
Maena 3 293 AC

She had been quite nervous at first when the Prince had told her they were to be hosting royalty, and not just royalty but his Uncle the Dragonslayer no less, only two days before he was due to arrive.

Of course, with the new floor, there nicer rooms, the Prince had made sure of it as he wanted to be able to host diplomats before his new capital at Stormpeak was finished, but still, she could barely get over serving the prince himself. The King who had supposedly slain a fire demon in Essos was surely even beyond that.

The prince had assured her, however, that she would be alright.

"Don't worry too much about my Uncle King Robert, he'll be alright with anything as long as the food and ale are alright. He's fairly down to earth."

She had been a bit surprised though when the Prince had cringed so hard at his next request. "I don't really care if it's you who does it, but someone should probably find a couple of whores, or easy women at least to appeal to them, Northern features if they can be found. I… don't approve of the practice, but I know there are plenty left around here, and my Uncle has fewer reservations than My father or I. If he starts going for you though tell me and I'll distract him."

It was a new side of him, she thought, though it made sense, even if he was a god he was still a young one and a reserved young man at that. If his uncle was a god as well she would just have to be careful.

She accepted the request, of course, it wasn't like she hadn't found whores for patrons before. Indeed she suspected the Prince overestimated her own virtue, though she intended to maintain that impression to the best of her abilities.

Not that the King seemed to even want them really, as he instead spent most of the night regaining the Prince with the story of his victory, a story that the Prince seemed overly focused on.

"This… Demon or construct. You said it came from his sword?"

"Yes, we all saw it, the ones who were there at least. The thing shattered and broke, I think the demon thing was how he got fire into it."

"Mhm." The Prince nodded. "I've spoken to Geralt, that is the Wisdom Frey about similar stories from the alchemist guild, they claim that in old days they used to be able to make creatures out of fire, not unlike this demon you fought, but to his knowledge they were always short-lived things without any physical form, that burned out like a fire. Perhaps Viserys did the same thing to make his sword?"

"Who knows?" The king asked, nodding towards Maena for another cup of wine, which she dutifully brought. "You have more interest in this alchemy magic than me, I just wanted to know what you knew of it. The Maesters have been useless."

"That doesn't surprise me." The Prince nodded, tapping his fingers on the table. "Their orders official stance, until I'd wager right about now, was that magic does not exist. Evidently this has been disproven in a rather dramatic way." The Prince gestured to the King's shoulder. "Does the wound it gave you still hurt?"

"...Aye." The king nodded after a long moment, "though the alcohol dulls it somewhat."

"Mhm, I don't know how much I'll be able to help you, my studies have mostly been focused on lightning, and it's uses, as you have seen outside, but I have read some Valyrian tomes as well. Fire and blood magic is known to me." His eyes glanced around the room, moving to his Uncle and father, and then to her. "Maena, you should go prepare one of the bed's for my royal uncle."

She nodded at the Godling's commands, remembering the form she had seen from him before. If he was going to work magic she wanted no part in it, and she was great full to be ordered away, though all of the beds were already prepared.

Indeed, aside from the whores, the king's bodyguards, and the prince's man Jaerys, the building was empty, and they were all quartered downstairs. There simply weren't that many bedrooms on the new floor given how large they were.

As she descended the stairs, she noted two of the white armored men at the bottom, standing guard even at this hour.

She did not envy them their roles.

Still, there was always work to be done, and she got to washing the dishes, they were nicer than the ones she was used to, the Prince had replaced the battered old wooden ones more than a month ago now.

The Prince was an odd Godling's that way, always paying attention to the little things around him and changing them to suit his fancy as if he were more butler than Prince.

Still, she would never complain.

Only idiots complained about the god's strangeness in their presence.
