
Golden-haired princess

*Classmates POV*

Fighting alongside Brandon shizuku was stunned seeing him clear out most monsters with a single attack

She was brought out of her stupor as she felt soft lips crashing against her's leaving her stunned but the next second she fevourishly responded realizing it was brandon 

The kiss quickly got heated but suddenly feeling his lips leaving her's she looked up confused only to hear the words 

"I love you" stunned but never the less happy she responded just as quick only to see him rushing forward 

feeling a little empty by the lack of response 

She suddenly realized they were still in the dungeon

Feeling her cheeks heat up by the astonished gazes directed at her from thier classmates she quickly continued slicing up monster's after some time she stopped just to hear gasps from her classmates 

Looking up she saw Brandon sitting in the middle of the collapsing bridge looking in their direction with his eyes wide open

Feeling his gaze on her she looked at him only to make out the words "wait for me" all she should do was nod as her vision got blurry shutting her eyes tightly she felt warm tears sliding down her cheeks

Her heart felt as if it was cluched tightly between two large hands squeezing it

Feeling suffocated she collapsed on the ground as a multitude of emotional came crashing down on her

She could make out the voice of kaori as she screamed out hajimes name but she couldn't care less as she was feeling heartbroken just thinking about never being able to see Brandon again

Thinking that she had lost him just after their confession the feeling only worsen until 

She remembered his words last night

"Always remember to keep it safe as long as you have this necklace around you I'd always be able to find you and as long as the gem in the middle doesn't break it means im perfectly safe" 

Clutching the gem around her neck tightly she lets out a sigh of relief feeling that it was perfectly fine

That seemed to have taken some weight of her shoulders as she stood up straight proceeding to wipe the tears staining her face [You better come back to me Brandon] she thought as she took deep breaths to calm down 

Looking at her classmates she could see the horror etched into their faces ignoring

them she continues looking for Kaori as she remembered the shrill scream she let out

Suddenly seeing Kaori slumped on the ground her heartbeat sped up as she rushed towards her 

Placing her index and middle finger on her pulse she lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding

Figuring that Kaori was simply unconscious she stood up to dissuade the argument between Kouki and captain meld

"Shut up! We are still in the dungeon if you hadn't realized let's break out of here before any more deaths occur" she said while glaring at Kouki having heard what the conversation is about(A/N she didn't see what Kouki did cause she was busy fighting monsters)

*TIMESKIP to them reporting on the death of hajime and Brandon"

Meld could be seen kneeling I'm front of the pop along with the king reporting what had just transpired in the dungeon leading to the unfortunate death of two heroes (A/N he didn't see what daisuke and Kouki did)

They were shocked at first hearing that two of the heroes had died but relaxed having heard it was the "useless" Hajime though they felt some pain learning that brandon the strongest of the heroes had died but also relaxed

After remembering that his stats wouldn't grow anymore as he seemed capped at 200

As long as the 'HERO' didn't die the others death meant little to them 

Shizuku could only grit her teeth hatefully after hearing the news as there was little she could do about it 

At least they didn't badmouth him open or secretly as they do to hajime the most "useless" hero 

Turning to look at her best friend who has been in a coma for five days now she couldn't help but sigh remembering the fact that her friend harboured feelings for the boy(Hajime)

Remembering how she felt after having seen brandon fall into the abyss she couldn't help but sigh again while clutching the necklace tightly

*Brandon POV*

standing in front of the double doors that held my princess behind them I couldn't help but smile as we'll finally meet face to face


Just as I was about to move forward to open the door my passive skill activated causing my body to sway from left to right dodging the bullets shot at me

Turning around i see hajime now having white hair almost similar to mine but more dull with only one arm standing there with that shit eating grin on his face

Seeing him and remembering the fact that he just spoiled my mood a vain appeared on my forehead as i smile menacingly 

*Hajime POV*

All i could see was silver-ish-*white hair flow before me as the dime granz crystals didn't make much light... 

Thinking it is a new type of monster on this floor I shot at it without thinking twice

A fearless grin appeared on my face as I licked my lips thinking about the power up I could get from devouring it 

But just as I was about to move forward to look at this weird monster it suddenly dodged my bullets with it's back still turned to me stunned as this creature was the first to actually doge my bullets other than that bear

But just as I was about to shoot out more it suddenly disappeared my instincts flared out the moment it did

But unfortunately my body couldn't keep up as the next thing I knew I felt pain shoot out through my whole body with me being imbedded upside down into the massive double doors

Landing on my knee after getting out of the doors that seemed fine even after that impact I was about to make a move on the creature but suddenly the two statues breaked free from it's confines at it struck a weird looking pose

Having to time to think I fired at it's eyes outright killing both of them

"Nicely done Hajime" a familiar voice but more deep sounded behind me followed an applause 

Having a chance to look at the creatures face it had long shoulder length white-silverish hair with crimson tips as if dipped in bood with an impossibly handsome face I realized it was brandon my eyes shot wide open as I thought he died during the fall because I didn't find him on any floor

*Brandon POV*

*Paah* *paah* *paah* applauding for Hajime as he effortlessly dealt with both monsters

Also Feeling a little better now that i got to trash him

I saw his eyes shot wide open as he seemed to recognize me

But I ignored him as I dug up the monsters carcass looking for those round ball thingy so i can free my princess

Having found both balls I walked towards the door leaving the carcass as storing it into the inventory in front of hajime would be a pain

Even though he will realize later on as I can't hide it forever I'll deal with it then for now it's time to meet my princess

From my peripheral vision I saw Hajime standing up as he followed after me with a complicated expression

Ignoring him I pushed both balls into the space available in the door it lit up while slowly opening

Seeing a cube with something that looks like it's sprouting out of it in the middle of the room I couldn't help but smile brightly 

Walking forward without hesitation I could see hajime trying to stop me but I brushed him off

Hearing the door shut close behind us I kept moving forward undeterred 

"Who goes there?" A hoars female voice could be heard in the center of the room...

the something that seemed to sprout out was obviously none other than my princess

"A p-person?" I heard Hajime stutter from behind me 

The girl was buried in the rock from her neck down and her golden blonde hair dangled limply in front of her face much like a ghost from a horror movie.

Eyes as red as a blood moon peeked out from between the gaps in her hair

She looked rather young, still despite her haggard appearance and the hair covering the better half of her face it was clear she was quite beautiful

Hajime suddenly grabbed my sleeve as he said "sorry we'll just leave now" he walked to the door

But before he could pull me along I pulled my arm lose from his grasp as I continued walking forward looking straight into those ruby red eyes

"Brandon this is obviously a trap" he tried to dissuade me and grabbed my sleeve again to pull me away

"W-wait please h-help me" she called out trying to stop us from leaving 

Having had enough I pulled my sleeve out of his grasp once more before turning to her

"She was obviously betrayed just like us can't u see it... her eyes" I bullshited while keeping my eyes locked with her's

She gasped seemingly surprised but nonetheless I continued forward 

I could hear Hajime letting out a frustrated sigh 

But I kept walking until I stood in front of her

"Now let's get you out there shall we" I said while flashing a bright smile

She goes completely bright red from seeing my smile [works everytime ] I thought to myself while thankful for this perfect appearance as it just makes my job at wooing girls a lot easier

Grabbing the cube with my right hand I started pouring mana into it as blackish-purple sparks go flying around the room

Increasing the output I let out a low groan as it was sucking my mana faster than it could recover

Nonetheless I just poured in more mana as the cube started desolving slowly releasing her from her prison 

As the rock fell away her modest breasts were fully visible next came her waist then her hands, thighs and finally the cube melted away entirely as she was free 

Her completely naked body was clearly emaciated but still it had an alluring charm to it as she slumped to the ground 

I caught her mid air covering her body with a white coat that I took out of my inventory 

[Wouldn't want Hajime to see my womans naked body]

I thought to myself seeing her surprised face as the coat seemed to have came out of nowhere

"Thank you" was all she said with a completely emotionless face excluding the small blush staining her cheeks 

Smiling brightly in response I promised myself that I'd make her show emotions once more

"My pleasure" 

"So what's your name" she asked me

Hajime seemed to have completely become a background character at this point

"Brandon" I responded while smiling 

"Brandon" "Brandon" "Brandon" she repeated as if to completely drill it into her brain

"So what's yours" I asked fully knowing what she'll answer

"Give me one" and as expected the very same answer she replied while looking at me her eyes shining in expectation

Thinking on whether to give her the same name or not I simply said

"Yue" because honestly i couldn't think of a better name

"Where i come from it means moon. When I first came into this room your golden hair and red eyes reminded me of the moon so what do you think" I retold hajimes exact words as I could remember it perfectly thanks to my photographic memory

"Yue" "Yue" "Yue" she repeated like a broken radio

"I love it" she said sounding excited but her face was still completely emotionless which looks kinda Creepy honestly 

"Then from now on I will be known as Yue"

" I still don't trust her"Hajime suddenly said

flinching slightly I look back... to be honest I completely forgot he was even here 

And I could see Yue felt the same as she looked at him with in confusion her eyes seem to be saying *who are you*

Letting out a light cough "Hajime" he said looking quite embarrassed I just snicked 

But before we could continue to converse I picked up Yue princess style as I jumped backwards using aerodynamics for a foot hold mid air while continuously dodging mid air 

"Completely forgot about u ugly" I said while letting Yue down as a katana appeared in my hand 

I completely forgot what happened to my previous one 

[I have to get Hajime to make me one that can completely handle my strength when we reach the mavericks lair or whatever they call themselves]

Thinking to myself I took a sword stance

~Doom strike~

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Seeing that i released 3 chapters today I will possibly only release 1 tomorrow but if I have more free time I'll release 2

Brandon_Miller_6615creators' thoughts