
Strength Beyond the Surface

"Why do we have to write a summary of a book in this technological era?" Demetri complained, dragging out the words as if just saying them drained the life out of him.

I laughed and gave him a light tap on the shoulder.

"Come on, man. Just because you've got it on your phone doesn't mean it's in your brain. And hurry up, I've got karate after this."

We were walking out of the library when I heard Demetri behind us.

"Wait, guys! In the trash, I just threw out a—"

The sound of something crashing to the bottom interrupted him. We turned around just in time to see him digging through the trash can, muttering,

"…a yogurt!"

Eli and I exchanged a disbelieving look before noticing Kyler and his chubby friend laughing their heads off. Demetri, face red with embarrassment, pulled his backpack out from the pile of trash and food scraps. Eli froze, but I didn't hesitate. I strode over to Kyler and stood in front of him.

"What's your problem, Kyler? You wanna finish what we started the other day?"

Kyler raised an eyebrow and flashed that mocking grin that always got under my skin.

"Of course, Rhea. This time, your sensei won't be around to save you."

I was ready to punch him, but a teacher appeared at the far end of the room. I exhaled in frustration and stepped back.

"You got lucky again, Kyler. Let's go, Demetri."

As we turned away, I heard Kyler shout behind me,

"Yeah, Rhea! Run away like you always do. Loser."

I ignored him, though a knot of anger twisted in my stomach. Passing by the shelves, I caught sight of Sam with a surprised expression on her face. It was clear she'd overheard everything. Our eyes met for a moment. I smiled and winked at her before walking away.


When I arrived at the dojo, something felt off: it was closed. I looked under the mat and, as expected, found the emergency key. I let myself in, took off my shoes and socks, and started warming up with some stretches.

As I moved my arms, memories of Kyler hitting me with that stick last time flashed through my mind. I closed my eyes and clenched my fists. I couldn't let that happen again.

"I need to get stronger," I whispered to myself.

I pulled out my phone and dialed two numbers. Then I set it aside and got to work, training while I waited.

An hour later, the door burst open. Demetri and Eli stumbled in, out of breath and looking around frantically.

"Where's the booth giving away free video games?" Demetri asked, his voice filled with excitement.

I grinned and calmly replied,

"Right here."

Demetri, confused, frowned.

"What do you mean, 'right here'?"

"Listen. I'll make you a deal: help me with my training, and I'll buy you whatever game you want."

Eli raised an eyebrow.

"Training? How are we supposed to help you? We don't know karate."

I crossed my arms and smiled.

"It's simple. All you have to do is hit me as hard as you can."

The two of them exchanged incredulous looks. Demetri was the first to break the silence.

"This has to be a joke."

"It's not. I need to build my endurance. You hit me, I take it, and you get your game. Sounds fair, right?"

Demetri shrugged and stepped in front of me.

"If you're giving away free games, I guess I'll give it a shot."

He took a deep breath, clenched his fist, and punched me in the stomach. I doubled over from the impact but straightened up quickly.

"Keep going."

Eli, nervously laughing, joined in. The rest of the afternoon passed in a blur of punches and exercises. Not only did I strengthen my body, but I also managed to get these two a little more interested in the dojo.


The next day in the cafeteria was pure chaos. We were sitting at our table when Kyler's voice boomed across the room.

"Hey, everyone! Have you seen Sam's dad's flyer? Looks like she's following in his footsteps."

The room erupted in laughter. I slammed my tray down on the table and marched straight toward him.

"Don't you ever get tired of making stuff up, Kyler? Don't you have anything better to do with your life?"

Kyler stopped laughing, but his tone remained smug.

"What do you want now, Rhea? Another beating?"

I took a deep breath to stay calm, but my anger got the better of me.

"You asked for it."

With a quick spin, I landed a kick to his stomach, sending him sprawling to the floor. His chubby friend rushed at me, but I dodged his clumsy attack and grabbed a tray from a nearby table. I smashed it over his head, knocking him out cold.

The other two guys tried to attack me simultaneously. I deflected one's punch and shoved him into his friend. As they stumbled, I kneed the nearest one in the stomach, leaving him gasping for air.

Kyler, now back on his feet, swung a tray at me. I stood still, smirking.

"Come on, do it."

The tray hit, but I withstood it. Before he could react, I dropped him with a punch to the stomach. The cafeteria fell silent for a moment before erupting into cheers.

"QUIET!" a stern voice shouted.

I turned to see a teacher standing with her arms crossed.

"To the principal's office. Now."

Sighing, I grabbed my backpack and followed her. Before leaving, I glanced back at Kyler, still on the floor, and feinted a lunge at him. He flinched and fell back again. Smirking in satisfaction, I headed to the office.
