
Unknown Energy

Yin Zhi walked gracefully off the dance floor, while the entire hall filled with guests in their finest attire seems to breathe a collective sigh of awe after witnessing the opening dance between her and the Emperor. It had been a short three minutes dance and once the dance ended, Yin Zhi didn't return to the floor as expected to dance again with the guests.

Instead, she moved through the hall, greeting dignitaries and representatives from various countries, her expression courteous yet distant. She exvhnage polite nods, brief words, and a few formal smiles. Her every move and interaction is deliberate and calculated. Yin Zhi was aware of the countless eyes on her, studying her.

But before long, Yin Zhi eyebrow twicth unnoticed by anyone. Not long after, She excused herself as she walk towards the side exit of the grand hall. Her presence had been enough for now. She already played her role so she doesn't need to stay for more than an hour and just doing fake pleasantries with others.

As she stepped through the side exit door, her personal butler Yuen Yue immediately followed, one step behind her as she followed Yin Zhi who was walking towards the Main Royal palace.

"Your Highness, You left the hall after just an hour. Is there something you unsatisfied with?" Yuen Yue ask

Without stopping, Yin Zhi said, "No. Everything is fine. Just tell father that i will be resting now. He can handle the remaining time on his own."

Yuen Yue nodded without hesitation. "I understand, Your Highness."

Yin Zhi offered a brief "En" of appreciation as she continued walking the path towards the main palace, where her residence is. Yuen Yue watched her back disapeared before turning around, going back to the Royal Pavilion. Instead of searching for Emperor Yin Shu, Yuen Yue went to her father, Chief Butler Yuen, to pass along Yin Zhi's message for the Emperor.

After walking for almost ten minutes, Yin Zhi finally arrives in the grandhall of the main palace as she made her way through the west wing corridors. After arriving in front of her room, Yin Zhi immeidtly entered, and her face couldn't hide the urgency she is currently feeling. The reason why she left the party much earlier is because Yin Qiji send a teleaphy towards her.

It was a short two words "Come here" but she knows that it consumed Yin Qiji energy since the royal pavilion and her room have a distance of more than one thousand meters. And Yin Zhi knows that Yin Qiji won't call her if there is nothing urgent because she (YQJ) knows that she is busy with the party.

Stepping inside her room, The dim light of the room casts a shadows across the room. And there, Yin Zhi saw the black kitten sitting on the single bed, her gold eyes looking at her.

The moment Yin Zhi sat down next to her, Yin Qiji flicked her tail as she (YZ) ask, "What's wrong? Why did you call me?"

Yin Qiji eyes narrowed a sher voice rang out in the room. "I called you here because there is something you need to be aware off urgently. And I couldn't inform you through telepathy since it will cost me energy."

"Go on." Yin Zhi expression turn serious

Yin Qiji's tail curled around her front paws as she said, "Thirty minutes ago, I detected a faint but peculiar energy signal. It wasn't familiar to me. So I secretly prove the energy and I found out that the energy is foreign, it didn't belong to Huxia at all."

Yin Zhi eye's narrowed slightly. "You're saying that something is inside the imperial palace right now?'

"Yes." Yin Qiji affirmed. "I know how heavily guarded the imperial palace is, aside from the visible royal guards, I know that the Yin Soldiers are also on patrol. Ensuring that nothing goes wrong since there are a lot of visitors.

So, I know that it was impossible for someone to bring something on the imperial palace. But it's a fact that I really felt the foreign energy was. But whatever it was, the energy presence was faint, as if hiding itself. And right now, I couldn't get its exact location. I don't know if it is already gone, or still here."

A chill ran through Yin Zhi as she heard Yin Qiji words. She knows how well guarded the Imperial Palace is. It was monitored in every corner and even the royal satellite was being monitored right now by the Yin Army commander, to make sure that nothing goes wrong with the celebration tonight.

Yet, despite all precusrion they made, Yin Zhi didn't expect that the intruder would be an energy! And it must be known that energy doesn't have any physical body at all, so it was imposible to be detected by anyone. And only Yin Qiji could do it!

"Did it notice that you are aware of its presence?" Yin Zhi asked

"No. The signal was faint and I know it is currently weak. And that is also why I couldn't pinpoint its location. If I really tried locating it, I need to use my reserve energy but that also means that I could only connect to 3 planets right now, not the 5 planets we originaly planned."

Yin Zhi remained silent for a few minutes before saying, "Then just do it. You need to scan the entire Imperial Palace and see if the intruder is still here or already left. I couldn't relax until I knew the result."

"Okay. Wait a minute." - Yin Qji said as she closed her eyes and after a few seconds, the black kitten open her eyes and said.

"There is nothing here. I scan the imperial palace twice and I didn't feel its presence anymore."

Yin Zhi sigh in relief but she couldn't help but ask her doubt. "But why intrude here?"

"Since it hidden the fact that it visited here, It might be someone was controlling that energy to gather information about the imperial palace. And with my limited energy, I really couldn't search the entire huxia for its presence. Right now, I am not even sure if that energy is from outside Huxia."

Yin Zhi gaze darkened as she processed the information she heard. "Then if that energy appeared again, can you still detect it with your current power?"

"Yes. Don't need to worry too much. I'll keep watch over the imperial palace. If that thing comes back, I would immeidetlu tell you."

Yin Zhi sigh as she leaned in the sofa as her mind already running though countless possibilities.

"If your that worried, You could increase the defense of the Imperial Palace. Since the royal guards is also part of the Yin Army, you could just transfer some Yin soldiers to the Royal guards and make sure that every corner of the Imperial palace is guarded 24/7, along with the CCTV and satellite monitoring. Even if they couldn't detect that energy, it is still better to increase our defense in case something happens." - Yin Qiji said

"That is the only thing we could do right now. But I am not only gonna strengthen the defense of Imperial Palace, I might as well do it for the entire imperial region."

Yin Zhi said as she stood up and walked towards her window, looking at the palace ground currently bathed in the bright moonlight. 


