
Brought to a Boil Part 2

"Okay, lemme see if mama understands this right." Eda said as she poured some tea for her son, said son's creepily cute apprentice, a family of talking frogs who were NOT demons and her son's adorable girlfriend.

"You, Ollie, opened a box that you took from a client of mine, ended up in another world's version of Amphibaland…"

"Now I want to see this world's version of home!" Sprig noted

"Absolutely not, boy! If we barely survive our world, we'll die this world's version for sure!" Hop-Pop said. "Also, we just call it Amphibia."

"Wonder what kind of magic they use there and if it can be done on home…" Maddie noted.

"AHEM!" Eda coughed.

"Oh. Sorry. Continue." The frogs motioned.

"…You saved your future girlfriend and apprentice from a giant python, trained under a dark magic user who DID help you understand your inner magic, unlike Lily…"

A small hint of pride and ego filled the Owl Lady's head, delighting at her sister, for being such a 'great teacher', being outdone by someone on another world.

"Then you helped everyone here replenish another music box, which you gave to the king of the world…who turned out to be a megalomaniac who makes Belos seem tame. And at different points, you were kidnapped and almost made a slave to a blonde human girl, while another human who'd have both done well but also died in a week here was possessed by the aforementioned emperor's ancestrors…So now, you need to get Anne home whole also figuring out a way back to Amphibia to stop Andrias. Did I miss anything?"

"…My mentor turned out to be just as megalomaniacal as Andrias, but actually having a point to his madness?" Olivier pointed out.

"We fought and banished him to the Mirror Dimension?" Maddie added.

Eda took a sip of Apple Blood. A BIG sip. Then she looked at her son and smiled.

"WOHOO! MY BABY'S A BAD BOY OVERLORD!" She smirked as she hugged Olivier who hugged her back. "Honestly this is way easier to deal with!"

"Wait, really?" Anne asked.

"Sure!" Eda replied. "This Andrias guy seems like a mildy tougher version of some of the forgein demons who've tried to snatch me up. Nothing I can't handle. And of course, we'll get you home, Anne. I mean, we'll need to prep first; I don't go beyond the town the key is connected too very often…But I do have things stowed away for such an occasion. We can have you home in a week, no problem!"

Anne leapt over the table and hugged the Owl lady,

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Eda smiled and broke the hug.

"Least I can do, kid. Sides, I need to meet the future in-laws."

"MOM!" Olivier gasped, blushing profusely.

"Oh, like you haven't thought of it, you hopeless and adorable romantic!" Eda teased, King laughing with her.

"You still have your music box?" King asked. "I'm thinking I should seal it away, least some do-gooders try and use it against me in the future."

"Maybe it can help get us home." Maddie mused. "

But when Sasha, Marcy and Anne tried to recharge it, it didn't work." Sprig recalled. "Eda, do you..?'

"Sorry kiddo." She frowned. "I honestly just fond my door. No one knows where it came from and the few times someone has tried other world portals it doesn't end well. At least, from my knowledge."

While this conversation happened, Olivier pulled out his Music Box, when Polly realized something

"Say uh, Olivier? Was the red gem of your box always so….brittle?"

Everyone looked at what the pollywag had brought up: Indeed, the red gem looked cracked and worn, while other gems, discolored, looked fine otherwise.

Then said red gem shattered into dust. Before anyone could react:

"Sweetie, let mommy have a look." Eda ordered, her son handing over the box. The Owl Lady took a small lense to one of her eyes and examined the now empty hole. "Well, I'm no mineralogist or Construction witch, but from what I see…someone took the real gem and replaced it with a generic ruby. Gotta say, if that's the case you're lucky you ended up in Amphiba, sweetie."




"HA!" King laughed. "That old goat scammed you! And you went on and on about how nothing was free!"

Everyone glared at King


Everyone then took to their tea, with Eda then suggesting they all get some sleep. The Plantars and Maddie made themselves comfy in the living room while Anne escourted Anne to her own bedroom.

"Least I can do is let you sleep in an actual bed." Eda smiled.

"It's a nest, but I will not com…!" Anne beamed before hearing:

"KING! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY ROOM?!" Olivier roared.

"I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" King responded as the half witch boy chased him.


"WAAAAAAAH!" King wailed as he was chased by Olivier. "EDAAAA! SAVE MEEEEEEE!"

"Oh yeah, forgot about that." Eda realized, spying the confused look on Anne's face. "Long story short, King turned Ollie's room into a shrine dedicated to his, and I quote, 'sworn brother and equal in might and or only one who could/ is to put me down if I went too far in my tyranny.' End quote."

"And you were okay with that?" Anne asked, trying to sound understanding.

"That was how he coped and it worked." Eda responded.

Hop Pop chuckled at the whole scene.

"Brings back memories…" He mused, remembering his grandchildren and his son (their late father) when they were younger.

"Some 'King' of demons." Polly frowned. "Won't even try to fight. Dis. A. Pointed!"

"What kind of Demon is he, anyways?" Maddie asked.

"You know, we…don't really know." Eda confessed. "I just found him while hiding out from the Boiling Rains, so…"

Then there was a knock at the door.


Eda and Olivier groaned.

"One day. Could they not wait one day?!" Mother and son groaned.

"Are these the Nazi-Witches you were talking about?" Anne asked Olivier.

"Basically, yes." Oliver retorted.

"Minus the genocide, thank Titan." Eda added. "And you mortals call US the monsters."

Outside the Owl House, the Emperor's Coven readied to fight.

"Sir, I really think this is a bad idea…" Steve started.

"And thinking like that is why you're still a scout." The Captain snapped as Eda and Olivier marched out.

"The heck do you want?!" Eda snapped. "My boy just came back from another world, and we were bonding!"

"And where's Auntie Lily?" Olivier asked. "She's the one in charge of these and has never missed one…..Oh, hi Steve!"

"Hey there kiddo!" Steve waved back. "How are you doing? Where you been?"

"Could be better, long story…How're things with Math?"

"Eh, could be better." Steve confessed.

"STEVE!" The captain roared.


The Plantars, Maddie and Anne poked their heads our the door.

"Ah, there you are!" The Captain smirked. "You lot are coming with us for conspiring with these criminals."


Oliver suddenly moved in front of the door.

"Sir. You move one inch towards them? My mom and Aunt will be the least of your worries."

The Captain just laughed, along with most of the scouts. However, this cost them realizing Maddie was leaping upwards and pelting them with Curses.

Soon, there as a Mintoaur, Kappa, purple chicken, Mosquito, beaver and chicken in place of six of the guards.


"Hey, um…" A female scout said. "I've been turned into a Minotaur. Can I go home?"

"You're excused." The captain said gently, letting her leave before his tone turned ruthless again. "Anyone else?"




"I'm fine."

"Is all good, chief."

While all this had been happening, Eda and Olivier had both summoned their staffs and each fired a blast of magic that sent the cursed scouts flying.

"CAPTURE THEM, YOU IDIOTS!" The Captain roared, only to be pelleted by a rock. "OW!"

Sprg had whipped out his slingshot and was pelting the guards away, while Hop-Pop hopped over and under, punching them hard enough to dent their masks.

"Get ready for the pain!" Polly roared as she leapt upwards, spinning and…


"THE BEST!" Polly retorted.

Anne had drawn her sword and was making quick work of the Scouts.

"Man, you guys really ARE stormtroopers!" She smirked. "All kinds of magic and THIS is what you've got?"

The Captain, fuming in rage, materialized a sword of his own and raced towards Anne, who blocked all his attacks and kicked him away.

"Um, Anne? Maybe try going Blue?" Sprig suggested as slapped a scout with his tongue.

"I've been trying, its not happening!" Anne confessed, distracted enough for the Captain to swing a punch that sent her flying. She was quick to correct her stance, only to see the Captain racing towards Olivier.

"DIE, YOU HALFLING FREAK!" He shouted, his sword over the boy.

"DON'T TOUCH HIM!" Eda and Anne shouted, both racing to save Olivier, who just smirked.

Fleetwing detached from his staff and clawed at the Captain, who dropped his sword. Olivier then leapt backwards and pulled out a potion, throwing it at the Captain, who shrank to the size of an average scour.

"Construction strength, eh?" Olivier mused. "Not bad, but easy to see."

Fleetwing returned to his master, who shot his mother and Anne a smirk…only for his face to turn to fear.

Anne turned to see the Scout Polly had been fighting racing to her, accompanied by an Abomination ho moved with them. The goopy monster grabbed Anne and pulled her forwards before slamming her into the ground, a tree and then into the Owl House.

"ANNE!" Everyone called out.


Olivier, at Anne's side, didn't hear anything. Not his mother, not Maddie, not the Plantars. All he heard as Anne's pained groans. Groans from pain she would've avoided easily if she hadn't worried about him.

Pain from an Abomination user.

Like her.

Memories filled Olivier's mind; none good, but one in particular stood out: Someone he thought was his friend using her Abomination to hold him down while a tri-clops…


Not again.


Everyone was silent as Olivier began to glow purple and orange. The ground began shaking around him as he began to float upwards.

"…This is new." King and Hooty mused.

And when the boy faced the Emperor's Coven, they all knew:

He was LIVID.

"No thanks! Steve chooses life!" The only scout with any common sense said as he ran for the high hills.

"So does Severin!" Another scout raced after Steve.

Olivier, growling as he did so, raised his hands upward and drew TWO magic cirlces

"Ollie, no!" Eda begged, racing to her son. "That's too…!"

The boy then willed the circles forward, the two merging as they raced towards the Scouts…and then passed them. They quickly checked to make sure they were okay.

They were.

"Ha! You missed!" The captain smirked under his mask.

"Wasn't aiming at you." Oliver smirked, his voice gravely with rage and exhaustion.

Screeches and roars filled the air as roots suddenly burst from the ground, dragging scouts away. The trees themselves bent downwards to ensnare and grab more as EVERY BEAST in the woods converged on the Owl House: Slither-beasts, dragons, fire-bees, Griffons, Hippogriffs..and a tentacle from the sea monster Sprig had seen earlier.

In a matter of minutes, the scouts were either being beaten or slashed by beasts. They all began to flee after the captain was taking skywards and used as a ball in a game of ping-pong between a Hippogriff and a Griffin.


Suffice to say, everyone was shocked at the display of power

"Hey mom?" Olivier managed with a weak smile on his face. "I feel really tired suddenly…"

He then lost cousiousness and fell, only for Anne to catch him, ignoring the pain in her form.


"It seems no one in the Coven can come near the Owl house anymore." Kikimora grimaced under her collar late that evening. "The lucky ones are just tossed aside by plant magic. The unlucky ones…let's just say that Hattie and the healing Coven are going to be very busy…and we may have to let her try those experiments again."

Belos' mind was in a mess. He'd thought with the Clawthrone boy out of the way, the Owl Lady would be easier to capture, and Lilith would be easier to control as he held the supposed key to not only curing her sister but saving her nephew.

"This is worrisome." Belos finally said. "As if using wild magic wasn't bad enough, the boy can use multiple spell types at once?"

"Yeees. Most worrisome. Impressive, but worrisome."

Belos' head snapped upwards and he glanced around

"Who said that?"

"What? I didn't say anything my lord." Kiki said.

Belos held his thoughts and tongue, motioning his assistant to continue.

"It also appears the Clawthorne boy returned from wherever he was with four Frog-demon like creaures, but only would had magic…beginners level Potion, but with near head level affects.: Kikimora said as she continued her report. "Oh, and there was a human with them."

This got Belos' attention. Another human? Here? How?

"They appear to have magic….truly wild magic."

Ah. That explained it. Another witch born of his kind, no doubt sneaking in to derail his centuries of hard work. He'd deal with her soon enough. But first and foremost, how to deal with….

"My lord, I'm sure I'd be fine." Lilith announced, a smirk on her face. "Olivier trusts me. And we're family."

Belos nodded.

"Go then, Lilith." He ordered, dismissing her. "Kiki? I need to converse with the Titan."

The diminutive demon left the room, leaving Belos to enjoy a rare time of being alone in his throne room. Only this time, he could not enjoy listening to his own thoughts.

"Who are you?"

No response

"I know you're not the Titan. Nor an Oracle."

Still nothing.

"I ask once more, who are you?"

"Someone like you." The voice explained. "Someone who tried to fight back against the evil of his world, only to be abandoned by the ones he loved most when they fell to said evil."

Belos lowered his guard ever so slightly.

"Good. You're smart." The voice said. "For the sake of transparency, I will admit that I did help the Clawthrone boy become as strong as he is now. He was a fine student, but much like those previous guards of yours, had trouble following and crossing certain lines. Not that I blame him, he is young after all."

Belos' guard was up again

"Then you were a poor teacher who deserved to fail."

"At least I've never lied." The voice continued. "And my magic is more…flexible, you could say. You may have more experience and age over me, but I am an experimenter and loophole chaser. Yeeees…."

To hear that said with such pride irked Belos.

"I also happen to know a way that will restore your youth and remove all that magic from you when you return to earth…along with those pests in your mind. Can't have those corrupting the legend of Witch Hunter General Phillip Whittibane, can we?"

Belos' attention was back in full, the voice broght up a good point…

If they had a body at the moment, the owner of the voice would've smirked evilly. This was even easier than he expected it would be.

"What would you have me do?"

"Get me out of the Mirror Dimension, for starters. Then, just before the Destined Hour on the Day of Unity, permit me to use the Clawthrone boy's Music box, fully charged, to return to my world and save it. In exchange, I can keep the Collector somewhat entertained for the coming months and will treat your magic malignant."

"What do I call you?" Belos finally asked the million dollar question.

"Call me Grunge."


Oliiver was now sleeping peacefully in his bed, his mother kissing his head.

"Rest up, sweetie." She she closed the door to his room, finding The Plantars, Maddie and Anne, now healed by Eda looking on at the sight, happy but also sad and ashamed.

Anne missed her own parents more than ever, especially since they were SO close to going back! And she was annoyed at herself for being taken off guard like that. And worried about Oliver, sure this wasn't the worst collapse she'd seen or heard, but it still always hurt, especially when he collapsed because of her.

"Were so sorry, Eda." Maddie managed.

"How you must resent us so…" Hop-Pop said.

"…The heck you all talking about?" Eda asked. "You took my Ollie in and kept him safe for months. You helped get him back to me. And you, Anne? You made him happy again."

Anne rose an eyebrow in confusion.

"You know, before the whole…ear thing?" Eda stated, barely keeping calm at the memory of her son running home with bloody ear placements before she continued. "Olivier was the cutest and nicest boy in all the Isles. He always said 'Mommy, strangers and enemies are just friends you haven't made yet,' and he really believed it. Pretty sure he got it from that 'Yonder Over Wander' show…."

"Oh, I loved that show!" Anne said, then composing herself. "Sorry, continue."

"And he really meant it. Until…that day. From then on, he was never the same. I mean, he had me, King and Hooty and was always smiles and eager around us, but whenever we'd go outside? The most he'd do was customers service or delivery, then stay out of the spotlight as much as possible, never letting anyone get close to him. And let me tell you, there was a time where he had so many friends, their parents petitioned the Emperor's Coven to leave us alone on his birthday just so he could have a party."

Sprig and Maddie felt a twinge of jealousy hearing that, recalling their mostly friendless childhoods. Said jealously quickly died when they remembered what happened.

"Not going to lie, maybe its selfish of me to say this but…I was glad for that until he vanished. We're all we've got…and I didn't want to risk him getting hurt again."

"Miss Clawthrone…" Hop-Pop started.


"Sorry, force of habit. Eda? I understand completely" The elderly frog said. "After I lost my son and daughter in law…"

It was hard for him to say; Hop-Pop hated reliving those first few weeks after the Heron attack; where he refused to let Sprig and Polly go anywhere without him or do anything they loved, least something happen to them. And then there was the whole debacle with Anne's music box, which was now in the clutches of Andrias and whatever had taken over Marcy….

He willed himself to finish his words.

"I understand wanting to protect your loved ones. Heck, you've been doing a better job than I have, if what we've heard and see is true. And yeah, for a while, Ollie didn't really trust or bond with us beyond feeding and housing him. But he grew to trust us and we him. And while it was hard, especially with his magic and our small town mindset…I can safely and proudly say that, even when he was hurting, you raised a fine young man."

He then looked at his adopted Granddaughter, motioning her forward to the Owl lady. Eda smiled at Anne and took her into a hug.

"You're one of the few people I'll ever say this too, Boonchuy. So listen and listen well: You. Will never. Owe me. Anything. You brought my Olivier back and made him the happy little boy who made my life so much better than it ever could've been. Thank you."

Anne returned the hug, smiling as she saw King sneak in as well. She felt a tug on her skirt and saw the Plantars looking hopeful but respectable. She looked at Eda, who rolled her eyes but then nodded.

"Get in here, all of you. You too, Maddie."

Maddie jumped onto Eda's head and hugged her as the Plantars hugged Anne and the Owl Lady's legs. It was a sweet and tender moment….


Which was now ruined by the arrival of a certain house demon wrapping himself around the group.

"Dang it, Bird tube!" Hop-Pop snapped,

"You ruined it!" King followed.

"No wonder Olivier never talked about you!" Sprig added.

For a minute, no one said anything.

"So…. You all want to see some of Ollie's baby pictures?" Eda offered.

Anne stood at attention.

"Oh, Frog yes! Yes, please!"

"Blackmail!" Polly followed.

"No. No way I'd be ever to look at Olivier with respect if I knew he was once…cute." Maddie refused.

"But you were cute. And people still look at you."

Maddie blushed and slapped Sprig away.


"SSSSSH!" Everyone hushed.


Eda then pulled out an album and began to explain the moving pictures.


Someone was in Olivier's room. Someone who wore a hood that only revealed two round lenses. Getting in had been easier than it should've; that House Demon was looking at the baby pictures too.

The figure let out a sigh of relief, gently pushing some hair out of the sleeping boy's face before Olivier began to tense in his sleep. The figure stepped back, worried, before pulling out a violin and playing a gentle tune. The magic from the music, entered Olivier's ears and his bad dream vanished.

As he settled back in, his eyes opened for a split second.


The figure tensed, only for the boy to return to sleep.. They tucked Olivier in and with a smile on their face, messed with his hair before exiting through the window.

They took one more look at Olivier, smiling sadly under their hood.

"Welcome back, Ollie."

And then they were gone.


Olivier screamed in embarrassment early the next morning; having found everyone going gaga over his baby pictures while Eda made breakfast.

'Oh Titan, just kill me now!' he begged.

"YOU-WERE-SO-CUUUUUUUTE!" Anne squealed, showing one picture of Olivier in the bath, a rubber Griffin on his hat while he drank from a sippy cup.

"DARN TOOTING HE WAS!" Eda smirked, handing her son a hefty portion of his favorite breakfast and kissing his forehead, quickly whispering: "Don't wprry, I snuck some of her baby memories. They'll be ready by lunch."

Okay, that made this bareable.

"HOOT! HOOT!" Hooty announced. "VIIIISITOOOOR!"

"What? No way!" Polly snapped.

"Yeah, Olivier's spell should work no matter wha.."

"Oh.Titan." Eda realized. "Please! Just one more day first!"

Oliver was already racing outside, here he saw her.

"Olivier!" Lilith called out happily, tears in her eyes as her staff disappeared.

"AUNT LILY!" Olivier raced towards the newcomer, tears in his own eyes

Anne, the Plantars and Maddie finally got a good look at Ollie's famous aunt: She was as tall as Eda, but looked younger, prim and proper with purple hair. Cool in her own way, but…

"I don't like her. She reminds me of Sasha's mom. And some of my teachers."


"Olivier!" Lilith called out, reaching to embrace her nephew.

"Auntie Lily!" Olivier smiled.


"Aun-auntie?" Oliver asked in confusion.

"OLIVIER!" Lilith growled.

"Oh, Serpent Healing Imaginary Troupe!" Olivier whimpered, suddenly turning around.

"OLIVIER CLAWTHRONE!" Lilith roared as she raced after her nephew. "YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE, YOUNG WITCH!"

"AUNT LILY, I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!" Olivier screamed.


Eda just stood and watched, sipping her apple blood.

Fleetwing, on Anne's shoulder, looked on in confusion, then looked at Eda.

"Oh, just give her a minute." Eda smiled. "The second she actually has him in her grip, she'll yell for a few seconds then worry over him more than Gwen does me."

To make a long story short? She did indeed.
