
Who I am... Who I am made to be... Who I will be

"Huuuuuh!" The king gasped as he rose into the waking world.

"You're awake," Lucifer stated, from the side, seated next to a fire.

"Where am I, Daystar?" Gilgamesh questioned as he looked at the wasteland surrounding him.

"You are in your kingdom, little king, what is left of it that is." The Morningstar answered, his tone soft and filled with sympathy. Thr voice of one who is a bringer of bad news.

"No, that can not be. My kingdom is one where there is nothing but life, this nothing more than a land of waste!" Gilgamesh exclaimed in denial as he stood up.

"It is the truth. Your so-called gods died remember? You humans have fashioned them into things that your world is bound to and when they were slaughtered by the Old One, so too was your world killed."

Gilgamesh hearing this recognized the truth in it, but he didn't wish to accept that his kingdom was now gone to him. His people, his wives, his riches, all of it now simply gone. Not a trace left.

He was enraged, "You! It is all your fault you Devil! You brought yourself into my kingdom! You cursed and wretched thing!" The former king roared as he approached the Morningstar and slammed him into the earth, hands wrapped around his neck.

"You destroy all that you touch! I offered you friendship! I offered you understanding and this is how you repay me?!" Gilgamesh roared as he squeezed the archangel's neck with all his might to no avail as he could never truly harm the immortal.

Lucifer merely layed there looking at one he called friend drowned in grief, his eyes now cold and hard to grasp the feelings buried within.

"You are in grief, it is clouding your judgment. You know deep down that this is not my burden to bare. That there is no blame upon me for the state of your kingdom."

"It is! That thing would never have appeared were it not for you! The gods would never have perished were it not for its descent into our reality!" Gilgamesh roared in rage and sorrow.

"That may be so, but do not for a moment think that those you worship would have lain there as you disobeyed. They would have laid waste to it and if not there would have been a war between you and them, either way, the end result would have been virtually the same." Lucifer calmly countered as he unclasped Gilgamesh's hands from his throat and threw him away onto the dirt.

Gilgamesh soon after attempted to rise but when he once more saw the state of his kingdom, he fell to his knees in grief.

Lucifer approached him and put his hand on his shoulder in an attempt to give comfort, "Do not touch me Samael! Poison of God is a fitting name you Devil! I need not be cursed by you more than I already am! Leave my kingdom! Leave! I do not wish to allow your polluting presence remain for even an instant longer on its soil!" The former king roared in grief and anguish.

Lucifer hesitated. In any normal circumstances he would have cut the person's tongue for their disrespect, especially for using the name he has forsaken as a way to attack him, but now, now all he saw was a person he had began to think of as a friend in grief.

In the end the Lightbringer decided to leave, knowing his continued presence wouldn't aid his friend for in the state he was, all he looked for was one to blame and send his rage and sadness towards.

He knew his wife, Lilith and Mother, Asherah were fine, it was impossible for them not to be. He had put a failsafe already on them in case for the most unexpected scenarios to send them back to Hell if they were truly in danger.

And so he walked, and as he did he saw the wasted and dead land. Rotting corpses everywhere as they were devoured by the monsters that formed from the dark energy born from catastroph.

He walked and as he did, he saw, he heard and he felt as humanity began to tell tales of him.

He could see echo's of the future images conjured by humanity of him no matter how much he attempted to close his awareness to them.

The remanents of the Old One's curse upon him after its death, for he killed a being most would think a god.

One from a world beyond even this one, where there were beings not created by his father.

He was cursed to hear the dead, their agonised cries and to see flashes of their suffering.

He was unbothered, for he had seen and inflicted worse in Hell.

And so he walked, and as did, he saw flashes of a man who's liver was being eaten daily by an Eagle.

As he continued, he saw a man seated on a throne of dark obsidian, death and their agonised cries constantly following him.

He soon after saw an ice giant who was taken in by a one-eyed man, who grew up to be a deceiver, a killer of the most beloved of their people.

He then saw a man who sung in the rays of the sun, its light constantly following him, people and their so called gods flocking him to hear his voice.

He eventually saw a creature of evil, made of fire and brimstone, whispering evil into the ears of the people, deceiving people with lies and truths to do the most wicked of acts.

These were some of the stories people would tell of him. These were his future aspects that will be born from humanity's beliefs.

But the archangel remained uncaring towards it as he continued to walk.

He walked without direction as he on his journey aided those who lived and killed those who had become monsters beneath the flesh of men and women, taking advantage of the world's apocalyptic state.

He finally then arrived in a new world, a new land, a new place within the infinitely stretching earth.

And he finally rested as the curse broke.

He for the first time in over a decade closed his eyes and slept. A pale man in a dark cloak appeared above him and gently blew some sand in his hand over the angel.

"Dream well, my friend. I shall keep any nightmares at bay."


(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Well the Gilgamesh arc has ended with a twist. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and understood who those were in the descriptions. If not then you're free to ask.

I also added a little bit of Morpheus in the end because I really love the friendship dynamic they are supposed to have.

Two immortals with their own struggles with family and responsibilities.

Please do comment and review, otherwise I really won't know if you guys enjoyed it or not. Interactions with you guys is one of the highlights of my day.

Well see you all later,

