

10:40 AM Rigville Town (An hour and forty minutes after the battle exams started)

Joshua arrived in Rigville, led by the townspeople to a large lake where the rumored shadow monster resided. Gazing over the vast expanse of water, he saw a gigantic shadow creature swimming beneath the surface, and he could feel the unmistakable pull of its shadow energy.

Joshua: (to himself) They weren't kidding when they said this thing was huge. How did it even get here? I'll never understand shadow monster behavior... Might as well kill it and head back in time to watch Jason's students in action.

Infusing his feet with lighter energy, Joshua stepped onto the lake, walking steadily toward its center to keep the townspeople safe. Releasing a controlled amount of lighter energy, he attracted the shadow monster's attention—and apparently, it wasn't alone. Several smaller shadow monsters emerged, also drawn by his energy, charging toward him. Joshua drew his sword, ready to engage.

11:01 AM, Rigville Town

By the time Joshua had slain the last of the shadow creatures in the lake, his clothes were stained with their dark blood. Grateful townsfolk offered to clean them, and Joshua took a bath in a nearby bathhouse while his clothes were washed and dried. Once finished, he decided to grab a quick bite before heading back to Benville City.

He found a spot at BFC, a restaurant at the crossroads, and sat down with his sword by his side as he began to eat his burger which he had ordered.

Joshua: (muttering) That mission took longer than I expected. What's with everyone here being so generous? Maybe they've never seen a Hunter before…

He glanced up at the TV, his heart dropping as he watched a breaking news report: the Hunter Force Academy was under attack by the Kaimi Daja, a notorious terrorist group.

Joshua: (to himself) Under attack!? I can't sit here—I need to get back!

He jumped up, ready to rush out, but a hand landed firmly on his shoulder. Turning, he came face-to-face with a man whose presence immediately set him on edge

Zero: Yo

Joshua: (with urgency)What do you want? I'm in a hurry.

Zero: Relax. My friends didn't kill any of yours. Everyone's fine, for now.

Joshua: "Your friends???"

Zero: That's right. I'm Zero, leader of the Kaimi Daja.

Joshua reached for his sword, but Zero held up a hand, a smirk crossing his face.

Zero: (cartoonish face) Not here. I'd prefer somewhere with more room to move around. Besides, I just want to talk. (He sat down, gesturing for Joshua to join him.) Come on.

Joshua: (to himself) What the hell? He actually wants to talk? And why is the leader of the Kaimi Daja here in Rigville? I can't sense any energy from him. He's a human who wants to fight a Level 1+ Lighter? Fine. Let's see what he has to say. (He sat down across from Zero, meeting his gaze.)

In that instant, everyone else in the restaurant vanished, leaving only Joshua and Zero, adding to Joshua's confusion.

Zero: (noticing Joshua's surprise) Wondering where everyone went? It's a technique from one of my Kaimi Daja associates. The restaurant's owner allowed us to use this place because he's also with us.

Joshua: So, this whole setup was just for me. You must be the ones responsible for the shadow monster in the lake, just to draw me out

Zero: (grins) Sharp, aren't you? Probably top of your class back at the academy. It's no surprise—you're an Heir of the All Mother, after all. I assume you've got questions. Ask away.

Joshua: What was the point of releasing those shadow bugs from May to July?

Zero: Straight to business, huh? Our goal is to collect the body parts that make the Heirs powerful and unique among shadows and lighters. So, naturally, we're after your left arm. (points at Joshua's left hand)

Joshua: (to himself) So it's not just me huh?

Zero: Tracking down the Heirs wasn't difficult, but locating anyone from the Hamorabi Clan has been nearly impossible for the past 500 years. So, we recreated the Shadow Bug Technique from Sorin Hashido, the first anomaly, hoping to locate a shadow conduit by awakening one. The chances were low, given how rare shadow conduits are—especially those from an extinct clan. But it worked; it led us to Kato Hamura. After we kidnapped him, we confirmed he possesses an unprecedented shadow technique and that he's a direct descendant of the Hamorabi Clan. Why? Who knows. But this discovery puts us one step closer to our goals—and brings Kato closer to awakening the God Eye.

Joshua: (angrily) So, you ruin lives—Kato's and countless others—just to achieve your so-called 'goals'? What possible reason could justify this destruction

Zero: Peace.

Joshua: What?

Zero: The main reason I assembled the Kaimi Daja was to bring peace.

Joshua: (disbelievingly) So you ruined the lives of so many people for "peace"?

Zero: Do you remember the incident of 2003? The incident of the battle between the shadow with the Shadow heart and Eldon Synder? I lost my family to the destruction they caused. I was haunted by one thought: if shadows and lighters didn't exist, that tragedy wouldn't have happened.The endless cycle of hate cost me everything. But thanks to that incident I was able to find my true purpose. (coldly) That's why I'm collecting the body parts of the Heirs—to harness the All Mother's power and remove shadows and lighters from this world. If they didn't exist, tragedies like the 2003 incident wouldn't happen.

Joshua: "The All Mother's power?" "Remove lighters and shadows"? What makes you think you have the power to do that?

Zero:(smiling coldly) Explaining wouldn't make sense. I'll show you instead. However this means that our conversation has come to an end.

Without warning, a massive dog's head burst from the ground, swallowing part of the restaurant along with Zero and Joshua. The remaining section of the restaurant collapsed in the commotion, sending debris everywhere.

In the street, Desmond Gravy, a Kaimi Daja member who had summoned the giant dog, stood, watching.

Desmond: He survived that, right?

Suddenly, Zero phased through the giant dog's body, having used Sanito's Ghost Transformation technique just in time. He emerged with a small injury on his right arm.

Zero: (cartoonish face) Watch that technique, Desmond! If I hadn't used the ghost transformation, I wouldn't have made it out.

Desmond: (cartoonish face) You're the one who didn't just use the ghost technique on time so don't blame me for an injury you can heal off.

Zero: (cartoonish face) Fair point.

Desmond: (exasperated) So… think my illusion dog is enough to hold him?

Zero: (cartoonish face) Don't be a silly old man. If a Level 1+ Hunter was easy to kill, I wouldn't have come up with this plan.

Desmond: (cartoonish face) SHUT UP YOU STUPID BRAT!!!!!

In a swift motion, a 360-degree slash sliced through the dog's mouth, and Joshua leaped out.

Zero: And there's the star of the show. Hope you noticed it, yeah?

Joshua: (to himself) What in the…? I didn't sense any energy from him, yet he used Sanito's ghost technique. (looks at Zero's arm and realizes that he's using Harmonic Restoration to heal himself) And he's using Harmonic Restoration to heal himself. But how? Using techniques without shadow or lighter energy should be impossible! (adjusts his glasses) What exactly is he?!

Zero: (grins) I see you noticed. I'm using techniques without any detectable energy.

Joshua: Yeah. So… what are you?

Zero: (laughs) I'll explain it all while we fight. Hope you don't mind—I brought some company.

Joshua looked around and found himself surrounded by five other Kaimi Daja members: Zero, Desmond, Lorra, Lokk, Gaki, and Jokita, all prepared to face him.

Joshua: A six-on-one fight? Hardly seems fair.

Zero: Hey, when you're dealing with a Level 1+ Lighter, it's best to play it safe.

Joshua eyed his opponents: three shadows, two lighters, and Zero, whose abilities defied all logic. And thus, the battle between Joshua and the six Kaimi Daja members was about to begin.
