

Meanwhile the squad leaders were having a meeting, Aoshi was looking at himself in the mirror. He was still rather tall for his age and at least he wasn't as unhealthily skinny anymore. He still barely had the smallest bit of fat on his body, but now he had some muscle to show for his efforts. His hair had grown back as well, at least most of it. It was now just long enough to tie it up at the back, which he did. So the green hair he was so proud of was now held in a ponytail. The ends still showed the volume he'd have if he let his hair out but with his bandana he looked very proper.

Today, Kakashi would be giving him one of his last proper guidance sessions. He would be taking a team very soon since the next batch of Genin graduated in a couple of days. Today, Kakashi would guide him through nature transformation. He had already read up on it quite a lot but hadn't tested himself yet to save the surprise. Kakashi would be recommending some techniques and some training methods. Since Aoshi had very little chakra to work with, he would only be using very specific techniques and his control had to be absolute. Most of the nature transformations had techniques he could use to get rid of excess chakra as well, without impacting those around him. It was definitely the perfect next step in his development since he stood in a standstill on the seal front at the moment.

So he walked through the village. Kakashi would be late anyway, so he might as well see how things were around the village. He walked through the busiest streets which held all sorts of stores. He was never one to give in to those kinds of wants and he wouldn't now either. Aoshi wouldn't have a healthy amount of cash in a long while so he would have to watch his spending until then. Watching was always fun though.

He walked towards the academy to remember the old days. It wasn't that long ago but a year in the field changed a lot. His personality didn't change much but his position in life and his status as a ninja changed. Looking at the playground caused him to reminisce about how things were before Tenten. The people in his class back then were still here in Class C. Every batch of youngsters were separated rather early on based on their potential. He had been put among class C, the ones who would have to attend the school a full year longer than those in Class A. Looking at the playground he saw some he remembered but many dropped out after realising that the school thought so little of them.

Among those on the grounds was the Uzumaki kid. He used to hate the guy because of what his family had done to the Rokushō, but since he read the Uzumaki children's stories he wasn't so sure. By now he was at most slightly annoyed at having to clean up after his pranks, which was a rather common D-rank mission he used to get. Other than that he felt more bad for the guy than anything else. He was all alone there. In a way, Aoshi hoped Uzumaki would prove them wrong. The brat had attempted to graduate twice already trying to prove himself but he simply wasn't ready.

(A/N: I know that it isn't canon that Naruto failed to graduate twice, and that it's just a common misconception. He just failed some midterms basically. But in this fic he did try to graduate early.)

While Aoshi was in mid thought about the rowdy kid, his eyes met those bright blue eyes. Purple met blue and neither turned away. This clearly surprised the blonde boy, perhaps since Aoshi didn't turn away or become angry. Those two reactions were the only ones he had seen on the civilians and ninjas alike. Aoshi gave the boy a wave and a small smile, which were eagerly returned before Aoshi turned away to finally go talk to Kakashi.


He sat down on the grass and leaned against the wooden pole. This place was always a rather nice place to relax. It was a real shame it was actually a training ground. The clear pond with lovely birds playing around in it. The calm forests around with squirrels jumping from tree to tree. Finally the careless fields of grass with various animals making it their home. This was a place which could be ruined in seconds by a group of ninjas. A rather sad truth really. If Aoshi managed to get his home back from his father, he has to make sure to create some lovely places for relaxation around it. Maybe his element could help him in that struggle?

"Yo." Aoshi was startled. Since his mind was in the clouds, he missed the fact that Kakashi had come up behind him. After a few seconds of gathering his breath again, Aoshi waved at his sensei. "Hi Kakashi, you're rather late. But you know that."

Kakashi had the nerve to pretend to be embarrassed. "Ha ha..I met this gentle old man who needed help with his groceries. Couldn't leave him to do it alone of course."

Aoshi just waved him off. He didn't care about which excuse was used this time. He just wanted to get on with it. And so, Kakashi started explaining. Aoshi knew all of the theory behind nature transformation, of course. He didn't know how to practise them, but he knew what to imagine and what he had to think about so he didn't injure himself. For example, when using fire style, you have to be careful not to burn yourself. Always keep in mind that you need a protective layer around the skin on the inside of the mouth when performing a fire breath of any kind. You also had to be careful not to transform the chakra too early as then you might cause burn damage to your chakra network.

"This." Kakashi brought out a piece of paper which Aoshi assumed to be chakra induction paper. "Is Chakra paper. I want you to pour just a little bit of chakra into this without considering anything. Just do what comes naturally."

Aoshi nodded and grabbed the piece of paper. After pouring just a little bit of chakra into it, the paper cleanly split into two pieces. Aoshi looked up to Kakashi who sighed in resignation. "It appears you have an affinity towards wind. Not a bad nature at all, but I'm afraid I don't know many techniques I could teach you. I do know how to train it though."

Aoshi didn't get disheartened by those news. "Guess I'll have to find my own ways then. But at least there's an easy way to release chakra in Wind style: great breakthrough. I've got a couple of ideas, but let's see that training method you've got for me!"

That got Kakashi to lighten up a little as he went over to the nearest tree and grabbed a leaf. He displayed the leaf to Aoshi. "The only thing you'll need for now is this leaf." Aoshi took the leaf from Kakashi and looked questioningly at him. "And..? Do what? My control is way past the leaf sticking exercise."

Kakashi smiled, at least Aoshi thought he did considering the small way his eyebrows moved. "Stick it between your hands and slice it in half using only your chakra. You know what to think about right? You know the theory behind the process of nature transformation, so now put that into action. Cut that leaf in half and find me when you're done. I'll be around." Kakashi waved and then popped away leaving a pile of leaves in his stead.

Aoshi sighed and sat down with the leaf in his hands. This was going to take a while. So he sat there. Focusing on first shaping his chakra to be let out in a thin line, this part wasn't very difficult. But to then alter the nature of his chakra was something he had never done before. He focused on the points mentioned in the scrolls he had read but he couldn't quite grasp it. It was probably something that had to be felt anyway. So he tried, over and over. Each time he released as little chakra as he could, just trying to feel if he managed to change the nature of it.

He would have to keep doing this training for the following days as well. Every day he sat there on the ground trying to do it, all on his own. He had a little more chakra than he did last year but he still couldn't keep going for long. So after just a few hours he would have to leave the field. He didn't want to risk chakra exhaustion again. Most days he walked past the school grounds. Some days he saw the Uzumaki kid again. Almost always alone. Most days they only shared a glance and nothing else but today he was nowhere to be found. Aoshi didn't really care all that much so he just moved on.

Today was one of those days when Kurenai was away and Aoshi had managed to save up some cash for a rainy day. Why not spend some by eating out tonight? That was what he thought as he went to the familiar Ramen stand. "Teuchi-san! Can I have some Miso Pork Ramen right away please?"

The chef smiled at his new customer. "Coming right up! Sit down and we'll get to it." So Aoshi sat down next to someone else, it took him a couple of seconds to realise who it was. Uzumaki Naruto sat next to him, absolutely devouring some ramen with a truly joyful expression as if he was in heaven. Aoshi raised an eyebrow at the boy who hadn't realised there was anyone else sitting there.

About fifteen seconds later, he reached out his bowl and yelled out. "Another one Teuchi-ossan!" The man just laughed. "I have another customer. Give me a couple of seconds."

Naruto looked around to see who was causing the delay only to see the green-haired guy he saw outside the academy at times. He pointed at Aoshi and yelled. "Green-san! What are you doing here?"

Aoshi gave Naruto a true deadpan look. "Eating, you idiot. Why else would I be here?" Naruto actually got a little embarrassed. "Hehe….oh of course." Aoshi smiled at him to ease the tension and the blonde clearly appreciated it.

"Do you know Teuchi-san well, Uzumaki-kun?" Naruto looked confused. Nobody ever called him that, and he was also surprised the kid next to him really knew who he was. Aoshi could see the gears turning inside the blonde boy's little round head. But eventually he nodded enthusiastically.

"Teuchi is like an uncle. Known him since I was a little kid. He's the best chef in the world." At that moment Teuchi himself showed up chuckling and placed Aoshi's food in front of him. "I doubt that, Naruto. Appreciate it though. Hope you continue to enjoy the food!"

Naruto nodded. "Of course!" but then he turned back to Aoshi. "But you know who I am?" Aoshi was confused. Why would the boy question that bit? Most people knew who he was. Aoshi decided to just give him a small smile and nod. "Of course. You're the loud kid who tried to graduate with my class last year." Naruto flinched a little at the memory. He gave it a shot to graduate early to prove Kiba wrong but failed miserably. "Good luck this year though!"

Aoshi started eating and closed his eyes to truly appreciate the lovely food in front of him. He completely missed the gawking boy next to him. People rarely wished him good luck in anything, most wouldn't even talk to him. A bowl of his favourite ramen was placed in front of him but he didn't eat as fast as he usually did. Aoshi was on his mind. He smiled at the possibility of making a new friend, until he realised he didn't know his name!

Awkwardly Naruto cleared his throat to get Aoshi's attention. "W-What's your name then, Green-san?" Aoshi finished his bowl and put down his chopsticks. "I'm Rokushō Aoshi, usually called Aoshi…and sometimes Ao." Naruto nodded. "Can I call you Green-san?"

Aoshi raised an eyebrow but shrugged. "Go ahead. Rather that, than Ao. Makes a bit more sense doesn't it?" Naruto laughed a bit at that but then he realised he still had food to consume and Aoshi was once again amazed as he ingested the food. "Well then kid, I'm off. I'll see you around, Naruto!"

With a wave, he was gone and Naruto was left smiling with Teuchi laughing at his antics. Aoshi, on the other hand, considered the boy. He didn't react at all to the Rokushō name. Either nobody saw it fit to even mention the family, or the boy didn't know his heritage. Both were equally likely considering the state of both the Uzumaki family and the Rokushō one.

He shook his head. He'd give the kid a chance once he became a ninja. Surely he couldn't be that bad. He remembered how his father once told him the boy was trash and a demon but Aoshi knew better than to trust his father's judgement. Seeing as it wasn't very late, he went over to the library to continue his search for any seals or ideas worth any merit. A while back he saw a scroll with Jiraiya's name on it. Even though he was supposed to be able to access the entire chunin section, that scroll and a few like it apparently required special authority. Once he was promoted to chunin and started his own workshop he was bound to be able to convince the Hokage to let him take a look at them. If nothing else then Kakashi should be able to vouch for him.

This was how days were spent once again. He sometimes wondered how much time he had spent training and preparing for training in his life but soon figured out that it was best not to think about it. Tomorrow. Tomorrow was the day for progress. Aoshi could feel it in his bones.

Is tomorrow the day for progress? Or could it be today? Hand over some of those stones, why don't you? It might help!

Herachcreators' thoughts