
02. Professor Cerise


Coming out of the Pokémon Center, Kai didn't want to go that far to find Professor Oak but headed directly to the Cerise Laboratory in Vermilion City.

The Cerise Laboratory is located on the outskirts of Vermilion City, covering a vast area.

The entrance opens to a large courtyard, and the main building is a three-story structure with an attic.

A few days ago, Professor Cerise bought the place at a high price and converted it into a research institute.

Climbing up the steps, Kai was about to ring the doorbell when he suddenly heard light footsteps behind him.

He looked back and saw a young girl in a white dress that resembled a school uniform, standing a short distance away and watching him curiously.

The girl had a delicate, beautiful appearance, with long wine-red hair tied into a single ponytail. Her clear, large eyes gave her a sweet and gentle look.

Kai recognized her at once, she was Chloe, the childhood friend of Goh, another protagonist in the "Pokémon Journeys" anime and the daughter of Professor Cerise.

Chloe tilted her head slightly and asked softly, "Hello, can I help you with something?"

Kai quickly replied, "Hi, I need to speak with Professor Cerise. Is he in the lab?"

"You're looking for my father?" Chloe looked him up and down, then nodded. "He's inside. Come in with me."

Opening the door to the Cerise Laboratory, Kai followed Chloe through the entrance hall, arriving in a cosy living room.

Looking around, Kai was struck by the size of the building it felt like a small castle.

The decor had a refined, English manor style, with elegant furnishings and intricate decorations.

Chloe gestured to the sofa in the living room and said, "Please wait here for a bit. My dad's still working, but I'll go let him know you're here."

"Thank you very much."

Kai nodded and waited for Chloe to leave. Instead of sitting, he wandered over to a window.

Outside, he could see a dense forest filled with blooming flowers and, in the distance, the bustling city of Vermilion.

"Starters will help if I can find them," Kai thought while looking at the flowers.

Listening carefully, he could even hear the faint sound of waves from the nearby sea.

A short while later, Chloe returned, accompanied by a middle-aged man with hair the same colour as hers.

The man, around his late 30s, wore thick-rimmed glasses, a kind smile, and a white lab coat.

It was evident from his demeanour that he was a dedicated researcher.

In Kai's mind, Professor Cerise wasn't just a well-respected researcher in the Kanto region, he was also one of the few professors authorized by the Pokémon League to distribute starter Pokémon and Pokédexes to new trainers.

Seeing Kai, Professor Cerise was about to greet him but was immediately drawn to the small Ralts by Kai's side.

"A Ralts!? That's a rare Pokémon to see around here!"

At that moment, a small Pokémon bounded into the room, immediately heading over to Chloe and rubbing affectionately against her leg.

This Pokémon looked like a short, playful puppy with a tan coat, a thick yellow tuft around its neck, large, shining eyes, and a small lightning bolt-shaped tail full of energy.

Noticing Ralts, the puppy-like Pokémon's eyes filled with curiosity, and it started to approach.

But when Ralts's hands glowed slightly, the puppy Pokémon quickly backed off and dashed to Professor Cerise's side.

Professor Cerise crouched down to pat the Pokémon's head. "This is our family's Yamper. Sorry if he startled you."

"It's alright," Kai said, smiling. "Yamper is full of energy, as expected of an Electric-type."

"Oh?" Professor Cerise's eyebrows raised in surprise. "You're familiar with Yamper?"

Kai replied, "Yes. Yamper, an Electric-type Pokémon from Galar, stores electricity in its neck fur, so it often runs around discharging energy. It's adorable to watch."

"You seem very knowledgeable not an average trainer." Professor Cerise skipped the pleasantries and got right to the point. "Chloe mentioned you needed my assistance?"

"Sorry to interrupt your work, Professor." Kai took out his Pokédex. "My name is Kai, I come from the Kalos region, and I just arrived here today. I'd like your help upgrading my Pokédex to include data for Kanto Pokémon."

Accepting the Pokédex, Professor Cerise looked it over. "Certainly, that's no trouble at all. Follow me."

He led Kai from the living room to the laboratory's work area, where two assistants, a man and a woman helped him with his research.

The female assistant had dark blue hair styled in loose waves, and a warm, welcoming smile.

The male assistant, though more reserved, wore glasses and seemed highly capable.

Both assistants greeted Kai warmly as Professor Cerise introduced them.

"Hello, I'm Renji in short Ren, Professor Cerise's assistant."

"And I'm Chrysa. Nice to meet you!"

Kai shook hands with them. "Hi, I'm Kai. Thank you for your help."

Chrysa waved it off with a smile. "It's no trouble! We're not too busy since the lab hasn't officially opened yet, so it's nice to have some company."

"Absolutely," Renji added with a nod. "There are only a few of us here, so it's great to have some extra energy around."

Professor Cerise took the Pokédex, placed it in a machine, and after a few minutes, handed it back to Kai.

"All done! The Pokédex is now updated with Kanto data. Are you planning to challenge the Indigo League next?"

Kai nodded. "Yes, but I only have Ralts with me right now. I'll need a few more Pokémon to challenge the gyms."

Hearing this, Renji perked up. "There are so many great Pokémon in Kanto! Any in particular you're hoping to catch?"

Kai replied, "I'd love to catch the Kanto starters Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur. Other than that, I'll see what fate has in store."


Thank you for reading!
