

I hunt them down, with righteous zeal,

To purge the world of the fear they bring

A world of fear, where shadows dwell,

Shall come to an end when I send them to hell


As a kid, I idolized the Hunters. They were Lighters who stood up against the face of evil without fear, and I admired them so much. When my Lighter abilities kicked in at twelve years old, I told my parents that I wanted to become a Hunter.

Of course, they didn't take me seriously. They warned me to never bring up the subject again. My father was human, and my mother was a Lighter—they weren't fighters. So, the idea that their only child wanted to be a Hunter was obviously hard for them to hear. But I didn't let that stop me. I started saving up from my after-school job to enroll myself in the Hunter Force Academy, and I also began learning how to use my Lighter energy and techniques. Having lightning powers was so cool!

Eventually, my parents noticed something was taking my focus away from school because my grades started to slip. They confronted me, and when I told them I was training to become a Hunter, they were devastated. They pleaded with me to give up, saying Hunters don't live long lives. Seeing the tears in my mother's eyes, I reluctantly agreed to abandon my dream.

But then, a week later, my father was eaten by a Shadow monster that attacked the highway.

The Hunters eventually killed the monster, but the damage was done. My mother, who once begged me not to become a Hunter, now encouraged me to follow that path. I had seen firsthand the kind of monsters Hunters fought every day, and the pain I felt watching my father being devoured by a Shadow monster fueled my resolve. I didn't want anyone else to experience that kind of loss.

So, when I graduated from high school at 18, I enrolled in the Hunter Force Academy. My performance as a student was so remarkable that I earned the nickname "Jason Thunderbolt" because of my lightning Lighter technique. But even then, I was second-best after Joshua Egoshin, who was the heir of the prestigious Egoshin Clan. Being second to him was expected, but it didn't stop me from pushing myself. Over time, Joshua and I became close friends.



After we graduated from the Academy and joined the Hunter Force Association, the harsh reality of our world hit us like a storm. I joined the HFA when I was 20, and now, at 26, I've risen to the rank of a Level 1 Hunter. But in those six years, only seven of the fourteen friends I made at the Academy are still alive. My parents were right—Hunters don't live long.

One thing has become clear to me over the past six years as a Hunter: Shadows are not meant to exist. They are a blight on humanity and Lighters alike, their only purpose to bring tragedy.

I'm not exaggerating when I say Shadows are what's wrong with this world. And I'm not alone in feeling this way. Many believe, as I do, that Shadows should be eradicated from existence. This is our duty as Hunters, and I won't stop until every Shadow has been wiped out.


Ever since the Kato Hamura incident in July, I've been put in charge of investigating the Kaimi Daja and why they stopped their mass shadowfication after encountering Kato Hamura. We discovered Kato's family lineage tied to the Shadows, so that area has been cleared. Now, we're investigating the members of the Kaimi Daja because it's highly unusual for Shadows, Lighters, and Humans to work together.

My friend Sanito Dyason, a fellow Lighter and Hunter, has been posing as a member of the Kaimi Daja while feeding me information. Together, we've been documenting everything.

It's now August 2021, and it's time to report our findings to the HFA head, Gabriel Esthath, and the board of directors of the Hunter Force Association.

Jason: (adjusts his tie to look and knocks at the door)

Gabriel: (from inside) Come In

Jason: (Opens the door and walks in) Excuse me sir.

Gabriel Esthath, a 50-year-old human, has been the head of the Hunter Force Association for about ten years. Lighters aren't allowed to hold this position or be part of the board of directors because humans didn't want to feel relegated to just being protected. This policy was also meant to instill confidence and hope in other humans that they were actively contributing to the fight against Shadows.

Gabriel: Ahhhh Jason. I assume you're here with your report on the Kaimi Daja?

Jason: Yes sir. (shows him the file in his hand)

Gabriel: Good. I'd like you to tell us the details of your investigation and what you've learned about the Kaimi Daja.

Jason: Yes sir.

Jason took a deep breath as he looked at the seven members of the board of directors before beginning his explanation.

Jason:(clears his throat) From the recent investigation carried out by Hunter Sanito and myself, we've discovered that the group known as the Kaimi Daja is a terrorist organization consisting of Shadows, Lighters, and Humans.

The board members reacted with shock and disbelief, questioning how this could be possible.

"Huh?? How is that possible??!!"

"Are you sure that report is accurate??!!!"

"There's just no way that's possible!!"

"Shadows, Lighters, and Humans cooperating? There's no way!"

"Is that even true??"

These are the questions that the board of directors were asking because they were surprised and this was the first time they were hearing of this. Some of them began to doubt Jason's report.

Gabriel:(standing up to restore order) Gentlemen, I assure you that the report Jason has brought is accurate and legitimate. We have a Hunter on an undercover mission inside the Kaimi Daja, providing us with firsthand information.

Jason: (to himself) Great. The last thing I need is for these guys to call me a liar.

Gabriel: I trust Jason's report because he has been with us for six years, and I trust him more than any other Lighter I know—aside from Marlo, of course. (to Jason) Please continue.

Jason: (sighs) Yes, sir. According to our infiltrator, the Kaimi Daja was originally a mafia group before it was taken over by the current leader, who expanded it. Some members are criminals in our database, but we've failed to capture them. The Humans in the group help gather funds but don't participate in large-scale activities. Sanito has managed to gather some names of the Kaimi Daja members, including their leader.

Gabriel: Proceed...

Jason: The name's that we've been able to get are as follows:

1. Desmond Gravy (A lighter we know nothing about yet)

2. Lorra Hawks (Killed a certain amount of people in a small town but we haven't been able to catch her)

3. Lokk Ensho (A lighter we know nothing about yet)

4. Veto Sanks (A criminal lighter that we have in our database)

5. Giles (A criminal shadow who specializes in robbing businesses)

6. Zero (The leader of the Kaimi Daja and is apparently a human. His real name is not known)

7. Jokita Rohein (A Shadow we know nothing about yet)

Jason: These are all the members that we know off for now. Sanito is still inside the Kaimi Daja gathering Intel.

Gabriel: You've done well, Jason. Also, instruct Sanito to return immediately. Staying too long in enemy territory is dangerous.

Jason: Yes sir. (Hands over the file to Gabriel)

The board and Gabriel discussed how to handle the Kaimi Daja, pondering how a human could unite such a diverse group despite the ongoing conflict between races. They agreed to wait for Sanito's return to gather the remaining information and take down the Kaimi Daja before they make their next move.

They also discussed the new students who recently enrolled in the Hunter Force Academy and how they all passed the entrance exams. After the meeting ended, Gabriel called Jason for a private word.

Gabriel: I want you to join the Hunters who will be teaching the new students at the Academy.

Jason: (cartoonish expression) Huh? Why me, sir?

Gabriel: (lighting his cigarette) Because you're one of the strongest Hunters we have, and I believe you should pass on your skills and knowledge to the new recruits. Plus, we're short on staff after the mass shadowfication event killed many of our teachers.

Jason: (cartoonish expression) Right, right. I'll do it.

Gabriel: Marlo and Egoshin have already agreed to teach, too. Lisa is already a teacher there, so it'll be easier with your friends around, right?

Jason: I guess so sir.

Gabriel: You've got dark circles around your eyes. Aren't you sleeping well?

Jason: I'm fine, sir. The dark circles are from not sleeping well since I watched my dad get eaten right in front of me. But I'll be fine so don't worry

Gabriel: (blowing smoke) I see. Don't push yourself too hard.

Jason: Yes, sir. I'll be going now. (walks away)

Gabriel: Goodluck Jason.

Jason: (to himself) Good luck, he says. Now I have to "pass on my knowledge and skills" to a bunch of brats. Man, this isn't going to be fun.

As soon as Jason left Gabriel's office, Gabriel picked up his phone and sent a coded message to Sanito: "Echo Sierra Yankee Lima Oscar Uniform Romeo November Delta Echo Lima Echo Alpha Victor Echo Charlie Oscar Tango Oscar November," which stood for "The boss says you should leave now."

Meanwhile, in another building elsewhere, Sanito received the message, immediately deleted it, and began preparing to leave. But then, someone tapped him on the shoulder and, with a sinister voice, asked, "Where are you going?"


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