gazing at Haruma, who was lying on the ground.

Meanwhile, Masaru was fiercely staring at that striker, who was retreating with a smirk constant on his face. But suddenly the striker abruptly stopped, his smirked vanished and his eyes widened in shock. leaving Masaru momentarily puzzled.

Rukia's eyes grew wider in disbelief, her heart got heavy with sorrow, as she let out a quick sigh of shock.

Haruma's mother's eyes widened in shock and her sobs abruptly stopped, replaced by a heavy silence.

Mio's father stood in stunned disbelief, his face expressionless, eyes wide in horror with his jaw hanging open as he was observing the unbelievable sight before him.

Masaru, visibly confused, scanned the crowds in front of him only to find everyone in stunned silence, mouths hanging open, their eyes locked on something behind him.

Masaru slowly turned around and his eyes began widening in disbelief.

Haruma was now sitting on his one knee, his head bowed in a maniac way, his fist pressed against the grass. Then with a slow deliberate motion, he pushed himself up, rising to his feet, his head still lowered with blood from his chin.

Haruma slowly lifted his head up revealing his face carved with intense focus and determination. His chin was split open with blood trickling down onto his torn jersey, which was ripped open at the chest.

With a deep sigh Haruma released a big cloud of fog into the cold air. The sight sent a chill down Masaru's spine, witnessing Haruma in such a raw, intense condition.

The commentators, completely shocked and unable to process the sight before them, stammered in disbelief,

'This boy… How is he back on his feets?'

'What passion is this?.... What kind of human is he?.... Human?.... Is he even a human anymore?'

Haruma's eyes blazed with unrelenting focus, with a cold voice he declared, "I can still play!"

The referee's eyes widened in disbelief, quickly stepping in front of him, "I can't allow this! you need urgent treatment! your chin needs to be stitched up right now!"

Haruma locked his intense gaze with the referee and with a low, firm voice he said, "Bandage it up! Five minutes won't kill me, so just let me play!" his voice heavy with fierce resolve.

The referee hesitated, with anxiety written all over his face, he nodded in approval. A medic hurried over and began wrapping a bandage at Haruma's chin.

'What? Haruma will still play?' The coach's voice filled with disbelief echoed through the stadium, shocking everyone.

Haruma's mother was stunned gazing at him, disbelief and anguish etched on her face.

"Mother! either I'm winning, or I'm dying trying on this battlefield!"

Haruma's words from the past rang in her mind, unable to control her emotions, she broke down, lowering her head, sobbing uncontrollably.

Rukia was stunned, her heart sinking at Haruma's sight, watching him with concern visible in her eyes.

Kento was frozen in shock, struggling to believe what he was seeing. When suddenly Mio's soft voice broke through "Father, big brother is going to be fine, right?"

Kento, still gazing at Haruma, slowly nodded, "For now," he said in a hushed tone, "Nothing can stop your big brother"

The medic finished applying a temporary bandage on Haruma's chin, stopping the steady flow of blood.

Before Haruma could move, Masaru stepped in front of him, "Don't be stupid Haruma! you need proper treatment right now!"

Haruma was still standing on his feet with his body trembling faintly, making it a struggle to stand straight. Yet, his focused gaze was locked on that striker, who was staring back at him with wide eyes.

"I'm playing!" Haruma responded with a firm voice, "Just give me the ball!"

Masaru, Toru and Shino were gazing at him with a look of concern, feeling Haruma's overwhelming will to win.

Shino then looked down at Haruma and said, "Your jersey…"

Haruma glanced down at himself and saw his Jersey torn from the chest, its fabric hanging.

"Haruma!" a voice called out from their behind.

Slowly turning to his back, Haruma saw that white-haired boy standing with a big smile with his eyes fixed on him.

Maintaining his smile, the boy extends a shirt towards him with the name 'Milo' and number '15' written on it.

Haruma was staring at him for a moment before taking the shirt, and in swift motion he wore it.

Hanaka crowds erupted in cheers, their roars shaking the air. Rukia's face lit up a faint smile, her eyes welled up with tears which she was gently wiping away.

Haruma's mother was sitting quietly, with her emotions overflowing, she kept her eyes locked on his son, sobbing silently.

Held by her father, Mio's face lit up with excitement and she erupted in applause and cheers, while Kento's face softened into a warm smile...

The game entered its final five minutes, tension heavy in the stadium. Shino was standing ready, about to take the free kick. While the rest of the players were in their positions, all appeared focused and ready.

The stadium was engulfed in tense silence. Shino then exhaled deeply and walked a few steps back before jogging towards the ball and swung his feet. All the opposing players instinctively backed off, expecting a powerful shot.

But just as Shino's foot reached the ball he slowed his speed and gently passed it to his side. From where, The Demon, Haruma Kusaka appeared out of nowhere, controlling the ball flawlessly with his face etched with intense focus.

Hanaka crowds held their breaths, rising on their feets in anticipation.

The opposing coach yelled frantically, "Stop him!"

From the other side, The Hanaka coach yelled, "Go for the goal Harumaaa!"

With a sharp breath, Haruma broke into an explosive rush, heading towards the nets.

The Hanaka crowds erupted in loud cheer, charging the atmosphere with their electrifying roars and cheers. While Haruma with precision was sprinting towards the nets.

With furious roars, all the opposing players began rushing at Haruma, their movements frantic and desperate.

The Black Kallor, Kurogami perfectly positioned himself from where Haruma was approaching, appearing ready for the inevitable duel.

Haruma charged with relentless determination, slightly lifting his gaze, just enough to meet Kurogami's cold stare. The two locked eyes.

From the distance of almost 35 yards, The Golden Demon and The Black Kallor were staring at each other, their wills clashing in the calmness before the storm.

Haruma's eyes burned with intense intense determination, and with a surge of brute, raw force he swung his foot at the ball. Kurogami side-raised his arms, appearing ready.

As Haruma's foot was about to reach the ball, lots of defenders stepped between, leaping high, ready to use their bodies to block.

Without slowing down, Haruma's foot made contact with the ball, but instead of launching it at the nets, he sent the ball flying to his left, leaving the defenders shocked.

Opposing players, Kurogami, Commentators, Rukia, Haruma's mother, Kento, the coaches, everyone held their breaths, watching the ball flying to the center of the field.
