
//24// The arena 1

The next day, Arsenal was up early in the morning, nothing mattered to him more than winning this contest and gaining the crystal. And just as Ohana had said, he needed to get there on time to participate.

While Ohana was yet to wake up, Arsenal took the mask from the previous day and put it on. To avoid anyone pulling it out unexpectedly, Arsenal had no choice but to glue it to his skin, ignoring Ohana's warning about how difficult and impossible it might be to take off later.

"Later doesn't matter, now does." He assured himself.

Arsenal picked up the knife that he had used the previous day to kill the gazelle and quickly sheathed it. He also grabbed a small bottle of water that he had kept over the night and a healing potion that O'nar had given him just in case of injuries.

"Hopefully when I level up, I can get these things from the system and not have to carry them along with me." He uttered, and just then, Ohana's voice came from behind him.
